22 March 2007

Our Ref.: HS-22713/4700001

Combined Meeting of the Chemical Tanker Committee (CTC 29)


Chemical Tanker Subcommittee (Americas) (CTSCA 8)

Held on the 7th February 2007

Southshore Harbor Resort and Conference Center

2500 Southshore Blvd

League City, Texas 77060



Company / First Name / Last Name
B&H Equimar Singapore Pte. Ltd / Mr. / Steffen / Tunge
Stolt Nielsen Transportation Group BV / Mr. / Lars / Modin
Laurin Maritime (America) Inc. / Mr. / Nils Kristian / Berge
Interorient Navigation Co. Ltd / Capt. / Steve / Hardy
Broere Shipping BV / Mr. / Roel / Vermeulen
Stolt Nielsen Transportation Group Inc. / Mr. / Soren C. / Ibsen
Odfjell USA Inc. / Mr. / John / Salvesen
Brostrom Tankers SaS / Mr. / Bruno / Caillard
Anglo-Eastern Ship management Ltd. / Capt. / Anuj / Chopra
Odfjell ASA / Mr. / Svend / Foyn-Brunn
ChevronTexaco Shipping / Mr. / Chris / Mantooth
ChevronTexaco Shipping / Mr. / Tim / Hewlett-Parker
INTERTANKO / Mrs. / Margaret / Doyle
INTERTANKO / Capt / Howard / Snaith
ABS / Mr. / Graham / Marshall

Apologies from:

Capt. Eddie Trotter (Shell Chemical LP)

Capt. Moriya Michihisa (Iino Singapore Pte. Ltd)
Capt. Amit Jain (Unix Line Pte. Ltd)

Capt. Claus Thornberg (Camillo Eitzen & Co AS)

Mr. Luciano Casella (Finbeta SpA)
Capt. Alasdair Campbell (MOL Tankship Management (Europe) Ltd)

Capt. Victor Goldberg (Crowley Petroleum Services)
Capt. Bill Millar (Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group BV)

Mr. Jan Johansen (Seatrans DA)

Mr. Harald Nesse (Jo Tankers AS)

Capt. Haruhisa Fujino (NYK Bulkship (Europe) Ltd)

Mr. Bruno Caillard Brostrom Tankers

Capt. Amarjit Singh (Aurora Tankers Sdn)

(Appendix 2 includes the business cards of those attending the meeting)


The Chairman welcomed all those present and brought the committees attention to INTERTANKO’s Anti-trust and competition guidelines and read out the following statement:

INTERTANKO’s policy is to be firmly committed to maintaining a fair and competitive environment in the world tanker trade, and to adhering to all applicable laws which regulate INTERTANKO’s and its members’ activities in these markets. These laws include the anti-trust/competition laws which theUnited States, the European Union and many nations of the world have adopted to preserve the free enterprise system, promote competition and protect the public from monopolistic and other restrictive trade practices. INTERTANKO’s activities will be conducted in compliance with its Anti-trust/Competition Law Guidelines.

The committees took note accordingly.


The committee had approved the previous meetings minutes from the last meetings (CTSCA #7 and CTC #28) by e-mail and the minutes are posted on the members’ area of the INTERTANKO web site in the usual manner.

3. Action Points Arising from CTC 28 and CTSCA 7

3 .1 CTSCA # 7 Action Point Review

The committee reviewed the action points arising from the last meeting of the CTSCA and took note that most had been completed. Because of the proximity timing of the next CTAC and ESPH meetings relative to this meeting, some of the work is ongoing and will be addressed at those meetings. The following action points arose on this occasion following due discussion of the secretaries report:

Action Point #1: With regards to action point #1 of the CTSCA meeting the committee further agreed that when the CTSCA was reviewing and exploring the wider promulgation of a standard MSDS for MARPOL Annex II cargoes, and investigating how this can be promoted and utilised as a standard within the industry; then the CTSCA should approach CDI for assistance with regards to progressing and promoting a common standard of use by the chemical industry.
Action Point # 2: The committee was provided with a list of the missing data at the meeting and it was agreed that this would be included in the minutes to the meeting. This list is therefore included in Appendix 1 to these minutes.
Action Point # 3: The committee took note that there remains a lack of consistency within the Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG) and that no response had been received by the ESPH to date in our efforts to have this addressed. The committee agreed therefore that now the implementation date had passed, regarding MARPOL Annex II, efforts will be re-enforced to raise our concerns at ESPH and/or with IACS, and agreed that a submission to MEPC requesting that the matter be raised at ESPH may the best way to address our concerns.
Action Point # 4: A question was raised regarding the 1999 manual on oil pollution and the OPRC HNS Protocol and the relationship between them; if any. It was agreed that the secretary will investigate and advise the committee accordingly.
Action Point # 5: The committee reviewed a submission by IPTA to BLG 11 (BLG/11/3/3) regarding a suggestion that the provisional tripartite assessments should be made available on IMO's public domain website, it was agreed that INTERTANKO would also submit a document in support of this concept.

3.2 CTC #27 Action Point Review

The committee reviewed the action points arising from the last meeting and took note that all had being completed. However the following action points arose following due discussion of the secretaries report:

Action point # 6 :With regards to CTC action Point # 2 that the revisions of DCE’s currently been undertaken by the IIG Human Element task group should include training in the inert gas regulations, the committee still agreed that the rules for inert gas should be simplified it was noted that other rules/requirements should also be taken into account by the IIG such as vapor returns etc to ensure any simplification of the rules did not conflict with any other requirement or usual practice within the chemical trade.

4. US Coast Guard Update

4.1 – Report from the CTAC MARPOL Annex II Work Group

The committee took note of the report made by the secretary and as per the agenda notes. As a consequence, the committee agreed that a submission should be made to MEPC 56 raising our concerns that that viscosity requirements for solidifying cargoes is not been included in the shipping documents, as it should be. The committee took note that the deadline for submission (of non-bulky items) to MEPC 56 is the 4th May 2007).

Action Point # 7: Make a submission to MEPC 56 (prior to 4th May 2007) raising our concerns that that viscosity requirements for solidifying cargoes is not been included in the shipping documents, as it should be to assist with identification of pre-wash requirements.
Action Point # 8: Request the Documentary Committee to further review the INTERTANKO Pre-wash clause with regards to the requirement upon a shipper to provide the viscosity information to the owner and that if this is not supplied then any pre-wash that would required is to be for the charterers account.

4.2 – Report from the CTAC HCTS Subcommittee (ANOA and CDC)

The report was noted and expressed its deep regret at the passing of Mrs. Alice Johnson of the HCTS.

4.3 - HOGANSAC Report

The committee took note report provided by the CTSCA Chairman regarding the survey request, circulated by INTERTANKO on behalf of HOGANSAC for vessels that call in the Houston area Galveston area.

This survey report request has been well circulated in our weekly news and is on our web site at the following link http://www.intertanko.com/templates/Page.aspx?id=41381

4.4 – Reception Facilities Reporting - INTERTANKO/US Coast Guard Efforts

The committee took note of the report. It was however agreed to request the Environmental committee to re-urge our members to make the best use of the reception facility reporting forms and encourage them to submit this information to INTERTANKO.

Action Point # 9: Request the Environmental committee to re-urge our members to make the best use of the reception facility reporting forms and encourage them to submit this information to INTERTANKO.

5. MARPOL Annex II


The Committee took note of and praised the recent publication of the MARPOL Annex II Booklet “The revisions to MARPOL Annex II, A Practical Guide” This is available in electronic PDF format on the INTERTANKO web site and available in hard copy as well. The Guide has been produced free of charge and is available to members and none members alike. The publication has received wide acclaim and is also available on the FOSFA and BP web sites.

5.2 - The 3000m3 Question, an update and report

The Committee discussed at length the various correspondences between INTERTANKO, the United Kingdom Government, The Dutch and Singapore Government with regards to the revisions of MARPOL Annex II with particular regard to the 4.1.3 revisions and the filling restrictions regarding IMO ship Type 2 and Ship Type 3 cargo tanks for footnote “k” vegetable oils. The committee also noted that INTERTANKO is currently in discussion with Norway regarding a possible joint submission to IMO and an update on this aspect will be provided by the secretary in due course.

5.3 - Product Classification Problems

The committee was briefly updated on the issue and the committee took note. CTC and CTSCA members were advised to forward any information regarding problems with cargoes that have not been able to be shipped as a result of lack of data to the secretariat.

5.4 - Biofuels - Carriage Issues

The committee took note of the report.

5.5 INTERTANKO Model Pre-wash Clause

See comments and action Items under section 4.1 of these minutes and action Items 7 & 8

5.6 Pre-wash issues - contact with FOSFA

See comments and action Items under section 4.1 of these minutes and action Items 7 & 8

5.  DHS Anti-Terrorism

The committee took note of the report.

6.  IIG Update

The Committee took note of the report in the agenda. See also action point # 6 under item 3.2

7.  INTERTANKO/FOSFA Stainless Steel Project

The current status of this project was provided for the committee by way of the agenda and the secretary provided an update of the current discussions within the FOSFA working group of the FOSFA Oils & Fats Committee regarding the various comments received within the group regarding the report and the differences of opinion pertaining to how the matter should now proceed. The committee will be kept advised as the issue progresses.

8.  Ship Emissions BMP Draft

Recommendations for Best Management Practices to Control and Reduce Inadvertent Cargo Vapor Emissions

At the previous CTSCA meeting, the CTSCA proposed that INTERTANKO should consider producing guidelines to reduce inadvertent cargo vapor release, similar to that developed by the American Waterway Operators, Best Management Practice (BMP) for INTERTANKO members with the intent of encouraging INTERTANKO members to incorporate these BMPs into their operations in order to proactively contribute to the control and reduction of emissions from tankers without the necessity of federal or state regulation. This proposal was subsequently endorsed by the INTERTANKO Council in November 2006 and the committee was requested to proceed with its work with the intent that this would be presented to Council at its meeting in Houston in March 2007 for final endorsement by Council.

The committee took note that some considerable work remained to complete the document but none the less agreed to complete this in the given time frame.

Action # 10: Complete the BMP in time for the March 2007 Council meeting.
Action Point # 11: The committee further agreed that once action point 10 was completed a small working group would be established to undertake an assessment of a second stage of these guidelines with regards to address cargo vapor emissions in relation with tank cleaning.
The committee agreed that this group would consist of Michael Wilson, Roel Vermeulen, James Prazak, John Salvesen, Soren Ibsen and Svend Foyn-Bruun.

9.  Cleaning Standard Terminology for Cargo Tanks.

This issue was raised at the previous CTC meeting and carried forward to CTC #29/CTSCA #8, and focuses on the problems stemming from the many different cleaning standards within the industry today for different grades of products. The concept of the proposal however, is “not” to create standard cleaning techniques but rather a simplification of the standard they need to be cleaned too. The issue stems from the IIG work with regards to concerns regarding over cleaning of cargo tanks and the associated pressure placed on ships crews to utilise solvents for tank cleaning.

Action Point # 12: The committee agreed to form a small working group consisting of James Prazak, Chris Mantooth, Svend Foyn-Bruun, and it was agreed to also approach CDI with an invitation to join the work group that would attempt to list a set of standards for noxious substances.
It was agreed to develop suitable terms of reference for the group to develop a set of broad cleaning standards (not techniques), which could cover approximately 80% of today’s noxious substances.

10. Administrative Matters

At the last meeting of the CTC the current chairman Lars Modin advised that he would have to stand down as chairman of the CTC due to a change in employers as his new employers did not own or operate chemical tankers. The committee therefore unanimously elected Svend Foyn-Bruun as the new Chairman of the CTC and Roel Vermeulen as the new Vice-Chairman of the CTC. The change took place upon completion of this meeting.

At this time the CTC Secretary and those present thanked the CTC Chairman (Lars Modin) for his many years of dedication to the committee both before his election to chairman and during his term as chairman. He was presented with an engraved INTERTANKO Shield and a small gift as a token of our appreciation.

11.  Any Other Business

The committee took note of the forthcoming INTERTANKO annual Tanker event that would be held in Houston on March 2007.

12.  Next Meetings

The futures meetings of the committees have previously been agreed as follows:

·  Wednesday 30th May CTC Meeting Singapore (Conrad Hotel)

·  Tuesday 11th September CTSCA “Cargo Vapor Working Group” Meeting Houston (TBC)

·  Wednesday 12th September CTSCA meeting Houston (TBC)