YEARS 8 & 9

How to understand your child’s report on WISE


  • The starting point for all our targets is the average result in the Key Stage 2 English and Maths tests which students sat at the end of Primary School. We use this result to set targets which allow each student to achieve Good Progress over the course of Years 7 to 11.
  • Targets for Y8 and 9 are already visible in WISE but these are still subject to change for French, computing, art, music and PE. You will find that targets and levels for these subjects end up lower than those for other subjects. This is because most students have not studied these subjects in a structured way at Primary school and therefore need a little extra time to reach the same levels as their other subjects.

GRADES (from Christmas 2016 only)

  • All subjects in Y8 and 9now use the 1-9 scale. This was introduced in 2015 for English and Maths but is now used for all subjects
  • For information about how to convert between the old and new grading systems, please see the relevant information available on the school website. The table below gives guidance about how the old National Curriculum levels we used last year compare to the new 1-9. It is important that you understand that the “number” given to your child may be lower this year than last and that this is normal. For example, if your child had an end of Y7 level of 5C, they would be making good progress in Y8 if they were awarded a grade 3.


  • Most subjects, apart from Choices for Life and extra literacy and numeracy, award Likely Grades. This is an indication of the grade your child is likely to achieve by the end of the year if they continue to work at the same rate as now
  • The colour coding on your child’s main progress page shows how the Likely Grade compares to the target:
  • Green = on track to meet or beat target
  • Amber = slightly below target
  • Red = well below target


  • Please see the separate document available on the school website


If you have any questions about the report or other data on WISE, please contact the Tutor or the person responsible for your child’s year group in the first instance: Y8 & 9 - Mr Riley