Present : Peter Lousada, Diana Kesterton, Sue Malleson, Mary Preen,

Phil Thomas, Sue Willis.


1. The benefits of producing a Plan were that it would have statutory status and would reflect local opinion. Overall, the volunteer Steering Committee decided that they would take responsibility for preparing the NP and would report regularly to the Parish Council through its two Parish Councillor members.

2. The Parish Council had considered the advisability of producing a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) and was of the opinion that it would be the best way of securing a sustainable plan for the future, which would meet the needs of the residents. Peter Lousada told the meeting that Woburn Sands is to preparing a NP and we should co-ordinate across our mutual borders if required.

3. While the plan for Milton Keynes may cover BB village, those present were of the opinion that local knowledge was necessary, and the needs of the community would be better met by a plan drawn up from within, rather than a future strategy being imposed from without. The NP would also draw on the existing Village Plan, prepared in 2009.

4. The first task was to decide on the Area to be covered by the NP and to have this approved by Milton Keynes Council after conferring with other parishes in the vicinity. PT to establish the exact Parish boundary. The area to be covered by the NP was to be decided after reviewing the options, if any. Decisions should be also be made on preferred village envelope arrangements.

5. Phil Thomas, representing the Parish Council, had attended a seminar held by Milton Keynes Council on the subject, where potential costs of carrying out the exercise had been discussed. While, if professionals are appointed, this could be sizeable, the meeting was confident that given the expertise within the community, Bow Brickhill could formulate a NP at minimum cost. The Parish Council may be able to assist with funds.

6. It has been estimated that the time required to complete the whole process may amount to 77weeks


Plan Process

It was important that the Process Map (taken from “the Guide for Ward Councillors”) should be followed implicitly.

1. The Steering Group (SG) will decide on the area to be covered and advise MKC in order to get approval.

2. SM will draft a letter to be sent to all organisations and local businesses in Bow Brickhill in January, inviting them to send a delegate to a preliminary/briefing meeting to be held in the Church Hall in April. This meeting would identify specific issues to be discussed prior to producing a first draft.

3. Invitations should be sent to the following:

Parish Council Preserve Bow Brickhill

Church (including ASTRA and Choir) School

Bow Brickhill Club Bow Brickhill Football Club

Brownies WI

Website Youth Club

David Hopkins Police

Wheatsheaf Blind Pond Farm

Project Champions Pre-School

Mums & Toddlers Group Drop-in Club

Lunch Club Little Stars

Bow Brickhill History Society Buccaneers

Bedford Estates Greensand Trust

Parochial Church Council Bedford to Bletchley Rail Users’

Book Club Association

Frank Morris Contracting Cyril Smith Haulage

Paul Bowdler Contracting Feddern (vet)

ASA Training Vehicle Transportation UK

Pet Concierge Kate Carter

Sue Malleson PR Andy Malleson

Electric Help Toombs Livery Mica Films

4.  Draft Plan - the SG will then pull together the various views and draft a NP for discussion at a further meeting which might include all residents as well as invited contributors. If residents have not been invited to comment up to this point, a further meeting will be called asking for support for what is being proposed within the draft NP.


Information will also be published in the Village Newsletters and placed on the village website.

SM will set up a web page and organise a logo for the NP

Some of the planning issues to be included will be:

Affordable housing

Anti-social behaviour

Community facilities

Preserving the character and balance of our unique neighbourhood, the

physical fabric and architecture, green character and spaces.

Traffic management

Improvements to leisure facilities- the playing fields and Pavilion

Drainage in the village, inc. Flood precautions, run-off and inadequate main


5. Following publication of the Draft NP, MKC will check it for legal compliance and it will then be checked by an independent inspector. Once approved, it will be referred to a referendum of all the village residents and it will then be adopted MKP.

Some further notes

1. South East Plan has not yet been rescinded.

2. The Milton Keynes Plan is under consultation/consideration.

3. Our green spaces need to be protected, especially the Area of Attractive Landscape and its hinterland. Downsview land on which an Order 4 is still extant must be addressed for the benefit of the community.

4. The NP must be compatible with National Strategies.

5. It is essential that the SG and anyone involved, understands that the NP is supposed to be about building neighbourhoods rather than stopping development.

6. Some of the specific plans already in existence are:

Blind Pond Farm

The “Melissa Jones” traffic calming/village centre proposals

PT will check if we need to contact landlords such as MK Housing Department and non-resident “Stakeholders”. Significant resident land owners need to be identified.

Copy will be sent to David Hopkins and Parish Clerk.