EYBA Regular Meeting Minutes

Parkview Community Hall, 9135 146 Street

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Participants: / Shaun Pope / Executive Director
Marvin Washington / President
Chad Bowie / Vice President
Lynn Hyska / Treasurer
Erika Washington / Secretary
Darlene Anstice / SBA
Brad Coleman / Willowby
Donna Haggstrom / NEBA
Nat Hoy / SE Swarm
Omar R. Valdez / Grovenor
Carr Miceli / Wellington
Rick Nisbet / Ermineskin
Connie Gilson / Yellowbird
Doug Baker / Southwest / Greenfield
Tim Walker / Riverbend
Christina Froberg / Parkview
Brian Anstice / SBA
Arden Spachynski / St. Albert
Regrets: / Dorri Martin / Glenora
Paula DeMay / Scona
Tracy Knutson / Leduc
Serge Forment / Morinville
Chuck Hebert / Wetaskiwin
  1. Call to Order Welcome
  2. Meeting called to order 6:52
  3. Acceptance of Previous Minutes
  4. Community Directors Meeting –Sunday September 13, 2009
  5. Motion with following change“Sandra Neumann tournament is in November,” Nat Hoy/Doug Baker/ carried
  6. Additions Approval of Agenda
  7. Add stop time, and A division, and H1N1
  8. Motion Nat Hoy /Rick Nisbet / carried
  9. Agenda Items
  10. Budget – The audit has been completed. General account has $1646.55, General account $336,516.39 including the matured investment certificate. The investment certificate will be renewed for 2 years.
  11. Go Center Update – They have received our check. Agreement to be signed possibly tomorrow night.
  12. Provincials – Working with Basketball Alberta to get the gyms. Gym location will be all over the city this year. Provincials is scheduled March 20th and 21st. There is a $2 parking fee at Concordia. Games at Concordia do start at 7:40 a.m.
  13. Mites/Tykes Basketball Program –With change in personnel in Beaumont it is unsure if the Mites / Tykes program will have a tournament. Shaun to follow-up with Beaumont.
  14. Mini Program–Discussion on how to manage new players and experienced player game play. Motion to establish a committee to review the mini program for February AGMby Lynn Hyska / Donna Haggstrom / carried.
  15. Bears and Pandas night out – Bear Night out is November 20th. Panda Night Out is November 21st. The tickets are only for players. Encourage teams to wear team jerseys. Bear for a day and Panda for a day will be posted on the web site.
  16. Stop Time–Midget,Juvenile, and Mini stop time is working. Motion that all Bantam games be changed to 8 minute stopped time immediately made by Doug Baker / Nat Hoy / carried.
  17. A division–The kick-off tournament was overall viewed as an effective means to get teams excited about A division. Learnings for next year will be to get bigger gyms.
  18. H1N1–Motion that the H1N1 policy by revised to reinstate shaking hands at the end of the games by Nat Hoy / Connie Gilson / carried. Donna Haggstrom will bring a group with information on sanitizing products to the next meeting.
  19. New Business
  20. Shaun and Marvin will be meeting with City sport representatives tomorrow.
  21. Marvin will be meeting with Paul Sir of Basketball Alberta this week.
  22. Adjournment
  23. Motion to adjourn 7:57 p.m. Arden Spachynski / Nat Hoy / carried