Date of birth


Board for the Upper Secondary

School in the city of Stockholm

APPLICATION for admission to the Upper Secondary School in Stockholm with English as the language of instruction.

The Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences programmes are offered in English at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium/International Section.

The International Baccalaureate is offered at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium/International Section and at the IB-school south.

This application form is used only for applying to the International Section at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium and for applying to the IB-school south by students who have studied abroad.

You may also apply to these programmes by the Internet and the regular application form.

Please contact the Admissions office for a password


The application should reach the Admissions office before the 16th of February.

Applications may also be accepted later than the 16th of February if the applicant is not living in Sweden on that date.

Sections A, B, C and D are to be completed by the applicant.

The application, a copy of the most recent school report, translated into English when necessary, and other papers that are of importance for admission should be sent to:

The Admissions office

Gymnasieintagningen Stockholms län

Box 4404



A / Surname and first name(s), please write the first name normally used with capitals
Date of birth
Year, month, day / Identity number
(Swedish registration number) / Male
Street address
Postal code number / Postal district / Country
Telephone number (including exchange code) / Telefax
Name of present school
Address of present school
Grade completed
Have you attended a school with Swedish as the language of instruction?
Yes, grades: / No
Have you attended a school with English as the language of instruction?
Yes, grades: / No
B / Which programme do you wish to take?If you wish to be considered for more than one programme, please write
"1" beside your first choice, "2" beside your second choice and so on.
The Natural Sciences programme at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium
The Social Sciences programme at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium
The International Baccalaureate at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium
The International Baccalaureate at IB-school south
Other school/programme
Please mark with an X if you have also sent in the regular Swedish application form.
Which language do you choose?During the first year you will study English and Swedish and one more language of your own choice. Further information can be given by the school.
Write "1" beside your first choice and "2" beside your second choice.
Continuation course / Number of years studied
French / German / Spanish
Beginners course / Number of years studied
French / German / Spanish
Your native language, if available, which is:
You must also choose one of the following: / Art / Music


C / Nationality / Mother tongue / Date of arrival in Sweden
Are you registered as a permanent resident in Sweden?
Yes, in the municipality (kommun) of
No not yet. In which municipality will you be registered?
No, my parent works at a foreign embassy and I will not be registered in Sweden.
Probable length of stay in Sweden
Permanent residents in the municipalities (kommuner) of Stockholm and Ekerö may be admitted to the Natural Sciences or the Social Sciences programmes in Stockholm and residents from Sundbyberg may be admitted to the Natural Sciences programme.
Residents from other municipalities may be admitted only if they have strong, personal reasons for applying to these programmes in Stockholm.
Applicants who's parent is employed at a foreign embassy may be admitted to any one of the programmes. A certificate from the embassy should accompany the application confirming the employment.
However, if the parent is employed at an embassy representing a country outside the EU then admission is possible only provided that they pay the school fees. A certificate from the embassy should accompany the application confirming that they are willing to pay the fees.
As for the IB at Kungsholmen's Gymnasium, priority is given to applicants who are temporary residents in Sweden, provided that they have a good educational back-ground. Permanent residents in Sweden may also be given priority to the places in the IB if they can show an assignment/contract confirming that the family will be moving abroad within a couple of years.
D / State your reasons for preferring tuition in English
Student's signature / Parent's/Guardian's signature
UtbF 8195 09-03 / Page1(3)