UEFA “B” Licence – Level 2 Coaching Course


The course is designed to assist coaches in the preparation, development and consolidation of the player’s / teams technical, tactical, mental and physical development as well as maximising their performance.


To provide coaches with the ability to:

  • Identify stages in the development of players at the Train to Compete and Train to Win phase
  • Plan, organise and implement linked coaching sessions
  • Develop tactical and positional skills as well as team performance
  • Develop soccer specific conditioning and strength training
  • Optimise fitness and soccer preparation for performance
  • Plan, implement and review sessions in a safe and friendly environment

Entry Requirements:

Course candidates will be Coaches with a FAI Level 1 Youth Certificate. UEFA “B” Licenceis part of the Level 2 Coaching programme within the FAI’s Coach Education Scheme.

It is recommended that a minimum period of 12-months should have elapsed following completion of Youth Cert before applying for the UEFA “B” Licence, and all applicants should be actively coaching at an appropriate level.


120 course contact hours of which Youth Cert will account for 45 hours consisting of:

  1. Practical & Theory
  2. Logbook
  3. Learning Workshops
  4. Final Assessments


Coaching Practice: Is task based and continuously evaluated for the coaches. Candidates must complete the following coaching practice sessions:

  • 4 Graded Sessions
  • 1 Final Assessment

Logbook: The coaches must complete a Log Book consisting of:

  • 6 x 1.5 hour coaching sessions
  • Match analysis task and 5 x 1.5 hour coaching sessions

Workshops: Candidates must attend the following Workshops:

  • Laws of the Game
  • Fitness in Football
  • Medical

Candidates will be required to sit:

  • Oral Interview on Log-book (15 minute)
  • Theory Examinations (submitted via email)

On successful completion of all stages the candidate is awarded their UEFA “B” Level 2 Licence.

Full attendance is compulsory to gain certification, and no exemptions will be granted for any module or aspect of the course.


UEFA “B” coaches will receive a FAI Level Two Certificate as part of Coaching Ireland’s Development Programme and a UEFA “B” Coaching Licence.

Successful candidates must also attend 15 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions within three years of completing their UEFA “B” Licence in order to keep their Licence Diploma valid.

Course Fee:

€975, inclusive of lunch, dinner, coaching fees/ tuition, course materials and FAI Umbro kit.