Minutes – Draft

Northern Locality Forum

28thSeptember2015 5:45pm - Cowpen Training Centre, Hereford Terrace

Val Scollen (Old Billingham Community Centre)
Pat Chambers (Billingham Legacy Foundation),Fred Gook (Neighbourhood Watch),Colin Pollard (Billingham Town Council),Jim Scollen (Billingham Voice),Bert Smailes (SBP),Gill Smith (Business rep),Cllr Barry Woodhouse (SBC),
*Members are representing their nominating body.
Laurayne Featherstone, Haleem Ghafoor(Stockton Borough Council)James Hadman (Catalyst), Dianne Rickaby (Billingham Town Council), Sharon Bartram (MoreLife)
Kevin Pitt, CHAIR (BELP), Kelly Smith (Stockton Borough Council), Audrey Moriarty (DAG),Pam Gook (Low Grange Residents Association), Janet Capstick(North Billingham Methodist Church), Cllr Mick Stoker (SBC)
  1. Welcome and Introductions
Val Scollen (VS) welcomed everyone to the meeting and all members introduced themselves. / Noted
2. Apologies
As noted above. / Noted
3. Declaration of interests
VSDOI as an interest as a member of Billingham Legacy Foundation and Billingham Community Newspaper. / Noted
4. Minutes of Previous meeting and Matters arising
Members were informed that Audrey Moriarty has resigned from the Forum. VS suggested that a thank-you card is sent on behalf of the NLF to say thankyou for her contributions.
It was noted that KP has sent a letter to Healthwatch regarding nursing provision and is awaiting a response.
No matters arising
Minutes of previous meeting agreed. / KS to send card to AM.
5 Obesity Update
Sharon Bartram (SB) gave an update on the programmes currently running in Billingham across all the schools and centres. This includes parent only programmes in Port Clarence, Northfield, and Footsteps Children’s Centre etc. It is planned to run family programmes in Oakdene in Jan 16and in High Grange in Oct 16. It is also planned to work with the Colleges, GP Practicesas well as taking part in fun days too.MoreLife have also been engaged in lots of events in Billingham for example the Carnival and Legacy Foundation event. Overall SB felt that there had been lots of engagement with a wide range of stakeholders across Billingham.
Dianne Rickaby (DR) from Billingham Town Council gave an update on the obesity work they are undertaking with primarily age girls and linking them into sport.
Other activities taking place includes tennis, volley ball, football, hockey etc. DR informed members that they have engaged with over 80 young people through the community hub. Work is also taking place with American student volunteers. An ambassador group of young people has been established and are working around healthy eating and affordable meals with Stockton Riverside College i.e. health nutrition classes are being ran from the hub. The chairman of Councils chosen charity is also the Foodbank and a health fayre is also planned for Nov 2015.
Community Gardens are also being established at John White Head Park to grow vegetables.
It was suggested that the MUGA’s are utilised and competitions could be organised across area in Billingham. Elderly rugby and football walking was also discussed. It was noted that Cllr Clarke may have organised something similar. KS to investigate and circulate to members. It was suggested that Morelife and BTC could explore linking in with existing sports clubs in the area more.
DR stated that she will attend future task and finish groups. / Noted
KS to circulate details on walking bulletin.
6.Northern Locality Action Plan Task and Finish Group Updates
Fuel Poverty
VS gave an update on the promotion of Community Switch. Leaflets have been circulated to Low Grange areas. The town centre areas will be leafleted this weekend. Volunteers were requested to support this and to contact VS if available. It was noted that TADEA has closed.
There were no further updates.
Best Start in Life
HG gave an update on work taken place on increasing breastfeeding rates and venues across the borough. It was noted that the over 30 venues have been registered as being breastfeeding friendly on the National Childbirth Trust, where as previously there were none registered. HG requested case studies from anyone who they may know who has started to breastfeed as a result of these intervention’s. DR requested the breastfeeding pack be sent out to her. It was noted that New Life Resource Centre breastfeeding group is well attended. KS to explore undertaking some case studies with the group.
Maximising Family Income
An update was given on the work taken place with Oakdene, High Clarence’s and Pentland primary school. VS informed members that new members are joining every week. It was suggested that Simply Spend & Save is promoted through the Billingham Community Newspaper. KS to provide PC details. / Noted.
KS to post out breastfeeding pack.
KS to explore developing a case study
KS to send PC details on Simply, Spend & Save
7. Draft Northern Locality Forum Action Plan
HG gave an update on progress with the Action Plan. For more details contact KS. / Noted
8. Any Other Business
The Community Governance Review – Laurayne Featherstone
Laurayne Featherstone (LF) informed members that SBC had received a community governance petition which has called for the abolition of Billingham Town Council. A letter outlining the process and details of this has been sent to the Chair KP. LF informed members of the process and key stages. Views are being sought from local government electors and key stakeholders of which NLF is one from the 17th September until the 31st October 2015. It was agreed that the Appendix 1, terms of reference is circulated in advance to all members. A map of the area to also be circulated.
It was agreed in the absence of the Chair, a discussion will be had with him and a closed meeting will be held before the deadline date.
It was noted that members must remember that they are representatives of organisations / groups on the Forum and not as individuals with personal views.
James Hadman (JH)informed members that the next Catalyst Conference is taking place on the 29th October 2015, at Bede College. / KS to circulate Appendix 1 and a map of area.
9. Date and Time of Next Meeting-
The next meeting will take place on the 30th November 2015, at 5:45pm at the Hereford Centre. / Noted