Homework 7 (Calculator not allowed) Name:

1) 4 + 6 = 10. Find 4 other pairs of numbers which add up to 10.

...... + ...... = 10 ...... + ...... = 10 ...... + ...... = 10 ...... + ...... = 10 (2)

2) 15 school students were asked their age.

a) Complete the tally column and

frequency column for this data (2)

b) Which age is the mode? ...... (1)

c) One more student was asked his age.

The range of ages has gone up. Write down how old this

student could have been.

...... years old (1)

3 a) The time on a digital clock is 7:15. b) The time shown on the analogue clock below is

Show this time on the analogue clock below in the afternoon. Write this time as shown on a 24

By drawing the hands of the clock. hour digital clock.


4) A purse contains these coins:

a) How much money does the purse contain in total? ...... (1)

b) More coins are added to the purse to bring the total to exactly £1. List the coins which could have

been added to the purse.


...... (2)

5 a) Here is a line segment.

Measure the length of the line segment.

Write your answer in millimetres.

...... mm (1)

b) Write down how many centimetres are in 1 metre...... cm (1)

c) Here is a right angle.

Explain how we know.

...... (1)

1 a) Joshua asked 40 people if they eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables

each day. 15 people said yes and 25 people said no. Complete the

pictogram using the key u to represent 5 people. (1)

b) Roisin asked 15 pupils whether they wear a watch. She drew a

pictogram but forgot to complete the key.

How many pupils does ¼ represent? ...... pupils (1)

2) Complete the boxes to make each calculation correct. You can use any values.

+ + = 12 (1) × = 12 (1)

÷ = 12 (1) × + = 12 (1)

3 a) Look at the scale

What value is the arrow pointing to? ...... (1)

b) Here is a different scale. Draw an arrow so that it shows the value 60.


0 100

4) Use the price list to work out the costs.

c) Charlie spends exactly £2. Give two different ways that he could have spent £2.

An example is: Two apple turnovers and 1 jam doughnut.

i)  ...... (1)

ii)  ...... (1)

5 a) What number should you add to 34 to make 100? ...... (1)

b) Work out each of the following. You must show full workings to get the mark.

i) 81 ÷ 3 ii) 2178 – 392

(1) (1)

1 a) The number chain below is part of a doubling number chain. Fill in the missing numbers.


b) The number chain below is part of a quartering number chain. Fill in the missing numbers.


2) There are five number cards. Each card shows a different positive whole number.

It is certain that the card will show a number less than 10.

It is impossible that the card will show a prime number. What numbers are on the cards?


3) These are average temperature comparisons between months of the year in 2011 and 2012 in Russia

Month / 2011 Average Temp (oC) / Temperature rise or fall from 2011 to 2012 (oC) / 2012 Average Temp (oC)
January / -9 / + 2
February / -15 / -7
March / 2 / -3

4) A game involves throwing two fair six sided dice. The score is found by multiplying the numbers

× / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
2 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 12
3 / 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 18
4 / 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24
5 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
6 / 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 / 36



1) Fill in the missing numbers a) 12 of 40 = 14 of ...... (1) b) 13 of 30 = 23 of ...... (1)


3 a) There are four people in a quiz team. Their ages are 12, 14, 16 and 17.

Work out the median age...... (1)

b) Another quiz team of four people has an age range of 5 years.

The two youngest members are 11. How old is the oldest? ...... (1)

4) Use compasses to construct a triangle that has sides of

6 cm, 5 cm and 4 cm. Leave all construction lines.

One side has been drawn for you. (2)

5 a) A text book costs £17.00. A school buys 35 text books. Work out the total cost of the text books.

You must show your workings.

£ ...... (2)

b) The school buys another set of 45 text books. The total cost of the books is £405. Work out the cost

for each book, showing full workings.

£ ...... (2)

6) Solve these equations.

a) 5m – 3 = 17 b) 4k + 3 = 13 c) x3 = 7

m = ...... (1) k = ...... (1) x = ...... (1)

1) This is how shapes A and B fit together to make an isosceles triangle

Shape B is a trapezium. Work out

the size of each of the four angles

in Shape B.

Workings: ......



2 a) Add 412 and 86 ...... (1)

Use an arrow to mark the answer on the number line (1)

b) Work out 212÷34 Show full working ......

...... (2)

3 a) The diagram shows a rectangle with dimensions 2b by 7b.

Write simplified expressions for the area and the perimeter.

Area = ...... Perimeter = ...... (2)

b) A different rectangle has an area of 16a2 and a perimeter of 20a.

What are the dimensions of this rectangle? Dimensions: ...... by ...... (1)

4 a) Here are six number cards. Arrange the cards to make

the calculation correct. The first one has been completed.

747 = + 1413 = + (1)

b) Arrange the cards to make the sum as large as possible: + (1)


1) The scatter diagram shows information about

the amount of income earned.

a) Describe the relationship between years

worked and the amount of income earned.


...... (1)

b) Use the scatter diagram to estimate the

income earned by Peter who has worked

for 7 years.

c) Here are some statements about drawing lines of best fit...... (1)

Tick to show whether the statement is True or False.

Lines of best fit must always

True False True False

Pass through the origin o o Pass through every point on the graph o o

Have a positive gradient o o Join the smallest and largest values o o (2)

2) The table shows the number of boys and girls in Years 9, 10 and 11. A student is chosen at random.

3 a) A car journey involves travelling 10 miles in 10 minutes. Work out the average speed of the journey.

...... (1)

b) A car is travelling at an average of 24 miles per hour. It travels for 40 minutes. How far did it travel?

...... (1)

c) Samuel travels at an average of 30 miles per hour for 20 minutes, and 40 miles per hour for 30

minutes. Work out Samuel’s average speed for the whole journey.


...... (2)

4) Students are given the equation 7x + 2 = 5x – 9. For each statement, tick (ü) True or False.

True False True False True False

12x = -7 o o 11 = -2x o o 2x = -7 o o

2x + 2 = -9 o o 9x = -4x o o x = -9+22 o o (4)

5) Tick the correct box: When x is even, (x – 1)2 is always o Odd o Even

Show how you know it is true for all even values of x.

...... (1)

1) Look at the graph. A line passes through points A and B

a) Explain how we know that the gradient of the line shown is 0.3

...... (1)

b) Point A has coordinates (-6 , 2). Write the equation of the line

...... (2)

c) Write the equation of a line parallel to the line shown...... (1)

2) Solve the inequalities showing full working.

a) 10(2y+1)4>5 b) 3(2-3x)15<1




...... (2) ...... (2)

c) Louis is solving m2 < 16. He says m must be between 0 and 4. Explain why he is not correct.

...... (1)


...... (1)

4) The cumulative frequency diagram shows the lengths of worms found in a garden.

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