Societies Council Minutes
Monday 4thNovember 2013
Activities Room, Cooper Building
Banking & Finance, Hindu, PsychologySocieties to be Ratified
-History-Business Planning
-Real Estate
-Latitude TV
-Believers Love World
-Media Production
-Creative Film
Both the Viet Society and International Union Society were unable to attend Council for ratification this month and will present their society proposal at the next scheduled Council in December.
Royal Ascot Trip
Dan Cooper, an Events Management student, attended to let the Societies representatives know that he is a trip to Royal Ascot through the “Give It A Go” scheme, due to the fact that this event had been organised last year and was a success. Dan indicated that the price that would be charged for the event should be no more than £10 although depending on numbers of students interested there is a possibility of the event being free to students.Dan also mentioned that it may be possible to organise additional activities whilst at the racecourse, for example meeting the racehorses, receiving a tour of the paddock etc. Anyone interested in attending should contact Dan () for more details.
Sustainability Hub
Ana Lopez (Sustainability Hub Coordinator) updated Council on the Greenwich Sustainability Hub and opportunities available to students. It was noted that the Union have a number of positions available for ‘Green Ambassadors’ whose role will be to develop the Green Impact Enterprise and other Sustainability Hub projects, drive its targets and actively encourage students to become green.Ana also let Council know that the Student Eats allotment is based at Avery Hill and holds open sessions for anyone to come along and get involved with, and encouraged all groups to get involved with the allotment and to keep an eye out for special events.
Society Updates
St John Ambulance LinksMembers: 27
Progress/Activities: 25 members have since completed a first aid awareness course.
Future Aims/Objectives: Members to undergo CRB checks so that they may work at events when fully trained and the purchase/allocation of uniforms.
Members: 20 students interested and 9 have paid membership.
Members: 21 with a further 10 interested.
Progress/Activities: Have held their first meeting of the year and planned their first event at Sparrows
Future Aims/Objectives: ‘Zoo Project’ night will be held at Sparrows on
Have held their first meeting of this academic year and a number of social events.
Future Aims/Objectives: Discussions surrounding their event “gay bombing” rose which will be held at Sparrows on ‘Team Greenwich presents… Skittles’ night and aims to tackle the issue of homophobia on campus.
The maths society was noted as having organised a wealth of events with a high volume of member participation. They have held guest lectures with a variety of speakers which have all been successful.
Future Aims/Objectives: Although maths orientated, the society also plans to hold social events such as theatre trips or a visit to a theme park.
Members: 50
Progress/Activities: The Law Society has held many meetings which has also included several moots/debates.
Future Aims/Objectives: The society is in the process of organising a trip to Brussels to see the EU parliament.
PR Fraternity
Progress/Activities: John Waite from Great British Bake Off gave a lecture and attended Q&A session which was a great success.
Future Aims/Objectives: An alumni speaker is attending a lecture and Q&A session with the fraternity. February will also see a Kiss FM official speak to the group about PR and provide hints/tips for the group.
Members: 30+
Future Aims/Objectives: Currently planning a charity week and an Islamic awareness week for the next academic term. There was an expression of interest to establish a panel of speakers/committee members from various religious societies to increase interfaith dialogue.
The Climbing Society has held the first of their termly open days for people to come and try the activity for the first time. Their social media pages have been receiving significant interest which looks promising.
Nigerian Students Association
A celebration was held by NSA for the anniversary of Nigerian independence.
Economics and Banking
Members: 111
Progress/Activities: Eventa are being held each week including business orientated games and workshops which sometimes involve guest speakers on how to set up your own business.
Anime and Games
Members: Payments from some CMS students are still outstanding. Society was advised by Council to chase this.
Progress/Activities: Society receives continuing support from a university CMS lecturer and meets on a weekly basis.
Members: 5
Progress/Activities: Attempting to gather more members and are in the process of building up more interest.
Future Aims/Objectives: Interested in increasing interfaith dialogue with other religious societies. Interested in some sort of event night with other religious groups.
Progress/Activities: schedule of shows is mostly completed and most interested presenters are trained and hosting their shows. ‘Latitude Live Lounge’ has been set up and can record live performances in the studio from students and guests, to be broadcast and recorded for the artists to own.
Future Aims/Objectives: Society expressed a desire to enter the Student Radio Association Awards 2014 and continue to look for ways to develop the station.
Latitude Lookout
Activities/Progress: Content for the next issue is finished, and the first issue of the year is being delivered 5th November and will be available on campus shortly afterwards. There was an expression of interest to do profiles of each society within the paper to attempt to bolster sports and society awareness.
Members: 55
Activities/Progress: Society has been and will continue to hold regular social events.
Future Aims/Objectives: The society are planning a number of speakers to give lectures to keen marketing students.
Christian Union
Progress/Activities: The Christian Union has received a wealth of interest since its formation and has also been in contact with local churches who have expressed a desire to support the society.
Future Aims/Objectives: The society will be expanding to the Avery Hill campus this year to satisfy the high level of student interest.
Music Video Production
Progress/Activities: So far the society has shot one video and is currently enhancing its skills. It has recently held its first interest meeting which appeared to be successful and interest was received.
Future Aims/Objectives: The next video is expected to be completed and released after 23/11/2013.
Rock Solid Christian Fellowship
Activities/Progress: Group meets every week and undertakes regular Bible study together, sometimes with a speaker or assistant from a local ministry.
Future Aims/Objectives: The society will be working with their partner society at Medway campus.
Conclusions from Society Briefings
Societies were reminded that they should inform the Activities team of any developments/significant events as soon as possible so that the Students Union can communicate any good news or help with any problems – if groups write a brief summary of the news and include photos then it can be included in SUUG news or other Union communications.
Updates from Union Council
Proposal to change the commencement date for the position of Full Time Sabbatical OfficerTony Whitehead VPSA informed Societies Council that the Union Council voted to change the appointment date of full time sabbatical officers. Successful candidates that are elected into full time sabbatical roles will now begin serving their term on 1st July each year rather than 1st August.
Safety on Campus
Tony Whitehead VPSA announced to Societies Council that Union Council also made the decision to run a campaign about a ‘safety on campus’ awareness scheme to improve students own understanding of their personal safety whilst on campus.
Election of Societies Rep to Union Council
Agreed to be held after Ratifications to allow everyone to stand and time for attendees to decide if they wish to run.
Room Bookings form & Visiting Speakers
CT let everyone know that a new version of the room booking form had been uploaded to the committee handbook – it includes a few more questions and space for details of any guest speakers. The alteration is because of needing to know more information when booking University rooms, and shouldn’t have any big impact. All groups were advised that they need to use the new room booking form from now onwards.
HistoryProposer (Josh Knight) explained that this society would be open to anyone to join who had any interest in history from either an academic or educational perspective. Activities would include debates and discussions on a range of different historical events. Guest speakers would be invited to attend debates and also give lectures to anyone who would be interested.
Yes – 17No – 0Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
Business Plan Competition
Proposer (Mia Abouri) explained that the competition involved a prize of up to £5000 in order to contribute towards the start-up costs associated with new businesses. Anyone is welcome to take part.
Q. What will you do after the competition?
A. There are other prizes to be won other than the money which can be worked towards. The society shall also exist to mentor and support other people who wish to enter the competition at t later date or start up their own business,
Yes – 15No – 0Abstain - 1
Society Ratified
Proposer (Patrick Hollins) explained that the society would exist to bring together those who share an interest in photography and to provide a service to Sparrows Bar as a photographer for the event nights. Furthermore a photography society would work closely with other groups to photograph and document their events.
Q. Which groups do you want to work with?
A. Everyone.
Q. Would you charge any groups you work with?
A. As a society we would aim to offer our services for free.
Q. Will there be any training involved of the members?
A. Yes, training will be done internally through sharing knowledge, hints and tips so that skills are shared.
Yes- 19No- 0Abstain- 0
Society Ratified
Proposer (Eny Unthiah) explained to Council what Henna was for those who did not know and explained that it is a form of temporary tattoo which lasts for around five days. The components of the ink are all naturally sourced and can be used on household products such as candles which could potentially be sold as a fundraising item.
Yes- 16No- 0Abstain- 0
Society Ratified
Proposer (Rishin Patel) explained how the Students Union used to have a poker society which then went inactive for a brief period although there are now students who are interested in restarting it. Rishin explained how a poker league would be established on a termly basis as well as offering introductory classes to those who are new to the game. Rishin was keen to emphasize that this society would not purely interested in gambling.
Yes- 16No- 0Abstain- 3
Society Ratified
Real Estate
Proposer (Johan Pettersson) explained how he wanted to gather everyone with an interest in the Real Estate business and to invite speakers to discuss the property market. Johan stated he had the support of the university faculty who offer a Real Estate degree.
Q. How would the average student benefit?
A. This would be an opportunity to network, improve their CV, attend workshops and allow them to build a commercial awareness of the Real Estate industry.
Yes- 17No- 0 Abstain - 2
Society Ratified
UNICEF on Campus
Proposer (Folashade Enifeni) explained to Council how UNICEF help around the world and that the students at Greenwich could be a part of this by fundraise on behalf of UNICEF and its campaigns for example bake sales.
Q. Would you work with the RAG society?
Yes- 17No- 0Abstain- 4
Society Ratified
Latitude TV
Proposers (Zak Harney and Christine Alexander) explained that Latitude TV would work under the Latitude Media umbrella alongside Latitude Radio and Lookout. This group have already completed four videos promoting other union events in them. They stressed that this society would help students improve their skills of working to a deadline.
Q. What’s the difference between the other media groups from yours?
A. Latitude TV will have a quicker turnaround than other media groups and will have a constant flow of output. CT clarified that judging from the start up forms and society constitutions Latitude TV was different to the other media groups currently in existence due to the fact that although they all have an interest in the same area, each society represents a different segment from within the media field. CT referred to the Latitude TV start up form which emphasised that the nature of the proposed society in question concerns the delivery of videos quickly whereas Media Production Society are an academic group, the Creative Film Society focus on the content of films such as scripts and screenwriting whereas the Music Video Production solely look at videos with music.
In support, Music Video Production Society introduced the analogy of Chinese and Italian cooking; both are cooking, but both are very different.
Q. How do you intend to reach your audience?
A. Media sites such as YouTube and Viveo.
Q. How would another society or club benefit from yours?
A. We want to work with other clubs and societies and provide coverage of their events.
Yes- 23No-0Abstain-0
Society Ratified
Believers Love World
Proposer (Connie Ndiweni) explained this group is linked to a national fellowship group on a variety of university campuses. The groups aim is to help students who may struggle in life and offer help through the church.
Q.Is this religious?
A. A daily devotional is produced each month and is dictated by a youth council in South Africa. There will be guest speakers which will include Pastors.
Yes- 13No-0Abstain- 9
Society Ratified
Media Production
Proposers (Joshua Crooks and Olivia Hughes) explained that they wanted to provide a society for film students and to provide access to Student Union facilities such as minibuses so that they may arrange excursions and engage more generally.
Yes- 17No- 0Abstain- 2
Society Ratified
Creative Film
Proposer (Matilda Svensson) explained that the role of the Creative Film Society would be to provide opportunities for students to bolster their portfolios by analysing current film scripts as well as writing their own. The society will facilitate tutorials and discussions for students, make short films to be entered into film festivals and networking/liaising with other similar societies/courses.
Yes- 24No- 0Abstain – 0
Society Ratified
Proposer (Brian Ogwang) explained that this branch of belief focuses on the Holy Spirit and that God is everywhere. This society intends to be a forum for those who wish to express a belief in Charismata. It was stated by the proposer that should this group be ratified, they would work with other religious groups to encourage understanding.
Q. What stands Charismata apart from the Rock Solid Christian Fellowship, Believers Love World and Christian Union?
A. Charismate focuses on the Holy Spirit more than anything else.
Q. How will you demonstrate and practice your belief in the Holy Spirit
A. When ratified this will be determined by students who will decide how this is achieved.
Q. Has there been any dialogue between yourselves and any of the other belief societies?
A. We already have twelve names of students expressing interest and another five who are considering signing up therefore we wish to provide a separate space for these.
Yes- 13No- 3Abstain- 10
Society Ratified
Proposer (Sophie Watson) explained that philosophy is a small department within the university however the current group already meet on a regular basis and would like the opportunity to invite regular guest speakers as the department only currently have two teachers although the group would be open to everyone to join.
Yes- 27No- 0Abstain- 0
Society Ratified
TW explained that Societies having both budget and generated accounts is a historical matter, and he had spoken lately with a number of committee members who were confused as what each account is for.TW explained that whilst it is simple to designate ‘core activities’ for Sports Clubs, it is much more difficult for societies as there is a much wider range of activities taking place.
CT explained that Union sponsorship can only be put into budget accounts, however the way society Union sponsorship has been working means that there are no allocations directly into society budget accounts, and instead there is a large allocation in the Societies Development Fund which all ratified societies can apply to for help funding their activities.
As having two accounts creates some confusion (especially as it is difficult to generically explain what can come from each account) and the society budget accounts do not hold any Union sponsorship, TW proposed the following:
- That society memberships are paid wholly into the generated account of each respective society
- That the Union sponsorship allocation for societies continue to sit within the Societies Development Fund for all societies to apply to
- That all society membership money currently paid into the budget accounts be transferred to the respective generated accounts.
Approve the proposal – 29
Do not approve the proposal – 0
Abstain – 0
The proposal was approved and Activities staff are to move forward with contacting Union finance to enact the changes.
Election of a Societies Representative to attend Union Council on behalf of the Student Council.