Student Learning Objectives/Student Outcome Objectives (SLO/SOO) Template


Teacher/Leader Name Position Year

______School District School

_MS ELA Sped______


What are the most important knowledge and skills I want my students to attain by the end of the interval of instruction?
1. Focus/Content
6th and 7th grade students who have special education English/Reading class will demonstrate improvement in their ability to understand grade-level vocabulary in support of reading comprehension.
2. Interval of Instruction From __9_/__5_/_14____ To __5_/_15__/__15___
Where are my students now (at the beginning of instruction) with respect to the objective?
3. Student Population
Of the students in Grades 6-7, on my caseload ,who have documented weaknesses in their understanding and use of vocabulary:
• 3 have a classification of Emotional Disturbance
• 1 has a classification of Other Health Impairment
• 6 have a classification of Specific Learning Disability
4. Baseline/Trend Data
Pre-test data using STAR assessments indicates that 10 of the 14 (71%) 6th and 7th, 9th, and 10th grade on my caseload earned a score of below 40 (out of a possible 100) on the Vocabulary Acquisition and Use domain of the STAR reading pre-assessment administered in September/October.
• 4/10 students (40%) earned a pre-test score that fell between 10-20 (out of 100).
• 4/10 students (40%) earned a pre-test score that fell between 20-30 (out of 100).
• 2/10 students (20%) earned a pre-test score that fell between 30-40 (out of 100).
How will students demonstrate their knowledge and skills at the end of the interval of instruction?
5. Assessment(s)/Evidence
Explicit instruction and practice using research-based strategies and instruction designed by Marzano and Kinsella and strategies such as LINCS and weekly data will be kept in order to assess the current needs of the individual students in order to guide planning and instruction. Ongoing collaboration with Science and Social Studies teachers regarding targeted vocabulary tied to curriculum units will be critical to ensure success.
Based on what I know about my students, where do I expect them to be by the end of the interval of instruction?
6. Growth Target(s)
By June, at least 80% of students will demonstrate improvement in their understanding and use of vocabulary as measured by an increase of at least 5 points as measured by the students’ pre/post score comparison on the Vocabulary Acquisition & Use domain of the STAR reading assessment.
7. Rationale for Growth Target(s)
Vocabulary instruction is an important part of reading and language arts classes, as well as content area classes such as science and social studies. By giving students explicit instruction in vocabulary, they are able to learn the meaning of new words and strengthen their independent skills of constructing the meaning of text and content area information.

To be completed upon submission and approval of the SLO/SOO:

Teacher/Leader Signature /
School Team Initials (if applicable) /
Evaluator Signature /

To be completed after the interval of instruction when all data has been collected and calculated:

Final Score

SLO/ SOO Score / Percentage of Students Who Met or Exceeded Their Growth Targets / Earned SLO/SOO Score
5 / 90–100 / Evidence/Comments
4.5 / 85–89
4.0 / 80–84
3.5 / 75–79
3.0 / 70–74
2.5 / 65–69
2.0 / 60–64
1.5 / 55–59
1.0 / 54 or less
Teacher/Leader Signature /
Evaluator Signature /