DATE: / November 2, 2018

The conditions of employment for an extra duty assignment are subject to all terms and conditions of the Master Contract and subject to the results/approval of a background check for Independent School District #535.

As a head coach/advisor for District 535 we are requiring that you possess a district 535 e-mail account. As a head coach/advisor we will be keeping this account open year round for you to use to communicate with your staff, students, and parent/guardians.The district requires that any communication to your staff, students, and parent/guardians be conducted via your District 535 e-mail account. Please refrain from using your personal e-mail account for any communications in regard to your position as a head coach/advisor with District 535. Failure to follow duties pertaining to this claim and consent form may result in disciplinary actions.

Upon receipt of this form, you will have ten (10) days to accept or reject the assignment. Your termination or resignation from employment with Independent School District #535 shall cause this extra duty assignment to be deemed null and void. Services and compensation may be terminated at any time by the District based on cause or discontinuation of the position. Further, this contract shall be specifically limited to the school year 2017-2018and the consent form between the parties shall conclude as of the dates stipulated.

Check appropriate box and enter prior years of service for this position / ☐ / A / Enter yrs if 0-2 / ☐ / B / Enter yrs if 3-6 / ☐ / C / Enter yrs if 7 or more /
0-2 years / Year(s) of Service / 3-6 years / Years of Service / 7 or more years / Years of Service

(The years of service may be awarded based on a position of like responsibility and duties.)


Is this assignment being shared and with whom:

Percentage: Choose percentage

PAYMENT PLAN:______One lump sum at end of year (JUNE).

______One lump sum at end of Assignment. List month: Choose month

____ Equal installments during Assignment* – List consecutive months:

*stipend must be a minimum of $250 for this payment option


I declare under the penalties of law that this amount, claim, or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid.

Employee Signature: ______Date ______

Principal/Supervisor Signature: ______Date ______

GRADE: ______STEP: _____ ACCOUNT CODE: 01Esite 298 course 000 178

Head Advisor Salaries / Assistant Advisor Salaries
Course Code / Type / FTE / New Value / $112 New Contract / New Head Step 0-2 / New Head Step 3-6 / New Head Step 7+ / New Asst Step 0-2 / New Asst. Step 3-6 / New Asst Step 7-Plus
High School
867 / Yearbook and Class / 3.0 / 35.0 / $ 3,808 / $ 3,808 / $ 4,108 / $ 4,708
866 / Winter Pep Band / 3.0 / 11.1 / $ 1,243 / $ 1,243 / $ 1,543 / $ 2,143
897 / Jazz Band / 3.0 / 11.1 / $ 1,243 / $ 1,243 / $ 1,543 / $ 2,143
869 / Fall Pep Bandand Playing on Field / 3.0 / 16.0 / $ 1,792 / $ 1,792 / $ 2,092 / $ 2,692
869 / Summer Festival Parade / $ 1,000
869 / Spring Memorial Parade / $ 1,000
881 / Drumline Advisor / 3.0 / $ 1,201 / $ 1,501 / $ 2,101
875 / Student Council / 3.0 / 28.6 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,503 / $ 4,103
868 / Show Choir Director / 3.0 / 28.6 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,503 / $ 4,103
872 / Newspaper No classroom / 3.0 / 28.6 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,503 / $ 4,103
873 / Musical Director / 3.0 / 28.6 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,203 / $ 3,503 / $ 4,103
879 / Musical Assistant-Orchestra / 3.0 / $ 2,146 / $ 2,446 / $ 3,046
871 / Musical Assist-Choreography / 3.0 / $ 2,146 / $ 2,446 / $ 3,046
885 / Musical Assistant-Set / 3.0 / $ 2,146 / $ 2,446 / $ 3,046
880 / Sound / 3.0 / $ 1,506 / $ 1,806 / $ 2,406
887 / National Honor Society / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
877 / Debate - Non MSHSL / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
883 / Vocational (BPA) / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
888 / Vocational (DECA) / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
889 / Vocational (HOSA) / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
893 / Vocational (SkillsUSA) / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
882 / Service Learning Facilitator / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
784 / 3 Act Play / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,296 / $ 2,596 / $ 3,196
880 / 3 Act Play Technical / 3.0 / 20.5 / $ 1,538 / $ 1,838 / $ 2,438
890 / Math League / 1.0 / 15.9 / $ 1,781 / $ 1,781 / $ 2,081 / $ 2,681
904 / Science Olympiad / 1.0 / 15.9 / $ 1,781 / $ 1,781 / $ 2,081 / $ 2,681
892 / Knowledge Bowl / 1.0 / 15.9 / $ 1,781 / $ 1,781 / $ 2,081 / $ 2,681
870 / Fall Dance / 3.0 / 15.9 / $ 1,781 / $ 1,781 / $ 2,081 / $ 2,681
128 / Cheerleader by Season / 3.0 / 15.9 / $ 1,781 / $ 1,781 / $ 2,081 / $ 2,681
784 / One Act Play / 3.0 / 15.9 / $ 1,781 / $ 1,781 / $ 2,081 / $ 2,681
894 / Mock Trial / 3.0 / 15.9 / $ 1,781 / $ 1,781 / $ 2,081 / $ 2,681
899 / Freshman Transition Coordinator / 3.0 / 7.0 / $ 784 / $ 784 / $ 1,084 / $ 1,684
900 / Junior Class Advisor / 3.0 / 4.5 / $ 504 / $ 504 / $ 804 / $ 1,404
902 / Chemical Health Officers / 8.0 / 4.2 / $ 500
Middle School
875 / Student Government / 4.0 / 13.4 / $ 1,501 / $ 1,501 / $ 1,801 / $ 2,401
873 / School Play/Musical / 4.0 / 12.2 / $ 1,366 / $ 1,366 / $ 1,666 / $ 2,266
880 / Technical / 4.0 / $ 915 / $ 1,215 / $ 1,815
867 / Yearbook / 4.0 / 12.2 / $ 1,366 / $ 1,366 / $ 1,666 / $ 2,266
897 / Jazz Band / 4.0 / 12.2 / $ 1,366 / $ 1,366 / $ 1,666 / $ 2,266
898 / 6th Grade Transition Coordinator / 4.0 / 7.0 / $ 784 / $ 784 / $ 1,084 / $ 1,684
875 / Student Government / 16.0 / 4.6 / $ 515 / $ 515 / $ 815 / $ 1,415
053 / Safety Patrol / 16.0 / 4.6 / $ 515 / $ 515 / $ 815 / $ 1,415