Year One Planning: Class 6 School Theme: The Environment Medium Term Planning – Summer 1 2015/2016 TFW: The Three Little Pigs.

Week/Date / Literacy / Numeracy / Science/History
Geography/ICT / Art/D&T
Music / RE/PSHE / PE
1 / The Three Little Pigs.
Imitation week.
Character emotions.
See Literacy Medium Term Plan. / Addition and Subtraction.
See Numeracy Medium Term Plan. / Science
Unit 1E – Pushes and Pulls.
Understand that there are many sorts of movement which can be described in many ways.
To recognise and describe the movement of a range of familiar objects using words and phrases such as quick, slow, backwards, forwards, round, swing, turn, slide.
To begin to understand that things do not move by themselves.
Show the chn the BBC Science clips about push and pull: - discuss.
Chn to explore the various play equipment in the school play areas and describe and compare the different movements using scientific language. Chn to order a range pictures of people, animals and machines from fastest to slowest.
Unit 3 – What were seaside holidays like in the past?
Know in which parts of the year key holidays take place.
Recall information from our past to answer questions about holidays.
Identify features associated with seaside holidays.
Sequence photographs into a time series of three time periods by identifying differences between present and past times.
Use time-related vocabulary.
Find out about holidays in the past from photos.
When do we have holidays? Agree with the children what holidays are and when they have holidays. Ask the children to place the three main school holidays and any other holidays they suggest on a simple time line. Encourage the children to identify the relationship between holidays and religious festivals; and to think about the reasons we have holidays and what happens at different holidays. Show the children the seaside PPT. Help them to find clues to show them what sort of holiday is shown in the picture. Has anyone been on a seaside holiday or day trip to the seaside? Where did you go? What did you do? Locate on a map the places that children have visited and popular holiday destinations in coastal places.
Chn to sequence the photographs or pictures into chronological order: now; when my mum/dad/carer was young; when my gran/grandad was young. Talk about the clues they used to help in the sequencing, eg clothes, hairstyles, vehicles, buildings, and use the discussion to reinforce time-related vocabulary, eg recent, modern, older, oldest.
Unit 3 – Shadows and Stickmen
Begin to identify some of the benefits of technology such as the purpose for using a class blog.
Recognise ways that technology is use in my home and community.
Keep my password private.
Agree and follow sensible e-Safety rules.
Show the children a blog. Who would be interested to see this blog? What is the purpose of a blog? Show the chn the blogger account for school. Model finding the website and then the login process. Review the class e-Safety rules (Term 1), which will be important to remember for the blog. Do we need to add any rules?
Add whole class posts to the blog throughout the term as each planned learning activity develops. / Music
See music teacher’s planning.
Unit 1C –What is Sculpture?
To learn about the materials and processes used in making
To record from first-hand observation and explore ideas.
Exploring and developing ideas.
Ask the children to explain what ‘sculpture’ is and what a sculptor does. Ask them if they know what materials are used to make sculptures, eg stone, wood, metal.
Using the PPT, show the children a variety of examples of sculpture to challenge the children’s ideas about the materials used. Explore ideas about why the materials are used, eg long lasting, temporary, to resist weather, to convey ideas about the subject.
Show children the work of an artist, craftsperson or designer who works with natural materials. Ask the children why they think these people use natural, fallen or dying materials from the environment. Is it because they love nature? Do they want to attract attention to the beauty of nature without taking anything away? Ask the children how these artists might record their work, eg in photographs, on film.
Chn to go out and about in the school grounds. Ask the children to work in pairs and to look for ‘natural’ sculptures, eg plant, earth or rock formations of any size or scale.
Ask them to make sketches and notes and take photographs of these sculptures with class ipad and camera. Ask them to notice: How is the ‘sculpture’ arranged? What materials are used? What shaped it? What effect did wind, weather, animals have on it?
Ask them to collect a wide variety of natural and man-made materials. (Children will use these materials to produce a collage and sculpture.) / RE
Unit 5 – How do we celebrate our journey through life?
To identify some important events in our lives and important events that might happen to us as we get older.
Discuss the question for this unit and ensure they understand what ‘celebrate’ and ‘journey through life’ mean.
Look at different types of celebrations from different religions and discuss the fact that not all families celebrate the same things and if they do they might do it in a different way.
Chn to sequence pictures of different events.
Unit 5– Going for Goals.
I know we learn in different ways.
Start the game by lightly squeezing the hand of the child on your right. This child should do likewise, and so on. Talk to the children about the squeeze needing to be gentle. The children pass the squeeze all round the circle and back to you. If they find it hard and the squeeze gets stuck, then set the goal: ‘I wonder if we can get the squeeze all the way round?’ If they can do this, then set a time target. They can pass the squeeze in different directions and from different
starting points. Repeat until the goal is achieved.
Read the story about Pammy. Children act out the scenarios. At the end of each section ask the children to think what Pammy learned, and what part of her body or which of her senses helped her learn. / PE
Unit 1 – Multi-skills/Games
Acquiring & Developing: moving fluently, changing direction & speed easily & avoiding collisions & developing spatial awareness
Selecting & Applying: using different movements, speeds & pathways
Selecting & Applying: recognising space in games & using it to their advantage
Knowledge & Understanding: describing changes to their bodies when they exercise
Evaluating & Improving: watching others, describing what they see & copying
Warm up: Traffic Jam
Main activity: Moving in different ways, along different pathways. Changing direction & stopping quickly.
Cool down: Simon Says
2 / The Three Little Pigs.
Character emotions.
See Literacy Medium Term Plan. / Multiplication and Division.
See Numeracy Medium Term Plan. / Science
Unit 1E – Pushes and Pulls
To observe, describe and compare different ways of moving using scientific language.
To ask your own questions about what you notice.
To explore the ways in which our bodies can move and name the parts of the body we need to make that movement.
To be able to name some of the ways animals can move - including flight.
As chn change into PE kits, they consider the pushes and pulls that they need to exert in order to remove their clothes.
In playground, chn to experiment with different movements and different speeds and which body parts are needed to do this. Then chn to give each other instructions for movements.
Back in classroom, chn to change back and think about what pushes and pulls they need to do to get back into their school uniforms. Are they the same as before or the opposite?
Discuss animals and the adaptations that their bodies have made in order for them to move the way they do. Chn to draw an animal for each type of movement.
Unit 5 – Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?
To recognise features of places.
To identify types of weather in different places.
To use secondary sources of information.
To note differences and similarities of different places.
Look at where BB has travelled – Australia. Read the story on BBC website Barnaby Down Under. Look at the part where he travelled to Cairns. Use internet/ books/ photos to research what Cairns is like with a TP. What is Cairns like? Discuss how Cairns compares to Bridgwater (landscape, weather). How is Cairns different from Bridgwater? What would it be like to live there?
Draw a picture of Bridgwater and Cairns. List features of both (weather, rainforest, beach, Great Barrier Reef).
Unit 3 – Shadows and Stickmen
Use links to websites to find information.
Understand the need to tell an adult when we see something unexpected or worrying online.
Show “Cartoon Network Montage”
Show the children the word animation, does anyone know what this word means or have you seen it before? Show the word Thaumatrope to the children. Does anyone know what it means? DON’T TELL THEM YET! Chn to search for the word using a child appropriate search engine such as What is a thaumatrope? Let the children offer what they have discovered. Talk through what it does. What is the algorithm for what is happening?
Look at the video from the Museum of the History of Science.
Chn to make their own Thaumotrope. Support children to add photos of their Thaumatrope’s to the class blog. / Music
See music teacher’s planning.
Unit 1C – Eat More Fruit and Vegetables.
There is a wide variety of fruit and vegetables available which can be grouped and individually named.
Fruit and vegetables may require treatment before being eaten and know what the treatment iseg washing, peeling.
Develop a sensory vocabulary.
Fruit and vegetables can be classified according to their sensory and other properties.
Show the chn the Handa’s Surprise PPT and discuss the different fruits. Show them the real fruit and ask questions like: Do you know what this is? Who has eaten one like this? What words can we use to describe its shape, colour, feel? What might we have to do before we could eat it? (Wash it, peel it etc)
Encourage chn to taste small pieces of prepared fruits and vegetables and to use words to describe texture, taste, smell and colour. Record findings on the chart supplied. / RE
Unit 5 – How do we celebrate our journey through life?
To identify some important events in our lives and important events that might happen to us as we get older.
Ask the children about what special things they have for a family celebration. Chn to give their responses to such questions as: How does the celebration make you feel? Why is it special? How did you celebrate a birthday or a special family occasion?
Ask the children if they have any other family traditions which they celebrate with a special tea, special treat etc. Talk about sending celebration cards.
Chn to design and make a celebration card of their choice.
Unit 5– Going for Goals.
I know we learn in different ways.
Read the story about Pammy once more.
Thought shower all the things the class have learned over the week in school and at home.
Pose the question ‘How did we learn these things?’ Draw out that we learn in all
sorts of different ways – for example, seeing, hearing, touching, doing. Remind children of our carpet rules as these help us to learn too- listening, lips closed etc
Children should each choose one thing they have learned and illustrate it to show how they learned it. For example ‘I have been learning to read. I looked at the words and I listened to what my teacher was saying.’ This might be illustrated with a picture of an eye and an ear. / PE
Unit 1 – Multi-skills/Games
Acquiring & Developing: moving fluently, changing direction & speed easily, avoiding collisions & developing spatial awareness
Selecting and Applying: using different ways of moving, speeds & pathways
Selecting & Applying: recognising space in their games & using it to their advantage
Evaluating and Improving: watching others, describing what they see & copying others
Knowledge & Understanding: describing changes to their bodies with exercise
Warm up: Touch the Floor
Main activity: Moving in different ways, along different pathways. Dodging, changing direction & stopping
Cool down: Stretching Rabbits
3 / The Three Little Pigs.
Invention week.
Character emotions.
See Literacy Medium Term Plan.See / Multiplication and Division.
See Numeracy Medium Term Plan. / Science
Unit 1E – Pushes and Pulls
To identify similarities and differences between the movement of different objects.
To understand that pushes and pulls are examples of forces and that pushing and pulling things can make objects start moving, change direction or stop moving.
To be able to discuss what happens when things move and recognise risks and hazards to themselves in moving objects.
Chn to experiment with a box full of books, whether it is easier to push it across the floor or pull it – why? Repeat on a carpeted surface and discuss.
Chn to repeat with a sledge, firstly with one child on it, then two, then on a carpeted surface. Discuss.
In three groups, chn to investigate and predict how fast different weighted toy cars travel and why. Then test different surfaces.
Chn to record whether different activities need a push or a pull.