PS /2017/514 Occupational Therapy and Independent Mobility Assessment Specification

Thurrock Council
Thurrock Council - Invitation to Tender for Occupational Therapy and Independent Mobility Assessment Service


1 Introduction 2

2 Principles of Services Delivery 2

3 Delivery of Services 3

4 General Requirements 5

5 Background to the Services 8

6 Contract Price 9

7 Performance Monitoring and Contract Monitoring 9

1  Introduction

1.1.  Thurrock Council (the ‘Council’) is commissioning Occupational Therapy and Independent Mobility Assessment Service (together “the Services”) that are focused on delivering a high quality outcome focus service supporting Service Users to achieve their desired outcomes. Following a competitive procurement procedure, the Services will be regulated by the Council and provided by the selected provider (“the Provider”) through the Council’s standard terms and conditions with associated schedules (together “the Contract”).

1.2.  The purpose of this Specification is to explain and clarify the nature and scope of the Occupational Therapy and Independent Mobility Assessment Services. The Services will be provided to children and adults who meet the eligibility criteria for the Services in Thurrock.

1.3.  The Council’s Occupational Therapy team sits within Thurrock’s Adult Social Care although the team supports both Adults and Children’s Social Care through the delivery of Joint Reablement and Independent Mobility Assessment Services.

1.4.  Adult Social Care sits within the corporate directive of Adults, Housing and Health. The Housing Department delivers an Occupational Therapy service as part of the Housing Capital Programme. Thurrock Councils Housing Department will have the benefit from use of the Services from time to time through access to the Contract to support Service Users within Thurrock.

1.5.  Thurrock Council is committed to integration and where possible will look to combine services between social care, housing and health.

1.6.  The Passenger Transport Team sits within Environment and Place and this Contract will be managed by Adult Social Care on their behalf.

1.7.  The Blue Badge Scheme provides a range of parking concessions for Service Users of all ages with severe mobility problems who have difficulty using public transport. The badge enables holders to park close to their intended destination. The scheme operates throughout the UK and is administered by local authorities who process applications and issue Blue Badges.

1.8.  North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) will have the right to benefit from use of the Services from time to time through access to the Contract to support Service Users within Thurrock, although NELFT will not be a party to the Contract.

2  Principles of Services Delivery



2.1.  Occupational Therapy provides a specialist service to support Service Users to achieve their desired outcomes in line with the Care Act 2014, the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 and Children’s and Families Act 2014 Principles.


2.2.  There are 5 main principles underpinning the delivery of the Occupational Therapy Services;

·  Providing information and advice,

·  Demonstrating alternative ways of doing everyday things

·  Encourage Service Users to live as independently as possible at all times

·  Completing assessments in line with Care Act criteria

·  Identifying other opportunities/ services available to Service Users within the wider community to meet their outcomes and maximise independence.

3  Delivery of Services


3.1.  Thurrock Council and its Partnership Organisations are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We require all Staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

3.2.  The Provider shall represent and deliver the Services on behalf of Thurrock Council Adult Social Care Occupational Therapy Services and Independent Mobility Assessments which will include Blue Badge and Bus Pass services.

3.3.  The Provider will develop and maintain the following (non-exclusive) policies and procedures:

·  Equality and Diversity

·  Confidentiality

·  Safeguarding

·  Health, Safety and Wellbeing

·  Financial Management

·  Staff and volunteer recruitment and selection (including DBS checks)

·  Staff and volunteer supervision and support (including staff access to appropriate training and confidential)

·  Recruitment

·  Grievance and disciplinary procedures

·  Training and development

·  Quality Assurance (Service monitoring, review and evaluation)

·  Complaints procedure, including arrangements for independent advocacy for Service Users who require it

·  Service prioritisation

·  Freedom of information

·  Data protection and information governance

·  Professional Conduct

3.4.  The Provider shall ensure there is appropriate cover for sickness and holidays so that the required standards of this Specification can be met at all times.

3.5.  The Provider shall not sub-contract any part or parts of the service delivery to another agency or provider unless specifically permitted by the Contract.

3.6.  The Council’s core working hours are 08:45 to 17:15 Monday to Thursday, and 08:45 to 16:45 on Friday. The Provider is expected to be flexible to undertake assessments to meet the needs of the Service User.

3.7.  The provider is required to complete an Occupational Therapy or Support Planner (also known as Occupational Therapy Assistant) assessment and follow up in line with the relevant legislation. This could include Care Act 2014, Health, Children’s and Families Act 2014 or Housing and Regeneration Act 2008. The category of assessment will be determined on allocation from the Council.

3.8.  An assessment could include the request for a minor or major adaptation to support a Service User to maximise their independence within a safe home environment.

3.9.  A minor adaptation assessment is defined as adaptations which cost less than £1000 to purchase and install. An example of this could include, (although not limited to) a grab rails or half step.

3.10.  A major adaptation is defined as adaptations which cost more than £1000 to purchase and install. An example of this could include, (although not limited to) an external ramps or widening of doors.

3.11.  The Provider will be responsible for the administrative function of booking assessment/ follow up visits and liaising with all appropriate parties as directed by Thurrock Council

3.12.  The Provider shall complete all assessments in line with Social Care, Housing and Health required recording procedures. This record will remain the property of The Council. The Council may change this process at any time during the Contract and appropriate information and guidance would be available for the provider should changes be made.

3.13.  The Provider shall provide the Service User and / or carers with:

·  A means of establishing the officer’s identity (valid identity badge for example) and purpose of the visit.

·  A means of contacting the external provider (individual practitioner / head office contract manager or supervisor of the external provider) until such time the case has been closed.

3.14.  There are occasions where Service Users may not be at home at the pre-arranged time of the visit. The Provider shall return the case to Thurrock Council’s Adult Social Care in the event of two failed assessments/ visits. Thurrock Council will not pay for failed visits.

3.15.  Thurrock Council will not be responsible for travelling costs associated with this Contract.

3.16.  The Provider will ensure Service Users are in full agreement with the outcomes of the assessment and have gained the Service Users consent to all the proposed actions. The Provider will ensure that appropriate stakeholders and agents also support the desired outcomes and their implications.

3.17.  The Occupational Therapy and Support Planner assessment provide a unique and specialist service to support Service Users to achieve their desired outcomes. The assessment should focus on;

·  Providing information and advice

·  Demonstrate alternative ways of achieving their goals

·  Consider potential for rehabilitation or Reablement services to promote independence and development of independent living skills

·  Completing self-directed functional assessments for the provision of equipment to support daily living

·  Completing self-directed functional assessments for the recommendation of minor/ major home adaptation

·  Completing self-directed functional assessments to identify and enable commissioning of basic services as defined below;

·  Homecare provision of up to 28 hours over 4 weeks

·  Pendant alarm

·  Telecare

·  Meals on Wheels

3.18.  The Provider shall review (telephone or follow up visit if appropriate) all equipment and / or minor adaptations provided to ensure they achieve the desired outcome in line with the appropriate legislation, that they are used accordingly and that they are safe.

3.19.  On occasion, a dual (partner) assessment will be requested and allocated. Where it is clear the desired outcomes will be achieved from 1 (one) assessment, the Provider shall only complete the single assessment. Clause 3.17 must be applied.

3.20.  On occasion, an assessment for the Service User’s partner may be requested during the assessment / home visit. The Provider shall complete the assessment where the 3.19 review cannot be achieved and notify Occupational Therapy Services of the request within 2 working days of completing the assessment.

3.21.  The Provider will liaise with the Contract and Brokerage Team for all contractual enquiries.

3.22.  The Provider will liaise with Adult Social Care’s nominated officer for all practice enquiries.

3.23.  The Provider will attend contractual and operational meeting as defined by Thurrock Council.

3.24.  Support Planner (also known as Occupational Therapy Assistant or Rehab Assistant) cases may be required on occasions and will be allocated when required to the Provider.

3.25.  An estimated 50-60 allocation for assessment will be given on a monthly basis These will be a mixture of Occupational Therapy and Support Planner Assessments (OTA). Thurrock Council cannot guarantee the number of allocations per month and these may fluctuate dependent on the service need.

3.26.  The Provider shall deliver regular Independent Mobility Assessments to determine eligibility for;

·  The Blue Badge criteria in line with Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles)(England) Regulation 2000

·  English National Concessionary Travel Scheme

3.27.  The Independent Mobility Assessments will be delivered through clinics held across locations within Thurrock and within Service Users home.

3.28.  An estimated one half day Independent Mobility Assessment clinic is to take place per month and in addition approximately ten home Independent Mobility Assessments per year. Thurrock Council cannot guarantee the number of clinics or home visits per year as these may fluctuate dependent on the service need.

4  General Requirements





4.1.  The Specification invites bids to support the delivery of Occupational Therapy and Independent Mobility Assessment

4.2.  The Provider must ensure that it has the ability to provide the necessary Services with sufficient numbers of trained and competent Staff necessary to provide the Services. The Service Provider must ensure that each person responsible for the delivery of the Contract is fully aware of the requirements of the Contract Standards as well as the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety and be able to demonstrate a commitment to maintaining and delivering high quality Services for adults and Children’s with a variety of needs and/or conditions and provide Services where all aspects of a person's care are met.

4.3.  The Provider will provide Services that meet the needs of the individual and are provided by competent Staff in a way that supports the safety and security of the Service User. The Services shall be responsive, reliable and maintain dignity and respect for the person at all times. The Services shall be accessible and delivered with understanding and without discrimination.

4.4.  The Services must always be provided in a way that enables the Service Users to maximise their independence, health and wellbeing and supports their social, spiritual, emotional and healthcare needs.

4.5.  The Provider shall have regard to the Care Act and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance issued under the Care Act 2014 by the Department of Health and ensure that their Services comply with The Care Act 2014 and the requirements of the 7 principles as detailed and explained in "A Vision for adult social care: capable communities and Active Citizens (November 2010) namely:

·  Prevention

·  Personalisation

·  Partnership

·  Plurality

·  Protection

·  Productivity

·  People










The Provider must also ensure that their Services are delivered in a manner which is compatible with the following duties placed on the Local Authority under the Care Act 2014:-

·  Section 1 - The Duty to Promote Individual Wellbeing

·  Section 2 - The Duty to prevent the need for care and support

·  Section 3 - The Duty to promote the integration of care and support with health services

·  Section 4 - The Duty to Provide information and advice

·  Section 5 - The Duty to promote diversity and quality in provision of Services

·  Section 6 - The Duty to co-operate with partners

·  Section 42 - The Duty to Safeguarding Enquiries


4.6. The Service Provider will have regard to the Children’s and Families Act 2014 and especially Part 3: Children and Young people with special education needs and disabilities, Sections 20, Section 30 and its guidance for Children Service Users. Section 19 of the Children’s and Families Act 2014 sets out 3 principles in relation to Part 3 namely;

·  The views, wishes and feelings of Children and their parents, and young people

·  The importance of Children participating as fully as possible in decision-making and providing the information and support to enable them to do so

·  Supporting children and young people’s development and helping them to achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes

4.7.  The Provider must ensure that its employees, workers, associates agents, and all persons providing the Services (“Staff”) have regard for the Service Users equality and diversity and upholds people’s human rights (in line with the guidance outlined in the Report of the Equality and Human Rights Commission inquiry 2010) and does not discriminate against people for any reason. Its policies will incorporate respect for both Staff and Service Users.

4.8.  The Service Provider ensures that all Staff work in an enabling way that allows Service Users to increase or maintain their level of independence, develop self-caring and move to a reduction in support, where appropriate.

4.9.  Safeguarding continues to be of the highest priority for services commissioned by the Council. Providers must meet all the requirements for safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults as set out in the policies and guidance available on the Thurrock Council’s website. All workers/volunteers working with young people and vulnerable adults must have enhanced DBS clearance certificates and have undertaken appropriate safeguarding training. Providers are expected to have rigorous procedures for ensuring that DBS clearance certificates are in place and certificates should be available to vulnerable adults or Thurrock Council on demand.