Performing Arts Division

Band & Choir Handbook


Dear John T. Magee Middle School Students and Parents,

Welcome to the award-winning John T. Magee Band and Choir family. The 2015-2016 school year gives us all the opportunity to carry on the outstanding tradition of excellence that is becoming the trademark of the John T. Magee Music program. Congratulations on your decision to be a part of one of the finest organizations. The John T. Magee Music provides musical activities that encompass a wide scope and allows everyone a chance to reach their highest possible level of excellence.

Hard-working students, dedicated staff members, involved and active parents, and a supportive administration and community all combine to make it possible for the John T. Magee Band and Choir programs to offer an outstanding array of musical opportunities. Our students are expected to set and reach high goals for themselves and their program. The rewards of meeting those expectations are immeasurable in the development of our students as well-rounded human beings. Members of the John T. Magee Middle School Bands and Choirs will develop musically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and physically during their time in the program.

This handbook is intended to be used by students, parents, administrators, staff, and directors as a convenient source of information regarding the varied aspects of the John T. Magee Middle School Band and Choir program. I have tried to cover as thoroughly as possible every facet of the program. Students and parents must read this handbook carefully and sign and return the agreement forms located at the end of this handbook. Please feel free to call us or email us with any questions or concerns. Remember to continue striving to be BETTER THAN and to keep the utmost standards of Magee Bands and Choirs! Here’s to a great year together!


Mr. Kyle Baltzer, Music Teacher


Tradition and Philosophy…….…………………………...... ….……4

How to Demonstrate the Standards of Magee Bands…………….4

Basic Rules………………………………………………………………….5

Classroom Procedures………………………………………..………….6

Warm-Up Procedures……………………………………..……………..7



Attendance Policy……………………………………………….………..9


Parental Responsibilities………………………………………………... 11

School Instruments/Equipment………………………………………….11

Instrument Care/Maintenance………………………………………….12

Grading Procedures……………………………………………………...14

Concert Uniforms………………………………………………………….15


Contests, Festivals, and Invitational……………………………….....15

Solo & Ensemble…………………………………………………………..16

Band Office………………………………………………………………...16

Frequently Asked Questions………………………………….………...17

Media Consent……………………………………………..……………..20

Meet the Director……………………………………………….…………21

Calendar of Events……………………………………..…………………22

Band Registration & Consent Form………………..………………….. 23


The John T. Magee Bands and Choirs have a history of a proud tradition of excellence. You, in becoming a member of this organization, assume the responsibility of continuing this proud tradition, which has been established by others like yourself through dedication, devotion, and hard work.

The John T. Magee Band and Choir program is dedicated to providing educational opportunities for its students in the performing arts. All educational activities will take place in an atmosphere which promotes social and artistic development of the students through creative and innovative programs, each based upon high quality leadership and instruction. In addition, it is my belief that "the process is just as important as the product." This places the emphasis on the development and growth of each individual student, not on specific performances.


  • Be the first, never the last, to rehearsals.
  • Always have the needed and required rehearsal equipment.
  • Demonstrate desire, spirit, and enthusiasm for learning, working, and contributing.
  • Be one of those students who is always “there” and can be counted upon.
  • Prepare and master your part of the performance in advance when possible.
  • “Only your best is good enough”
  • Refrain from making comments or carrying on a conversation during rehearsal.
  • Maintain eye contact with Instructor in charge.
  • Use “High Intensity Listening.”
  • Stop immediately when cut-off is given or move is completed.
  • Exhibit enthusiasm for practice and understand the need for repetition.
  • If you experience failure, analyze it and make a plan to improve and succeed the next time
  • Turn work into play. Enjoy rehearsing – hot, cold, rainy, or snowy. Try to learn something new everyday. Remember: “The band will only be as good as my attitude and my contribution.”
  • Be humble in your success. Demonstrate class in all situations.
  • Prepare for the next rehearsal.


Students must abide by the Round Lake Area Schools Code of Conduct, John T. Magee Middle School Student Rules, and the John T. Magee Middle School Band and Choir Handbook. A high disciplinary infraction may result in subsequent suspension from band activities or removal from the program.

General Band and Choir Rules

  1. Shoes and socks MUST BE worn at all rehearsals.
  2. Chewing gum is NOT PERMITTED during any rehearsal or performance.
  3. NO food or drink is allowed inside the band room.
  4. A band member must RESPECT his/her instrument at all times.
  5. Be in your seat, warmed up, and ready to begin ON TIME.
  6. Insubordination WILL NOT be tolerated.
  7. RESPECT other peoples' property.
  8. Public display of affection IS NOT allowed while on "band time." Remember, this is a band function - not a date!
  9. A band member will wear no jewelry, fingernail polish, or excessive make-up while in concert attire. Leave expensive jewelry at home.
  10. NEVER disrespect another band or its members, EVER!
  11. Remember to always CHEER for the other bands.
  12. Show RESPECT to all directors, administrators, teachers, band staff, parents at all times.
  13. Keep your language CLEAN! You never know who might be listening.
  14. Any instrument or equipment not belonging to or specifically assigned to you is strictly off limits.
  15. During the regular school day, the band facility is to be used for regular classes, sectionals, rehearsals, and pre-arranged help sessions only.
  16. No gum, food, or drink is allowed in the band facility
  17. For security reasons, the band room is off limits to non-band students.
  18. All students must be in the band room when the tardy bell rings.

Remember you are a CLASS ACT. Do not do anything that would have to be explained. Always conduct yourselves as ladies and gentlemen.


  • Walk
  • Please be quiet when entering the band room. Light talking is ok.
  • Be certain you have a chair and music stand.
  • Be in your seat with your instrument, music, pencil, and assignment book within three minutes of the bell.
  • When a director is in front of the conductor’s stand, you should not talk.
  • When a director leaves from the conductor’s stand, you may talk quietly.
  • The director dismisses you, not the bell.
  • Always put your instrument and music away properly.
  • Cell phones, mp3 players, and personal game devices are not allowed in rehearsal.All cell phones must be turned off.
  • Students need their instrument, band folder and a pencil for rehearsals.
  • Students are expected to be on time.
  • Play only when directed.
  • Band practice is playing time not socializing.
  • Store equipment in your assigned instrument locker. Each student will be given an assigned locker. Students may use their own locks to secure their instruments. Instruments should be taken home on weekends.
  • Students will receive an assigned folder locker. Please check folder locker daily for pertinent music and/or mail.
  • A box will be placed in the band room for any music that is left on the stands after rehearsals.If you are missing a piece of music check the “lost and found” box first.
  • You must ask to use any electronics – like- TV, stereo, phone, etc…


  • Warm-up
  • Tune
  • Announcements
  • Rehearsal according to schedule
  • Sum-up-Did we accomplish our goals?


  • Bags, books, etc.are organized and left out of the band setup during class
  • Teacher stuff – Please do not go into desk unless asked to by the teacher.
  • The office was not designed to house 30 students. Please do not crowd in it, but wait outside if there are already students in it.
  • Please keep the band room clean. Respect the space we rehearse in. If you see trash, pick it up even if it not yours.


Warm-up is a crucial time in each rehearsal. This is when we focus on the fundamentals of our playing so that we may improve both as a group and as individuals.

Brass players should have all necessary mutes and valve oil ready. Reed players should have at least three spare reed at their seat during rehearsal. Ideally, you should have four to five "good" reeds that you rotate from day to day. Your reeds will last longer and you will get better play from them if you do not use the same reed all the time.

Percussionists should each have a pair of concert snare drum sticks and malletsduring concert band class.

Cases should be left in the instrument storage room or around the walls of the rehearsal hall during rehearsal. They are unnecessary obstructions in the rehearsal area.

At the end of rehearsal, make sure you put all of your equipment away. Instruments should be put back into your locker in the instrument storage room until it is time to take them home for practice.

Percussion equipment is to be put away at the conclusion of rehearsal unless another band class is to follow that uses the same equipment.

Problems of an individual nature (music missing, instrument problem, etc...) should not take class time. These issues should be dealt with either before school, after school, or just before class as a last resort.

Talking during rehearsals should be kept to a minimum. Any necessary talking should be about the music we are studying and should never be a distraction to the conductor or other students. When the conductor is on the podium there is no talking, when the conductor steps off the podium you may talk quietly if at all necessary.


  • instrument in good working order
  • music
  • pencil
  • extra reeds, valve oil, cork grease, etc..

We check occasionally to see that instruments are going home. This is quite easy for us since most students leave their instruments in our room during the school day. When we see that a student’s instrument is not going home, it can affect their grade.

Students must also come prepared to class by knowing the assigned music for the day’s rehearsals.


All members are expected to attend every engagement in which the band participates. If you are unable to attend a performance, you must inform Mr. Baltzer in advance. Sickness or death in the family are usually the only legitimate excuses for missing a performance. No band member is permitted to leave the organization in advance of group dismissal at any time unless excused by Mr. Baltzer prior to the performance. Regulations regarding rehearsals are also in effect during all public performances. For out of town engagements, the band travels as a unit unless they have been otherwise directed. Each band member is personally responsible for all of his/her own equipment, whether school or personally owned. For all out of town engagements, no band member may travel in a private car without the consent of Mr. Baltzer. Band members must report to the designated place at the time stated in order to prepare for performance. Information regarding each performance will be posted in advance in the band room. It is the responsibility of each individual band member to keep himself/herself informed of all notices and scheduled events.


Be aware that travel is very expensive; band members are never asked to contribute to the cost of travel. Students should avoid taking items of value on trips. Any radios/CD/tape players must be played through earphones only. Transportation will be provided or approved by the school. All members must travel with the band. When traveling on school buses, each band member is responsible for placing instruments/equipment to be loaded on the equipment vehicle in the designated loading area.


  1. Chaperones should check over each bus before anything is loaded, and relay any problems or damage to the driver and band director.
  2. Chaperones should load before students and spread out through the bus. The front seats on both sides of the aisle are reserved for a director and staff.
  3. Students must ride the same bus to which you are assigned. Students are not to put anything on or under a bus until instructed to do so.
  4. One chaperone will be assigned to each bus to check roll and report results to Mr. West. Roll must be checked before the bus moves, after every stop at which anyone gets off.
  5. The bus driver must be treated with respect. Different drivers have different standards, whatever they say goes.
  6. Nothing is to ever protrude outside the bus windows (heads, arms, etc.) nor should any item ever be thrown or dropped out of a window.
  7. Normal conversation is appropriate; shouting or screaming is not. Singing may or may not be OK depending on the driver, content, and musicality. Good singing might be acceptable; bad singing never is.
  8. CD/Radio/MP3 Players are permitted on school buses with the use of headphones.
  9. Chaperones may reassign seats if they deem it necessary; students may also be assigned to a different bus at any time at the directors' discretion.
  10. To avoid problems, school bus windows stay up as we enter or leave another school campus.
  11. All students are to keep the bus clean at all times. At the end of a trip, every student should check the area around which he/she was sitting, including the floor and overhead storage. The bus captain and chaperone will remain on the bus to ensure that it is left in proper condition, or see that it is corrected.
  12. Public display of affection between students is not allowed on any bus at any time.
  13. Be courteous, do what chaperones ask and thank the drivers and chaperones when we return.
  14. Upon arrival, everyone will remain seated on the buses until Mr. West gives the signal to unload.


Regular attendance and being on time to morning rehearsals and concert is expected of all band students.

We cannot be successful if members constantly show up late or miss frequently. As with a core subject, when students are absent they are missing out on learning. Band is a team activity in which every member plays an important part. When members are absent, everyone is affected. By joining the band/choir, you make a commitment to Mr. Baltzer and the other band/choir members to being at all rehearsals and concerts and to be on time.

Attendance will be recorded and reported to the main office every day.

Attendance is mandatory as is being on time for rehearsals.

John T. Magee Middle School Performance Policy

Performance is an integral part of course expectations and directly relates to classroom learning and instruction. Attendance at ALL performances is necessary to finalize and complete the standard three part arts cycle of create, learn, and perform, a component inherent in all performing arts courses. Performance in the arts thus culminates the activity portfolio of classroom learning. Group success in performance settings relates directly to individual student responsibility and achievement.

Performance Confirmation Timeline

A calendar of performance dates will be made available to each student and parent at the beginning of the school year. Students and parents are expected to sign and return the confirmation form indicating they have placed these dates on their home and personal calendars. Immediate written notification should be made to Mr. West if the student is unable to attend a performance listed on the calendar.


Absence from a performance is defined in accordance with the John T. Magee Middle School policies. Any student who is absent from class is required to make up all work that is missed. It is the responsibility of the student to see Mr. West and get information on missed assignments. One student’s absence affects the entire group in band settings.

Excused Absence

An excused absence is an absence due to illness or a pre-approved special circumstance. Special circumstance conflicts will be considered provided written notification is made to Mr. Baltzer two weeks prior to the performance date. Additional performance activity make-up may be required to commensurate with performance time missed. Unplanned John T. Magee Middle School created conflicts events or unforeseen family related emergencies will be considered an excused absence.

Performance Attendance

Band performances are mandatory. Any request for an exception must be submitted in writing and approved by the Directors two weeks in advance of the conflicting date, except in emergencies. Our schedule is always announced far enough in advance to avoid conflicts. Parents, please make every effort to schedule regular doctor's appointments around the bands schedule whenever possible.

If a change of schedule is necessary, a minimum oftwo weeks notice will be given. (This rarely happens.)

Students are responsible for arriving at each rehearsal and performance on time and properly prepared (properly dressed, instrument ready, music ready). Parents are urged to see that their children take this responsibility seriously.

Unexcused Absence

Any absence from a performance that does not fall under categories identified above will be considered unexcused and will result in an “F” for that missed performance.


Due to the new schedule, band and choir meet during the day, therefore there will be no additional scheduled music lessons. Students will be assigned practice material which will include band music, instrument specific warm ups and dexterity drills. However, sectionals will be scheduled as needed.Remember, band rehearsal time is not considered personal practice time.