Kingston Wildcats School of Basketball

Providing opportunities for young people of all ages and abilities

to play and enjoy basketball

c/o Chessington Sports Centre

Garrison Lane


Surrey. KT9 2JS



You have shown an interest in becoming a member of the Kingston Wildcats(School of basketball Club)We are a club that runs a development programme that uses basketball as a tool to encourage positive social, academic, physical and vocational development in young people. It is essential to the club that you develop and improve over the coming season on and off the court.

A key factor to any successful team is discipline and the behaviour of its players that represent the team, not only on the court, but also off the court too.

This code of conduct is agreed by you signing the document, your signature is a condition of Membership, and your adherence to its content will be monitored not only by your coach but everyone connected to the club.

Should you breach any of this code, action will be taken against you culminating in your expulsion from the club. In this event no monies paid in advance for training are refundable. Please read the following carefully and make sure you fully understand and accept the Players’ Code of Conduct before signing.


  1. All players will respect ALL their team colleagues. Always be supportive of all players.
  1. All players will respect their coaches; the coach is the single most important person to you as a basketball player. What they say goes. Don’t disagree; if you have an issue, you take it up with the coach in a one-to-one session in a respectful manner at a time convenient to the coach.
  1. All players will respect the referees and their decisions. Don’t argue with them you cannot win, don’t mumble or use profanities at any time when representing the club.
  1. All players will play to the rules of the sport and will display a fair and sporting attitude during games and training.


  1. It is the responsibility of all players to maintain their fitness levels to the best of their ability. If further fitness is required your coach will suggest an exercise program, but you as the player should not wait for this, keep fit and healthy. Remember diet plays a massive part in fitness.
  1. All players are required to act, at all times, in a way that reflects favourably on the club. This means acting gracefully when winning as well as losing.
  1. All players are to respect the equipment they are supplied with and the venues at which they play. Balls and kit are provided for the game they are never to be taken home, all kits are given to the team managers or coach at the end of a game.
  1. All players are to work hard to improve their own game and their team colleague’s game. You cannot complain about weaker players on the team, it’s your job to make them better, if they fail - you fail. All players are to encourage each other and not criticise.
  1. Always respect other teams (even badly behaved ones) and their coaches’, always be respectful of all game officials. Before and after any game, try to shake your opponent’s hands and all the officials, along with the other teams coach. Be sure to thank them for the game and congratulate them.
  1. Above all: play hard, play well, listen to the coach’s instructions, plan to win the game. Most of all enjoy the game, every game you should get better.

‘It takes five fingers to make a fist, I am just one of the fingers, with out the rest of the team-I am nothing’.

-Michael Jordan has said repeatedly when talking of his success

All the above is agreed to, signature below is confirmation of my full understanding prior to signing.

Agreed by Kingston Wildcats

Signed on behalf of:

Player ______(PRINT)

Signed ______

Dated ______

Full Address ______



Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct

Your child has been selected to train with the Kingston Wildcats School of Basketball Club. They have to sign a Players’ code of conduct contract, we hope you have read and understand the need for it. We also need parents to understand that children tend to copy what they see adults doing, so it’s imperative to us as a club that the parents be on their best behaviour and get the most out of supporting their children during the long season.

We respectfully request, that you read sign and agree to the Parent/Guardian code of conduct for parents below. Most of it is commonsense as we are sure you will agree.

Please read the following carefully and make sure you fully understand and accept the Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct before signing.


  1. All parents are to respect the players of our team and the players and parents of other teams.
  1. All parents are to respect the coaches of our team and the coaches of other teams.
  1. All parents are to respect the referees and all their decisions.
  1. All parents are responsible for contacting the team managers / coaches if their child is unavailable to play / train.
  1. All parents are to encourage the players but on no occasion criticise.
  1. All parents are to respect the equipment supplied to the teams and the venues at which they play.
  1. All parents are responsible for getting their children to and from matches / training or arranging to do so.
  1. All parents are responsible for ensuring that club / match fees are paid as and when required.
  1. All parents are requested to support the teams as often as possible, but always in a positive manner.
  1. Please ensure any medical conditions are reported to us in advance of joining.
  1. Please be aware while every care is taken to prevent all accidents, we accept no liability for injuries or accidents of for loss of possessions while at training or at a game.
  1. If you as a Parent have an issue, please take it up with the relevant coach in a one-to-one session in a respectful manner at a time convenient to the coach.


Agreed by Kingston Wildcats.

Agreed and understood by:

Name ______

Date ______

Parent/Guardian of:______





Dear Parent /Guardian

It has been proposed that each team complete match reports which will be passed to the local press to be printed in the papers as well as published on our website.

The purpose of the reports are:-

  • To raise the profile of the club
  • To try to encourage new players to join the club.
  • To allow current players to see their achievements recorded.

To enhance these reports it has been proposed that photographs be taken of the players and also be printed in the papers. The clubs policy on Photographs and written reports is:

If a player is shown in a photo that player’s name will not be mentioned in any report. If a player is named in the match report that player’s photo will not be shown.

We hope you appreciate the purpose of the reports and the need to protect the player’s identity.

Please complete the following slip

I:______Parent/Guardian of: ______


I agree/disagree to my child’s photo being taken.

Agree/Disagree to my child’s photo be used.
