C1. Needs Statement: Create a clear and concise statement that addresses the primary need(s) to be addressed. Be sure to incorporate the most recent DTSDE review and other applicable data. / School leaders, teachers, and support staff will provide differentiated tiered lessons, interventions, and accelerations to increase students' academic growth and proficiency on New York State exams.
D1. SMART Goal: Create a goal that directly addresses the Needs Statement. The goal should be written as Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Results-oriented, and Timely. / School leaders will provide support and structures to enable grade level and support teams to analyze data, plan differentiated tiered lessons, interventions, and accelerations:
• 35 Grade Level Team Meetings
• 8 Bilingual Monthly Team Meetings
• 8 Student Support Meetings
• 20 Problem-Solving Team Meetings
Level 1 Metrics*
Level 2 Metrics*
Current / Additional• Formative Assessments Clay Observation Survey; NWEA; FountasPinnell
BAS; Instructional Priority Writing Assessments (Pre and Post assessments: 2
Narrative, 2 Informative, 2 Persuasive)
• Common Grade-Specific Rubrics: Reading, Writing, and Math
• APPR Monitoring / Feedback
• Student Goal Setting Form
• Common Core Differentiated Tiered Aligned Lesson Plans (40 ELA and
•Looking at Student Work Protocol
• Team Meeting Note - Standard Protocol
• Master Schedule
• Blended Learning Blocks to Support Differentiated Interventions and
TENET 3 – Curriculum Development and Support
C1. Needs Statement: Create a clear and concise statement that addresses the primary need(s) to be addressed. Be sure to incorporate the most recent DTSDE review and other applicable data. / School leaders, teachers, and support staff will provide differentiated tiered lessons, interventions, and accelerations to increase students' academic growth and proficiency on New York State exams.
D1. SMART Goal: Create a goal that directly addresses the Needs Statement. The goal should be written as Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Results-oriented, and Timely. / 100 % of grade level teams will collaborate to plan and implement 2 S.T.E.M. inquiry based units of study (1 in Math, 1 in ELA) aligned to the CCLS to promote higher - order thinking skills in all groups of students and develop their analytical, evaluative and reflective skills in all content areas.
Level 1 Metrics*
Level 2 Metrics*
Current / Additional• Formative Assessments Clay Observation Survey; NWEA; FountasPinnell
BAS; Instructional Priority Writing Assessments (Pre and Post assessments: 2
Narrative, 2 Informative, 2 Persuasive)
• Common Grade-Specific Rubrics: Reading, Writing, and Math
• APPR Monitoring / Feedback
• Student Goal Setting Form
• Common Core Differentiated Tiered Aligned Lesson Plans (40 ELA and
•Looking at Student Work Protocol
• Team Meeting Note - Standard Protocol
• Master Schedule
• Student Work Samples / Presentations / Projects
• Blended Learning Blocks to Support Differentiated Interventions and
TENET 4 – Teacher Practices and Decisions
C1. Needs Statement: Create a clear and concise statement that addresses the primary need(s) to be addressed. Be sure to incorporate the most recent DTSDE review and other applicable data. / School leaders, teachers, and support staff will provide differentiated tiered lessons, interventions, and accelerations to increase students' academic growth and proficiency on New York State exams.
D1. SMART Goal: Create a goal that directly addresses the Needs Statement. The goal should be written as Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Results-oriented, and Timely. / Teachers will create 40 weekly differentiated tiered lessons in Math and ELA that challenges and engage all students as well allow teachers to provide learning experiences that match the levels the students are working towards and lead to high levels of achievement.
Level 1 Metrics*
Level 2 Metrics*
Current / Additional• Formative Assessments Clay Observation Survey; NWEA; FountasPinnell
BAS; Instructional Priority Writing Assessments (Pre and Post assessments: 2
Narrative, 2 Informative, 2 Persuasive)
• Common Grade-Specific Rubrics: Reading, Writing, and Math
• APPR Monitoring / Feedback
• Student Goal Setting Form
• Common Core Differentiated Tiered Aligned Lesson Plans (40 ELA and
•Looking at Student Work Protocol
• Team Meeting Note - Standard Protocol
• Master Schedule
• Student Work Samples / Presentations / Projects
• Blended Learning Blocks to Support Differentiated Interventions and
TENET 5 – Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health
C1. Needs Statement: Create a clear and concise statement that addresses the primary need(s) to be addressed. Be sure to incorporate the most recent DTSDE review and other applicable data. / School leaders, teachers, and support staff will provide differentiated tiered lessons, interventions, and accelerations to increase students' academic growth and proficiency on New York State exams.
D1. SMART Goal: Create a goal that directly addresses the Needs Statement. The goal should be written as Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Results-oriented, and Timely. / School leaders, teachers, and support staff will collect and analyze data on individual students to identify barriers to success and determine why students are sent of out their class each marking period; for example, 4 x per year and provide a plan for success for each student to reduce suspensions by 50%.
Level 1 Metrics*
Level 2 Metrics*
Current / Additional• PATHS & Coping Powers Lesson Plans
• Protocol to Support the Analysis of Boys Academy Successful Strategies
• Protocol to Support the Analysis of ELT Program
• Protocol to Support the Analysis of START Program
• ELT Choice Student Surveys
• Protocol to Support the Analysis of Referrals
• Master Schedule
• 4 Grade Level Team Meetings
• 10 Problem Solving Team Meetings
• Schoolwide PBIS - Celebrations Tracking Form
• Blended Learning Blocks to Support Differentiated Interventions and
Accelerations / • Protocol to Support the Analysis of Chronic Attendance
TENET 6 – Family and Community Engagement
C1. Needs Statement: Create a clear and concise statement that addresses the primary need(s) to be addressed. Be sure to incorporate the most recent DTSDE review and other applicable data. / School leaders, teachers, and support staff will provide differentiated tiered lessons, interventions, and accelerations to increase students' academic growth and proficiency on New York State exams.
D1. SMART Goal: Create a goal that directly addresses the Needs Statement. The goal should be written as Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Results-oriented, and Timely. / All (100%) of parents will receive tracking data form aligned to formative and grade level assessments to increase their engagement and participation in their child's or children's education 8 x per year (4 Report Cards & 4 Five-Week Reports).
Level 1 Metrics
Level 2 Metrics
Current / Additional• Protocol Tracking Form - Data & Parent Feedback
• Protocol to Support Parent Feedback
• Parent - Teacher Conference Invitation & Sign-in Sheet
•Standard Sign-in Sheet
• GED / ESOL Class
• Parent Communication (Connect Ed, Flyers, RoboCalls, Website,
Home/School Connection Notebooks/Agendas Logs; Newsletters)
• Parent Workshops/In-services
• Parent Surveys / • 9 Three-Week Reports rather than 4 Five-Week Reports
• Community Education Team
New York State Education Department Metrics for Demonstrable Growth – Elementary & Middle*
Level 1 / Level 2
• Making Priority School Progress
• Percent of Students at or above Level 2 in ELA
• Percent of Students at or above Level 2 in Math
• Mean Student Growth Percentile in ELA
• Mean Student Growth Percentile in Math
• Percent of Students at or above Level 3 in Science
• School Violence Index / • Indicators for students subgroups (i.e. English Language Learners, low-
income students, racial/ethnic groups and students with disabilities)
• Implementing a Community School Model, Expanded Learning Time, and
other key system initiatives
• School climate (i.e. attendance, suspensions)
• Gaps between a student group and students who are not members of the
group (i.e. between students with disabilities and students without
• Students passing courses
• Student Promotion Rates
• College and Career Readiness
• Developmentally Appropriate Child Assessments: Pre-K to Third Grade
• Teachers teaching out of certification area
• Staff turnover
• Post-graduation plans for students
• Local measures approved by the Commissioner