Steven L. Lamy 3 of 18


January 2017

Biographical and Professional Data

Dean’s Office
USC Dornsife College ADM 304
LA, CA. 90089-4012
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545 N. Milton Drive
San Gabriel, CA. 91775


Ph.D. Comparative and International Studies, University of Denver, 1980.

MA Comparative and International Studies, University of Denver, 1975. Fields of specialization: Western European Political Systems, Comparative Politics and Foreign Policy, International Stratification, and Diplomatic History

BA Political Science, Siena College, 1973. (Magna cum Laude)


Academic positions

2008-present Vice Dean for Academic Programs/Dornsife College

2007- 2008 Vice Dean for Undergraduate Programs/Dornsife College

2001-present Professor, School of International Relations

2001-2006 Director, School of International Relations

1987-2001 Associate Professor of International Relations (tenured)

1998-2001 Deputy Director, School of International Relations

1982-1987 Assistant Professor of International Relations, SIR/USC

1980-1982 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Studies and Political Science, University of Denver

Administrative Positions

2008-present Vice Dean, Academic Programs/ USC Dornsife College.

Responsible for all graduate and undergraduate programs

2007- 2008 Vice Dean, Undergraduate Programs/USC Dornsife College. Responsible for all undergraduate programs-80 majors and 50 minors

2006 - 2009 Director, Religion, Identity and Global Governance program. Research and curriculum program funded by the Luce Foundation

2001-2006 Director, School of International Relations (appointed for two terms). Responsibilities included: hiring, tenure cases, budget management, curriculum management and development, fund-raising, alumni and community relations

1998 – 2001 Deputy Director, School of International Relations, responsibilities include: curriculum management, hiring and evaluation of adjunct faculty, new course and program development, coordinator of all outreach programs sponsored through National Resource Center grant, and chair curriculum and MA committees. Appointed by the Dean and the faculty.

1993 – present Director and founder, Teaching International Relations Program (TIRP). Duties: curriculum development in global studies for university and secondary students, designing and implementing interactive teaching (e.g., case teaching) seminars and workshops, coordinating student teaching internship program. Funded by US Department of Education and California International Studies Program.

1994 – 1996 Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching. USC’s primary faculty development and teaching assistant training program. Duties: conducting bi-weekly teaching seminars, assisting faculty with teaching problems, evaluating teaching, designing, coordinating, and teaching in the summer TA program, and chairing teaching committees. Appointed by the Provost.

1982 - 1992 Director and founder, Center for Public Education in International Affairs, University of Southern California. Duties: supervising staff of six, fund-raising and grant writing, designing and implementing outreach educational programs to university-college faculty and secondary teachers. Co-directed case research and teaching program.

1998 International Affairs Education Consultant for the Danforth Foundation. (On leave from University of Southern California) Reviewed funded programs and selected new university programs for funding.

1980-1982 Director, Center for Teaching International Relations (CTIR), University of Denver. Duties: managing staff of twelve, coordinating twelve state service center, six federal grants.


1. USC Mellon Mentoring Award for Undergraduate Mentoring, 2014

2. California Council of the Social Studies, 2012 Outstanding Higher Education Social Studies Professor

3. USC Faculty Peer Achievement Award for 2011-2012

4. Perryman Scholar Award for Contributions to Social Studies Spring 2011

5. Faculty Champion Award for Civic Engagement, USC Student Affairs and Government and Civic Engagement Offices, Spring 2011

6. USC Parents Association Award for Teaching and Mentoring, Fall 2009

7. Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Membership, May 2008

8. Distinguished Teaching Fellow, Center for Excellence in Teaching 2005-Present

9. Phi Kappa Phi, National Honor Society, 2005

10. Teaching Has No Boundaries Award, USC, 2002

11. Gamma Sigma Alpha Academic Honor Society, Professor of the Year: 1996-97, 1997-1998, 1998-99, 1999-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2008, 2010

12. Outstanding Service Award 1998, Association of Trojan Leagues (An alumni association at USC)

13. Golden Key National Honor Society, Honorary Member, 1999

14. Honorary Membership to USC Mortar Board Honor Society for Teaching Excellence.

15. Innovative Teaching Grant, Provost’s Office USC. To develop learning packets for General Education courses, 1990

16. Pi Sigma Alpha Faculty Excellence Award for 1989-90 (presented to one professor each year from the combined USC departments of Political Science, Public Administration, and International Relations for “Teaching Excellence”).

17. University of Southern California, Office of International Students Scholars, Outstanding Service to International Students Award, 1989-90.

18. University of Southern California, Associates Award for Excellence in Teaching, March 1987.

19. University of Southern California, Burlington Northern Foundation Achievement Award for Outstanding Teacher, April 1986.

20. Mortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award for 1984, University of Southern California Senior Honor Society.

21. Pi Sigma Alpha Faculty Excellence Award for 1984 (presented to one professor each year from the combined USC departments of Political Science, Public Administration, and International Relations for “Teaching Excellence”).

22. Award for Distinguished Teaching, Division of Social Science and Communication, University of Southern California, 1983-84.


·  Visiting Distinguished Scholar, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, 2006-07

·  Member, APSA Working group on Internationalizing the Political Science Discipline, American Council on Education project. 2006

·  Editorial Board, Journal of Political Science Education, Fall 2004-2010

·  Program Co-Chair, Hegemony and Its Discontents, International Studies Association, 45th Annual Convention, Montreal, Quebec, March 17-20, 2003

·  Editorial Board, Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Cambridge University Press, 2000- 2007

·  Associate Editor, International Studies Perspectives, a journal of the International Studies Association, 1999-2004

·  Participant (selected) “ Summer Intelligence Studies Seminar” Center for the Study of Intelligence, Washington, D.C. 2004

·  Participant (selected) “Ethical Issues in the Use of Military Power,” A faculty development seminar sponsored by the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs and the US Naval Academy, Summer 2000

·  Pew Initiative in Diplomatic Training Fellows Program, John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University, visiting instructor, Summers 1990-1994.

·  Visiting Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Transkei, Umtata, Transkei-South Africa January-May, 1991.

·  Fulbright Award to India (declined to accept appointment to South Africa), Spring Semester 1991.

·  University of Calgary, College of Education Extension courses in “International Affairs” (graduate level), Summers 1990, 1989.

·  Research Fellow, Australian National University. Conducted research on Australian Foreign Policy, Summer 1988.

(Information on Previous Appointments available upon request)


Books and Edited Books

Introduction to Global Politics. Brief Edition, edited with John S. Masker. ( Oxford University Press, 2011) (second edition 2013, third edition 2014 and fourth edition 2016)

An Introduction to Global Politics, edited with Baylis, Smith and Owens (Oxford University Press, 2010) ( second edition 2012, third edition 2013 and fourth edition 2016)

Contemporary International Issues: Contending Perspectives, Editor and author of two chapters, “Introduction-A Worldview Analytical Framework”, “International Inequality,” (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Fall 1988).

Chapters in Books

“Nordic Narratives and Arctic Policies” submitted to the Arctic Yearbook 2017

“The U.S. Arctic Policy Agenda: The State Trumps Other Interests” in Future Security of the Global Arctic, edited by Lassi Heininen, (Palgrave, 2015)

“The Role of Religious NGOs in Shaping Foreign Policy”, in Religion, Identity and Global Governance, edited by Patrick James (University of Toronto Press, 2010)

“Cooperative Learning in International Relations”, International Studies Compendium Project (Wiley-Blackwell 2010)

“The Foreign Policy of Small States”, International Studies Compendium Project

(Wiley-Blackwell 2010)

“Case Studies in Foreign Policy”, included in a collection of essays edited by Tim Dunne, Amelia Hadfield and Steve Smith, Foreign Policy Analysis in International Relations (Oxford Press, 2007 and 2012)

“Bringing the Church Back In: A Foreign Policy Niche for the Vatican and the new Pope” in New Pope, New century: The Vatican in the International Arena ( University Press, 2007)

“The G8 and the Human Security Agenda,” in J. Kirton and J. Takase, New Directions in Global Political Governance, (Ashgate, 2002)

“Contemporary Theories in International Relations: Neorealism and Neoliberalism” in Baylis and Smith, The Globalization of World Politics (Oxford 2001 and revised in 2004 and 2007)

“Using Teaching Cases and Analytical Exercises In Introductory International Relations Courses” in Lantis, Kuzma, and Boehrer, Active Learning in International Studies for the 21st Century (Rienner, 2000)

“Images and Interests in the Pacific,” in Teaching Asia and the Pacific- Issues of Policy,-Curriculum & Practice edited by Donald C. Wilson, David Grossman and Kerry Kennedy (Detselig, Calgary CDN, 1990).

“A Conflict of Images: The Controversy Over Global Education,” in B. Tye and K. Tye, Global Education: From Thought to Action ASCD 1991 Year Book January 1991.

“The Contemporary International System: A World in Transition,” Next Steps in Global Education: A Handbook for Curriculum Development, edited by Willard Kniep (Global Perspectives in Education, January 1987), pp.37-42.

“Basic Skills for a World in Transition,” Next Steps in Global Education: A Handbook for Curriculum Development edited by Willard Kniep (Global Perspectives in Education, January 1987), pp. 133-136.

“Policy Responses to Ethnonationalism: Consociational Engineering in Belgium,” in Primordial Challenges to the Nation State, edited by John Stack (Greenwood Press, Fall 1986) pp. 115137.


We Simply Disagree: Policy and Strategy Difference Between the U.S. and Europe. Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University, 2007.

The Dutch in Srebrenica: A Noble Mission Fails, Part A & B. Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University Case Study. 2000.

Worldviews and International Relations Theory: A Handbook for Introductory International Relations (Kendall Hunt, 1994).

The Definition of a Discipline: The Objects and Methods of Analysis in Global Education, The American Forum Occasional Paper Series, January 1987.

International Issues and Basic Skills: A Handbook for Writing and Foreign Language Instructors, Developed for NDEA Title VI Grant Project, Summer 1986. (Pima College,

Southwest Consortium on Foreign Languages and International Studies.) Competencies for Living in an Interdependent World, Monograph published by School of Education, Chapman College, Spring 1986.

Teaching Global Awareness with Simulations and Games, CTIR, University of Denver, 1981. (Learning packet for grades 6-12, authored with Myers, Von Vihl, and Weeks.)

Teaching About Ethnic Conflict: Global Issues, CTIR, University of Denver, Second edition, (revised and updated in 1982.)

Comparative World Issues for Grades K-12, CTIR, University of Denver, 1981. (Learning packet authored by M.A. students.)


“The Search for Community in Cross-Disciplinary Conversation,” Journal of General Education, v, 62, #1 2013 with Richard Fliegel

“ Challenging Hegemonic Paradigms and Practices: Critical Thinking and Active Learning Strategies for International Relations,” a special forum on Internationalizing the Undergraduate Curriculum in PS, January 2007. Pages 112-116

“ Hegemony and Its Discontents A Symposium,” International Studies Review, December 2005. with Robert English and Steve Smith

“Controversy in the Social Studies Classroom: A Review of Concerns Related to Teaching International Relations,” International Journal of Social Education, Summer 1989.

“Defining Global Education,” Educational Research Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1, Special Issue 1983, pp. 9-20.

“A University Program for Teacher Training in Global Perspectives Education: The Center for Teaching International Relations,” Theory into Practice, Summer 1982, pp.206-210.

“International Relations and Education: A Proposal for Marriage,” Teacher Education Quarterly, Fall 1982, pp.28-39.

“A Conference Models for Global Environment Education,” with Newkirk and Miller, Journal of Environmental Education, Winter 1976, ~~48-53.

“Participant Learning in a Brief International Institute,” with Glen Newkirk, International Studies Notes, Fall 1976, pp. 14-19.


“Education and Work: Transitions Between Cultures: The Need for a Global Perspectives Approach to our Education Programs,” GLCA. December 1984.

“Legislative Responses to Ethnic Separatism: The Case of Belgium,” Social Education, February 1985, Vol. 49, No.2.

“Australia and High School Social Studies: A Focus on Foreign Policy,” Social Education, September-October 1984, Vol.48 No.6.


Social Education, co-guest editor, “The Emerging Pacific: Reshaping World Politics,” March 1988.

Educational Research Quarterly, guest editor, “Global Perspectives Education,” USC. School of Education, Summer 1983, Vol. 8, No. 1, Special Issue 1983.

International Studies Notes, guest editor, Winter 1989, University of Oklahoma, Vol. 14, Number 1.

Intentional Journal of Social Education, guest editor, Teaching Controversial International Affairs Issues, Summer 1989.



Theories, Narratives and Policy-Makers ( Under review with Oxford Press)

Conference Papers and Other Unpublished Works

“ US Arctic Security Strategies” The Arctic Circle Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, October, 2014

“Searching for a New U.S. Grand Strategy: Is There a Place for Cooperation?” The TransArctic Agenda, University of Iceland, October 2014.

“The Geopolitics of Climate Change: The Arctic Case”, Human Dimensions and Ocean Health in a Changing Climate, USC 2020 Project, March 12, 2013.

“ Scholarly Responsibilities in the Classroom: Exploring Concerns About Academic Freedom and Teaching in a World Where Controversy Rules,” ISA 2007 Annual Conference, February 2007.

“Foreign Policy Analysis Research: A Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Major Academic Journals, “ with Yitan Li and presented at 2007 ISA Annual Conference, February 2007.

“Challenging Hegemonic Paradigms and Practices: Critical Thinking and Active Learning Strategies for International Relations and Foreign Policy Courses,” APSA Annual Meeting, August 2006

“A New Grand Strategy for the US,” UCLA Extension, October 2004

“How Will the Iraq War influence the US Elections,” USC Orange County Distinguished Speaker Series, March 10, 2004

“ Grading the Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy: Pass, Fail or Incomplete? UCLA Extension, October, 2003

“Europe, Russia, and the U.S.: What is the Post Cold War Relationship,” Burkle Center for International Relations, UCLA, May 7, 2003

“The Aftermath of the War in Iraq: Reconstructions and Controversies,” Foreign Affairs Association of South and Central California, April 22, 2003

“Ethics and War: The Just War Tradition and the Bush Doctrine,” USC Teach-In on the War with Iraq, March 27, 2003

“We Simply Disagree: The Bush Administration and the Atlantic Alliance,” A Paper Presented at the 44th Annual Convention International Studies Association Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 2003.