I. Course Description

AP Biology is a class designed for students who have successfully completed Biology and Chemistry and who are possibly contemplating a major in a science related field or planning to attend college. Students may earn college credit for the class by achieving a score of 3-5 the AP Biology exam given in the spring. All students are expected to take the AP exam. The class will be conducted at the college level and students are expected to work accordingly. Students must attend class daily. Students will be expected to come to class prepared and on time. The overall success of the program depends, in large part, on each student meeting their individual responsibilities..A significant portion of the content of this course will be covered independently by each student. Allowances should be made for substantial study time.

II. Big Ideas of Advanced Placement Biology

Throughout the year we will be exploring the following 4 Big Ideas of AP Biology. We will continually search for new ways to utilize these ideas to establish connections between one topic and another.

  • •Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

•Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

•Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.

•Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

III. Text

Campbell, Neil, 2008, Biology, 8th Edition,Benjamin/Cummings Pubs. Co. Inc. Redwood City, CA.

Pubs. Co. Inc. Redwood City, CA.

IV. Research Project, Insect Project and Dissection

All students will be required to participate in a debate on a topic of importance to biological science today.

All students will be expected to participate in a dissection of a fetal pig. All students may be required to complete an Insect Collection.

V. Exams

Exams will be given according to the AP Biology exam format (Multiple Choice, Short Answer and FRQ)

VI. Grading

Student grades on based on homework, class work, labs, quizzes, FRQ’s, projects, and exams. Grades will be determined using a 0-5 rubric scale. All student work and Exams will be assigned a score of 0-5. The scale scores reflect the following:

5 (A+)(100%) Advanced ideas go beyond expectations

4(A-)(90%) Proficient/Advanced

3 (B-)(80%) Proficient/Basic

2 (C-)(60%) Basic

1 (D-)(50%) Below Basic

0 (F)(0%) Did not attempt to complete assignment

VII. Extra Help

Extra help is available between 6:15-7:00am and at lunch Tues-Fri. Homework Central is available after school from 3-5/8 and the Boys and Girls Club provides on-campus homework help from 3-6pm. If none of these times work for you, please see me and we will find time to meet if you need help. Don’t let yourself get so far behind that you feel hopeless! Please communicate with me if you have any issues that come up.

VII. Classroom Rules/Policies:

  1. Be here on time every day!! I will follow the school discipline sequence for tardies/truancies.
  2. No cell phones/headphones unless directed by Mrs. G
  3. Be respectful to all!
  4. Communicate if problems arise.
  5. Clean up after yourself!

Contact Info:

Cheryl Garcia