Course Requirements:
Practicum 22 and 23 each require a minimum of 90 hours of supervised field experience in an early childhood setting. A minimum of six to eight hours per week is required for a minimum of twelve weeks throughout the semester. A current TB test is required. Practicum placement sites may also require fingerprints.
Placement Requirements:
- 90 hours per semester in a consistent placement throughout the semester. Any changes must be approved by the instructor
- Placement site must be pre-approved by the instructor
- Placement site must be supervised by someone meeting Title 5 regulations: qualifying for the California Master Teacher Permit
- If no placement has been initiated by the fourth week, the student may be excluded from the course
- Employment requires a minimum of 15 hours per week
- Placement site must be pre-approved by the instructor
- Placement site must be supervised by someone meeting Title 5 regulations: qualifying for the master teacher permit
- Instructor has the right to require a 25 hour Individual Mentoring Contract
Choosing a Placement
- Placements must be made based on certificate being earned in consultation with your instructor
Before the First Day:
- Be sure all required paper work and forms are complete
- Visit the program and classroom
- Introduce yourself to the teacher, assistants, and director/principal
- Determine parking arrangements
On the First Day/Week:
- Arrive at or before scheduled time. Arrange sign-in and sign-out procedures.
- Ask about storage of personal belongings
- Arrange for a tour of the site and classroom, including restrooms, storage areas and exits. Pay careful attention to how the environment is arranged, activity centers, and materials.
- Ask about the roles and responsibilities of the staff and volunteers at the program
- Ask about break times for teachers, assistants, and students (if scheduled)
- Ask about policies regarding food, toileting, communication with parents, etc.
- Ask about health and safety policies and practices
- Observe the program carefully, using the observation tool if provided by your mentor/supervising teacher. Pay careful attention to the language used by the teachers, the schedule, the routines, the guidance techniques, the interactions between teachers and children, and the self/health care policies.
- Give the mentor/supervising teacher a copy of your Practicum syllabus
- Attendance is very important. Observe your schedule and be sure to contact your program or mentor/supervising teacher in advance if you are going to be late or absent.
Practicum Assignments:
- Development and implementation of four curriculum activities per semester. Curriculum areas will be determined by your instructor.
- Practicum students placed in infant/toddler settings will use learning/lesson plan formats designed specifically for this age group.
- Learning/lesson plans must be coordinated with and approved by the mentor teacher in advance of implementation in the classroom.
- Mentor/supervising teachers will assign additional requirements based on the needs of the program and professional growth needs of the practicum student
- Ask your mentor/supervising teacher how to obtain materials required for your activities
- Practicum students can never be left alone with children or take a child to the bathroom.
Faculty Observation Visits:
- Practicum faculty will visit practicum students during the semester.
- Visits will be scheduled between the faculty member and the student. It is the student’s responsibility to clear observation dates with mentor/supervising teacher to avoid time and schedule conflicts.
- The faculty member will email the mentor/supervising teacher to confirm date and time
Observation Notes, Documentation, Photographs, Cell Phones:
- Ask your mentor/supervising teacher what the policies are for cell phones, photographs and documentation.
- Practicum placement hours cannot be used for doing observation assignments. Avoid walking around the classroom with a notebook, as this becomes a barrier for interactions with children. Note taking may be done before or after regular hours.
Dress Code:
- Remember that you are a professional. At the same time you must dress comfortably and appropriately for a wide range of activities with young children
- Discuss dress code with your mentor/supervising teacher
- Wear shoes with closed toes.
- Avoid spaghetti straps, see through clothing, gym clothing, short skirts and shorts, logos,
- Be sure that all private areas are covered at all times (squatting, bending, etc.)!
- Programs reserve the right to ask a student to leave if they arrive with inappropriate dress
- Keep fingernails trimmed for safety reasons.
- Tattoos should be covered if possible.
- Avoid perfume as many children are highly sensitive to smells
- Jewelry should be kept to a minimum for safety reasons.
Professional Ethics:
- You are part of the professional field of early childhood education and as such must adhere to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.
- Your first priority is the welfare of the children. Focus on the children and their needs. Avoid excessive conversations with the other adults in the program.
- Learn and follow the rules of your placement.
- Refrain from gossiping about children, families, staff and programs.
- Information about children, families or teachers must be kept confidential and discussed only with your mentor/supervising teacher and in your Practicum seminar. Avoid names when possible.
- If conflicts arise during your practicum placement, please discuss strategies for resolving them with your mentor/supervising teacher and your practicum instructor. Avoid these discussions in front of parents and children.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice:
- All activities, books, and materials must be preapproved by your mentor/supervising teacher
- Be a positive role model
- Keep an open mind and be flexible. Consider the learning from multiple perspectives.
- Use language, vocabulary and guidance appropriate for the age of the children in the classroom. Remember that non-verbal communication is also powerful. Children are observing and absorbing all that you do!
- Positive communication is based on respect and relationships over time. Please discuss this with your mentor/supervising teacher and follow the teacher’s lead.
- Respect the uniqueness of each child
- Evaluation is an ongoing process during your semester.
- The formal evaluation will be done at the end of the semester using the attached form, and is a collaboration between your mentor/supervising teacher and your instructor
- Informal evaluations will take place throughout the semester through one or more of the following: discussion, reflections, journals, feedback forms or individual meetings.
- Attendance and punctuality are included in your final evaluation.
- You are responsible for maintaining records of your hours to fulfill the requirements.
Questions or Concerns:
- If questions or concerns develop during the course of your Practicum placement, please feel free to discuss with your mentor/supervising teacher or your Practicum instructor.
I have read and will adhere to the guidelines in this Practicum Handbook
Student Name, signature and date
Teacher Name, signature and date