October 2016Preparation Sheet

Theme for the year: Revisiting

Wisdom at the Crossroads

Proverbs 8:1-4 (New Jerusalem Bible):

Is not Wisdom calling? Is not Understanding raising her voice? On the heights overlooking the road, at the [Crossroads], she takes her stand; by the gates, at the entrance to the city, on the access-roads, she cries out, ‘I am calling to you, all people, my words are addressed to all humanity.’

October Focus: Wisdom is at the Crossroads

First Reading: Proverbs 8:1-4 (New Jerusalem Bible):

Is not Wisdom calling? Is not Understanding raising her voice? On the heights overlooking the road, at the [Crossroads], she takes her stand; by the gates, at the entrance to the city, on the access-roads, she cries out, ‘I am calling to you, all people, my words are addressed to all humanity.’

Second Reading: From “The Love of Eternal Wisdom: A Revisioning of

Saint Louis DeMontfort’s Contemplation on Divine


by Rabbi Rami Shapiro (pgs 15-16, para 56-59)

“Wisdom is the knowledge of God

and to know Her is to know Him as well” (Wisdom 8:4).

Wisdom is known through both form and formlessness.

For some the form is the easier gateway to Her,

for others the formless.

“If it is riches you seek,

seek Her Who is the source of all riches.

If it is poetry you desire,

desire Her Who is the source of all poetry.

If it is fairness you pursue,

pursue Her Who is the source of justice” (Wisdom 8:5-7).

Do not imagine there is but one way that leads to Her.

There is but your way.

Follow it to the end, and you will find Her.

“If it is science you value, value Her

for She is the ultimate science

unraveling all riddles of time and space” (Wisdom 8:8).

Wisdom is the way of all things,

and an honest study of the world will lead you to Her.

“Therefore I willed to live with Her as with a lover,

and in this way to heed Her counsel,

and benefit from Her care in times of anguish and despair”

(Wisdom 8:9).

If you are to find Her you must set

your body, heart, mind, soul, and spirit to finding her.

Only when you hold nothing back in pursuit of Wisdom

can you discover that She was never lost at all…

Focus Question: What and/or Where are your crossroads?