Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church

Welcome! We are glad you are here to worship with us.

May 15, 2011 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

TODAY’S Liturgical Ministers:

8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Presider Bp Peter Hickman Bp Peter Hickman

Concelebrant Fr Frank Munoz

Deacon Jay Thompson

Servers Melanie Winscher Jane Pritchett

Francis Munoz

Matthew Hickman

Ushers Mary Stacey Don Killam

Jason Adams

Proclaimers Victoria Anderson Michael Hodges

Steve Smith Nancy Sladak

Eucharistic Thom Rollins Jeanne Blum

Ministers Jennie Guida

Emmie Florendo

Fr George Florendo

Next Week's Liturgical Ministers:

8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Presider Bp Peter Hickman Bp Peter Hickman

Concelebrant Rev Martha Rogers Fr Toting Tronco

Deacon Jay Thompson

Servers Thom Rollins Liz Wessel

Angelica Tronco

Jasmine Tronco

Ushers Mike and Gay Smith John Deane

Jennie Guida

Proclaimers Marylou Madriaga Ann Marie Bills

Wendy Rollins Paul Hubbard

Eucharistic Meghan Domer Kate Bomkamp

Ministers Doris Hand

Emmie Florendo

Fr George Florendo


Both Wine and Grape Juice for Communion

At Saint Matthew Church, we believe that all who are drawn to the Table of the Lord should be welcomed and fed abundantly. For this reason, we will consecrate both wine and grape juice at our liturgies. You are welcome to receive in the species that makes you most comfortable while remembering that receiving the Body of Christ in any portion is reception in full. You may receive the consecrated wine by either intinction (dipping the host) or by drinking from the chalice. You may receive the consecrated grape juice only by intinction. Please do not drink from the cup of grape juice.


A Note from Bishop Peter

on Honoring Sacred Space

As we enter the church, we remember that we are entering a house of prayer and worship, a place of solace and grace. This is sacred space so enter reverently, pray quietly, sing joyfully, listen attentively, give cheerfully, and come back gladly. We look forward to getting to know you so we invite you to join us in the Parish Hall immediately following Mass for conversation.

Mass Intention

10:30 a.m. – Mark Masetta, RIP, requested by Brian and Jerriann Masetta


Today’s Readings

Acts of the Apostle 2:14a, 36-41; 1 Peter 2:20b-25; John 10:1-10


The Sheepfold

Shepherds often times made use of small natural caves or over hangs in order to protect their sheep from the rain, wind, snow, and wild animals. They would then construct a wall out of rock, soil, and brush to keep the sheep protected within from predators and thieves. The narrow entrance would not have a gate or door but rather the shepherd himself would sit or lay across the entrance as a kind of living door in order to personally close his sheep within.


Come pray the Holy Rosary each Wednesday

at 5:15 p.m. in the church.


Church Attendance

“Let us be concerned with one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are prone to do. Let us encourage one another.”

--Hebrews 10:24-25

Our church attendance on May 8:

8:00 a.m. – 26 adults

10:30 a.m. – 65 adults/23 children


Parish Lunch Out

Eat at McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant, 2791 N. Main Street, Santa Ana (across from Main Place Mall) on Sundays in May and they will send to the church $1/per person for everyone that comes in for lunch/brunch from 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m. You only need to provide a church bulletin on the Sunday(s) you attend. Only one bulletin is needed for your entire table.

May 22 is designated as Saint Matthew Day at McCormick & Schmick’s. If you plan to go to the restaurant on this day, please let Kathryn know in advance so she can notify the restaurant to make sure they are fully staffed for a large group. Kathryn may be reached at (714) 401-7184 or .

2011 Parish Council

Tonya Adams (714) 334-4430

Victoria Anderson (714) 879-8273

Jennie Guida (714) 639-7692

Michael Hodges (714) 390-3062

Claudia Kilby (951) 496-3035

Margaret Sanders (949) 709-1090

Steve Smith (714) 973-4939

Béa Tiritilli (714) 532-2714

Liz Wessel (714) 538-0170

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday, May 18, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting is open to any member of the community who would like to attend.


Outreach Ministries

SHARING SUNDAY: Once a month, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., we take a home-cooked meal along with love and joy to share with the residents of EMMANUEL HOUSE, a transitional residential home in Santa Ana for men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Please contact Liz Wessel, (714) 538-0170, , for additional information. Our next Sharing Sunday is May 29.

PHOENIX FAMILIES: We sponsor abused/neglected children and needy families in the Orange County area by providing canned/dry foods, diapers, and hygiene products (soap, shampoo, etc.) to Family Support Network. All donated items go directly to help families that are making positive changes in their lives and the lives of their children. We encourage everyone to participate by bringing any of the above-mentioned donated items to church on Sunday, presented during the giving of our tithes and offerings.

INTERFAITH SHELTER NETWORK: This is a moving shelter for the working homeless of Orange County. The residents of the shelter move about every two weeks to a hosting church, where they stay and receive the assistance of meals and assistance in locating jobs. Other items needed are: soap, razors, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bathroom tissue, shampoo, conditioner, combs, and brushes. There is a container in the Parish Hall to put these items in. For questions or more information, please see Michael Hodges.

POP TABS from canned drinks are collected and given to Children’s Hospital of Orange County who will turn them into $$ and donate the amount to the Orange County Ronald McDonald House.

XELA AID: Founded in 1992, Xela Aid (, a non-profit, non-denominational, humanitarian organization responds to requests for assistance from economically disadvantaged communities of Guatemala in ways that restore health and well-being to the people and the environment, promote cultural understanding, and preserve dignity. For additional information or to make a donation, e-mail Leslie Baer Dinkel at .


Special Occasions

Happy May birthday wishes to:

John Amato Ruth Hubbard Kelly Querijero

Red Blum Leja Jakstaite Stewart Taufa

Michael Caputo Crystal Madrid Deacon Jay Thompson

Kerry Cope Brian Masetta Nikolai Tiritilli

Lorenzo Corona Cassandra Moan Lucas VanderVeen

Brad Fessenden Mary Monroe Max Wenzel

Fr. George Florendo Leo Poehner Liz Wessel

Mary Ann Hoisington Karen Schulte Eleanor Zatyko

Happy May anniversary wishes to:

Fr. Nick and Mary De Los Reyes James and D’Lyn Misumi

Wes and Becky Flynn-Jones Mark Maddox and Suzanne Tang

Looking Ahead

May 18 – Parish Council Meeting

May 22 – Saint Matthew Day

at McCormick and Schmick’s

May 29 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

(hosted by Youth Group)

June 5 – Building Fund Sunday

June 11 – St Matt’s Got Talent (NEW DATE)

June 15 – Parish Council Meeting

June 19 – Father’s Day

June 26 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

July 3 – Building Fund Sunday

July 5-8 – Youth Group Camping Trip

July 9 – Xela Concert

July 20 – Parish Council Meeting

July 24 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

August 7 – Building Fund Sunday

August 17 – Parish Council Meeting

September 4 – Building Fund Sunday

September 4 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

(hosted by Youth Group)

September 14-16 – Women’s Retreat

September 21 – Parish Council Meeting

September 25 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

October 2 – Building Fund Sunday

October 2 – Feast of St. Francis of Assisi and the

Blessing of Animals

October 14 – Set Up for Auction

October 15 – Service Auction

October 19 – Parish Council Meeting

October 23 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

October 30 – Mass of All Saints and All Souls

November 5 – St Matt’s After Dark

November 6 – Building Fund Sunday

November 16 – Parish Council Meeting

November 20 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

November 23 – Ecumenical Thanksgiving Liturgy

November 24 – Thanksgiving Day

December 4 – Building Fund Sunday

December 18 – Decorate Church for Christmas

December 18 – Sharing Sunday at Emmanuel House

December 24 – Christmas Eve Liturgy at 4:00 p.m.

December 25 – Christmas Liturgy at 10:30 a.m.