Information Management System

Operations Governance Committee Meeting Minutes

ICN Meeting

November 14, 2007

Roll Call

Voting Members Present – Shelley Ackermann, Mary Ellen Becker, Pam Childers, Faye DeSmit, Roger Hess, Kirby Leland, Melody Raub and Kathy Tinker

Center Staff Present – Dave Brousard and Michelle Tressel

Ex-Officio members Present – Dixie Kimrey and John Lee

Members Absent: Toni Van Cleve

Review of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Minutes from the October and November meetings will be reviewed at the December OGC meeting.

Additions to Agenda


IMS Priorities and Expectations – Update by Michelle Tressel and Dave Brousard

1.  Operating the Central Processing Center which includes maintaining the IMS application and addressing requests from clients.


·  The figures for the month of October appeared in the monthly report.

·  From November 1 – 11, the nightly ran 100% without being restarted manually.

Contracting with GW for Additional Tasks

Dave Brousard responded to questions that were raised in October about whether it was possible to get more projects done in a shorter time if we contracted with GWAEA for more programmer time. Dave indicated that their other programmers, while available in an emergency, are busy with other projects and would not be available to take on new OGC projects.

Michelle and Dave also clarified the arrangement with David Ostroot. The contract was set up for up to 56 hours for bug fixes, not for new development. The concern in using David Ostroot for new development is that then we limit what we have available in case of problems with the current version of the Web IEP.

We will discuss the long range needs of the State at the December meeting.

2.  Developing Additional web IMS reports: (nothing new to report)

3.  Continuing to Monitor the Usage of reports: (nothing new to report)

4.  Continuing to facilitate identifying, documenting and training of uniform data entry procedures: (nothing new to report)

5.  Developing the new integrated IDEA web applications:

·  Report of Sp Ed Directors input on the I-Plan checkbox, I-Plan date and SDO:

The Directors approved removing all of the 3 items from the version 5 of the Web IEP since those data are not currently being used.

·  IEP Development List:

Michelle indicated that the current plan is to include all items on the Version 5 list that are identified as high priorities. Intermediate and low priority items may or may not be included depending on time. The current emphasis is on having version 5 of the Web IEP ready for use when school begins in August 2008. It was emphasized again that we need to be cautious about adding elements late that could push back our deadlines for the Web IEP.

We also discussed how many browsers to support. This issue will be revisited at a later meeting. The general belief is that we should further limit which browsers users can use (but still maintain some for PCs and some for Macs).

·  FoxPro and Web Outputs:

We revisited the issues about electronically available tuition in/out, teacher rosters and weighted count data. With the limitations on large districts accessing reports on the Web, Dave’s recommendation for the fall 2008 count is to convert the FoxPro report to PDF and send them electronically to the districts. We will keep the reports on FoxPro until the new IMS is developed. For the new system, the reports will be run via the web. FoxPro will also be used in the future to access old data that we do not transfer over to the new application.

Michelle discussed developing a process for improved testing of web products/reports. It involves all AEAs testing to ensure that we have accurate data, and if any changes are made to address errors, the AEAs would again be asked to test the products/reports.

·  Potential Web IDEA Modules

Michelle shared a conceptual drawing of the possible relationships between products such as IEP, IFSP, Medicaid and Child Find and a system management product/IMS. The entry would be through any of the individual products with the system management/IMS used to integrate the information and reporting components, enter data that does not come from the IEP or IFSP and audit the data. This concept is evolving and may look different in the future than what was presented.

·  Web IFSP Specs:

Michelle and Shelley talked about the process of developing specs for the Web IFSP. They shared the overview of the requirements that they have so far. The group contributed to the discussion with questions and suggestions.

·  Graphic for New System:

Michelle prepared four sample graphics for the system login screen. The group provided suggestions for the Center staff. Michelle will ask for guidance from the Department of Education about logos for EA, AEAs and DE on the login screen.

6.  Continuing to improve data verification report tools to monitor data in all of the web applications: (nothing new to report)

Statewide Requests

1.  New Requests: none

2.  Previous Requests:

Request 1516 “Medicaid Eligibility--add ‘Additional Staff’ filter”; submitted 10.3.07 by Lauri Jennisch, AEA 10;

This request is on hold until the AEAs have had a chance to use the other report for Medicaid that was approved in October, 2007.

IMS Budget

Michelle reviewed the CPC budget and planning process. Michelle begins the process in January or February. Often the salary and benefits are estimated since GWAEA has not generally completed the negotiations by the time the Bureau needs the Budget. The budget is the maximum amount that the CPC has authorization to spend. If there is a major change in the budget, the Special Education Directors are also involved in approval.

OGC Meetings

The group discussed making change in the timing of the OGC meetings. A decision was made to begin the meetings at 9:30 A.M. and end at 1 P.M. Following the meeting, those members whose schedule would allow, can stay for lunch at one of the local restaurants.

Report of On-Site Visits

Every other year, AEAs are offered the opportunity for an on-site visit. This fall, Mary Ellen and Michelle visited Great Prairie AEA, AEA 267 and Northwest AEA. There were four themes that emerged from those meetings: the need for customized modules may be diminishing, the need for information on when FoxPro will no longer be a part of the system, the need to align the data system with the new joint procedures manual which is in development, and concern with the accuracy of some of the current web reports.

Aligning IDEA Data System with Procedures

The Special Education Directors who are on the committees for the Joint Procedure Manual will share any implications for IMS, Web IEP or Web IFSP as they come up with Roger or Mary Ellen who will relay them to the OGC.

Future Meetings at 9:30 A.M. until 1 P.M.

·  Wednesday, December 19, 2007; AEA 11’s 6445 Building; Rooms G and H

·  Thursday, January 17, 2008; AEA 11’s 6445 Building; Room F

·  Friday, February 29, 2008; AEA 11’s 6445 Building; Rooms G and H