EFFECTIVE DATE: December 1, 2005
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 2700_zero_code
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FSM 2700 - Special uses managment
Chapter - zero code
/ Forest Service Manual
nebraska national forest
(region 2)
chadron, ne
fsM 2700 - special uses management
chapteR - Zero code
Supplement No.: r2_nnf_2700-2005-1
Effective Date: December 1, 2005
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: donald j. brightForest Supervisor / Date Approved: 11/22/2005
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was r2_nnf_2700-2004-2 to FSM 2720.
New Document / 2700_zero_code / 2 PagesSuperseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date / 2700_zero_code
(Supplement r2_nnf_2700-2004-1) / 2 Pages
2704.23 - Defines district ranger delegation of authority for issuance and approval of special uses authorizations
2704.3 - Delegation of Authority for Issuance and Approval of Special Uses Authorizations
2704.34 - District Ranger
Authority to administer permits, term permits, leases or easements issued by the Regional Forester or Forest Supervisor is delegated to District Rangers. Delegation includes the designation "Forest Officer in Charge" as referred to in permits and the responsibility to conduct periodic inspections and submitting recommendations concerning re-issuance, termination or corrective action for noncompliance.
Authority for approving special use permits with terms of five years or less is delegated to the District Ranger. Permits with terms of more than one year and up to five years should be reviewed by the respective Forest Special Uses Staff for Recreation and non-Recreation Special Uses.
Authority for approving special use permits, with terms of more than five years, remains with the Forest Supervisor. All special use permits under Forest Supervisor authority will be reviewed by the Forest Special Uses Staff prior to issuance.
District Rangers will not substitute short term permits for longer term permits in order to expedite the signing of permits, unless approved by the Forest Supervisor. Consult FSH 2709.11-2004.3 for recommended or maximum lengths of term associated with specific uses.
District Rangers are authorized to issue outfitter and guide permits that will terminate in ten years or less. Reference FSH 2709.11 Chapter 41.53j – Permit Terms and Conditions and Regional Office direction for qualifying outfitting & guide permit holders.
District Rangers may approve annual operating plans under outfitting and guide and concession special use authorizations.
Copies of all permits and amendments approved by the District Ranger will be sent to the Forest Supervisor’s Office.
Appropriate NEPA decision documentation is delegated to the Line Officer corresponding with the appropriate Special Use Permit authorization delegation of authority. (I.E. District Rangers can sign Decision Memos & Decision Notices for Special Use permits within their delegation of authority)