Student Success Meeting

Date: November 30, 2017

Present: T. Vasconcellos, K. Engel, P. Armstead, A. O’Neal, R. Olive, J. Saechao, V. Phan, K. Bill

Agenda / Discussion / Follow-up Action
Disproportionate Impact Data (Presentation and Discussion) / Hand out regarding CoA Disproportionate Impact Analysis for 2014-2015 and 16-17 distributed to the committee members.
CoA Disproportionate Impact Analysis 14-15
Equity(5) Indicators:
1)  Access: --- (DSPS DI {289) and VA (DI (289)
2)  Course Completion
·  Face to Face (non-DE) African American (DI {456}
·  Hybrid (African American DI {98} new metric, (Native American DI (2), VA DI (12), FY DI (8)
·  Distance Ed (African American – DI (155)
3)  ESL & Basic Skills Completion (English, Math and ESL)
4)  Degree/Certificate Completion
5)  Transfer
CoA Disproportionate Impact Analysis 16-17 (yellow – improvement, red – decline, green – new metric and orange – static)
Equity (5) Indicators:
1)  Access (White DI (2,774- decline) Ethnicity Unknown (DI (2,657 – decline), DSPS (DI – 289 improvement), and VA (DI (289- improvement)
2)  Course Completion
·  Face to Face (African American DI (456)
·  Hybrid (African American DI (98)
·  Distance Ed (African American DI (155 – improvement), FY (DI (212) new metric
3)  ESL & Basic Skills Completion (English, Math and ESL – numbers low)
4)  Degree/Certificate Completion – (numbers low)
5)  Transfer (numbers low)
·  Having goals that are measurable
·  Having brand new smart goal(s) that are different from previous goals which are measurable/assessable
·  Create metrics that may be monitored
·  Create back up recording mechanism wherein future membership for this committee is fully aware of the past significant related information.
·  KE still working on closing the gaps
TV mentioned about the goal of sending the draft plan to committee by Monday, December 4. Review and return by 12/15. Presentation of Process and Initial draft/goals to Senate by 12/7.
Final edits to be completed by 1/15 and sent to committee for final approval and edits. Senate/President having it signed off by 1/22, and for BOT approval by 1/23/18.
TV distributed the CoA Draft Goals and Activities:
Goals acquired are based on 11/3/17 meeting.
1)  Increase the number of 1st time students who complete a transfer level English and Math course within one academic year by 50% (baseline: 16-17 data)
·  SE 1.1 Improve equitable access across all student groups to transfer level courses by fully implementing multiple measures English assessment.
·  BSI 1.1 Dr. V will add the new wordings from T. Nelson. She will also check in with VPI.
2)  80% of all FT (to ADD matriculating per J. Saechao’s suggestion) students will have a comprehensive SEP within their first academic year.
2.2) Free counseling tool to change lack of personal connection with students. (VPSS will work with Counseling regarding 2.2 phrasings)
·  Adding liaison piece
·  Application process
·  Change (undecided students).
3)  Increase the numbers students who complete a certificate or degree by 10% (25 students) by June 2019.
·  BSI 3.1 Design and implement new curriculum (eg. – co-requisite courses) to facilitate student completion of degree applicable English (add: OR) (remove: AND) Math courses.
·  BSI (To ADD 3.2) Develop 2 to 3 credit certificates… (TV will ask clarification from T. Nelson as this is quite unclear to some committee members).
4)  Increase the number of students who successfully complete online courses by 10% (goal: 68% completion) by June 2019.
Comment/Suggestion regarding goal number 4:
·  This percentage is too low given completion date of June 2018. Change percentage to 25% (which totals to 63 students).
·  SSSP 4.1 Develop and implement online course success orientation
Why students not succeeding to on-line classes?
Answer/Solution brought up:
·  Provide CANVASS tutorial on-line classes. (confidentiality/security issue)
·  Assessing Early Alert
·  Training tutors through CANVAS
·  -online readiness tool specifically for Math
Adjournment: / Meeting adjourned at 3:00p.

Respectfully submitted by: Marivic Lizardo