Classroom Jeopardy
Classroom Jeopardy is an exciting way to get students involved in your class to review and retain terminology, formulas, and definitions. Scoring is automatic, and with a little practice, navigation is easy. This program is easy to install. In a matter of minutes, you’ll be creating your first game! Remember, answers are questions and questions are answers.
Classroom Jeopardy editing software is free of charge and versions can be downloaded to PC or Mac from the link below:
The Classroom Jeopardy editor guide is a pdf instruction manual you may read online, or print out for your department for future reference:!Link_Guide.pdf
Run the program so that it installs. A Classroom Jeopardy shortcut icon should appear on your desktop.
Name your game, and create six categories. You must create a category for each column. Since the number of characters is limited, the Abbreviated Category is what will be shown on-screen if the category has too many characters. Explanation will not appear on-screen, but is an area for notes when you run your game, to explain how the category works, for example, “In the National Parks category, I’ll name the park and you tell me the state it is in in the form of a question.” This version of Jeopardy is text only – no pictures, audio, or video may be included in the game.
Double-click on the answer box. The CLUE will appear on-screen in the blue box. The RESPONSE is the correct answer that the person will say, (in the form of a question of course!) For true/false or either/or answers, you’ll want to select the MAKE THIS CLUE SINGLE PLAY box so the other teams can’t get slam-dunk answers. DAILY DOUBLEs are randomized, so you never know where they’ll be. A single round of Jeopardy takes 35-40 minutes. If you have time, click on the DJ icon on the top menu bar for the second round where there are two Daily Doubles and the points double.
You can play a single round of Jeopardy and have a final Jeopardy round. Make sure you have a category, clue, and response. Players will need a piece of paper to come up with a wager and the correct question.
Come to Educational Technology (GL119) and see Guy Hamernik to transfer your completed game to the game cartridge. This process only takes a minute or two. Load the game into the Jeopardy unit and practice each question. Be on the lookout for spelling errors and spacing errors.
Pick a day and time for your Jeopardy game and let Ed Tech know.
Main Campus: We will wheel the Jeopardy cart to your room.
Heintz Center and Field House: Make sure the room you’re playing in is a Smart Room with a data projector and a VCR/DVD. We will plug the unit in through it.