/ Anatomy and BiomechanicsCode / PT 111
Level / 1
Credit rating / 20 credits
Pre-requisites / Normal course entry requirements
Type of module / Extensive
Aims /
- The students will become fluent in the use of anatomical terminology
- the students will acquire a detailed knowledge if the anatomy of the lower quadrant.
- The students will be able to explain and apply the basic principles of biomechanics.
Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Communicate using the correct anatomical terminology
- Describe the anatomical structures of the lower quadrant and explain their actions
- Explain how the structure of the lower quadrant is related to its function
- Palpate the superficial structures of the lower quadrant
- Carry out an anatomical analysis of the functional movements of the lower quadrant
- Apply the appropriate principles of biomechanics to enhance their understanding of functional anatomy.
Content / The content of the module will consist of :
- Introduction to the terminology of anatomy
- Introduction to the study of osteology, myology and arthrology
- Overview of the organisation of the anatomy of the body
- Detailed study of the osteology of the lower quadrant
- Detailed study of the myology of the lower quadrant
- Detailed study of the arthrology of the lower quadrant
- Overview the structure of the spinal cord, the formation of a mixed spinal nerve, and the plexuses
- Overview the peripheral nerve supply of the lower quadrant
- Overview the blood and lymphatic supply of the body
- Mechanics of the human body eg forces, moments, levers, mechanical advantage, resolution of forces, ground reaction forces and momentum.
Teaching and learning strategies / Weekly pattern of study
- Students are expected to prepare for the taught sessions and are provided with detailed objectives for each session
- There will be a lead lecture each week followed by practical / tutorial sessions which will include palpation.
- There will be continuous formative feedback through out the module in practical classes.
Learning support / Students are provided with a learning package which provides detailed outlines and objectives for the study for each week and are also directed towards recommended texts to assist in their independent study. Students have access to a library of bones and anatomical models, CD ROM resources and online resources.
Indicative reading
Palastanga N, D Field and R Soames 2006 Anatomy and human Movement, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Drake R, W Vogl and A Mitchell 2005 Gray’s anatomy for students, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston
Kapit and Elson 2002 The anatomy colouring book, San Francisco, Benjamin Cummings.
Field D 2006 Anatomy palpation and surface marking, Oxford, Butterworth Heineman
Trew M and T Everett(2005 Human Movement, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston
Kapandji IA 1987 Physiology of the Joints, Edinburgh, Churchill Livingston
Assessment tasks / A 2 hr short answer written examination paper (contributing 100% of assessment mark)
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module provides a first introduction to the study of anatomy, including basic terminology, and progresses to a detailed study of the bones, joints and muscles of the lower quadrant. The practical skills of identifying the relevant structures in the living body are taught in parallel with the theory. The basic principles of mechanics are also covered and applied to the human body to increase understanding of functional anatomy.
Area examination board to which module relates / BSc ( Hons) Physiotherapy
Module team/authors/coordinator / Clare Pope (coordinator) Guy Canby, Lucy Redhead
Semester offered, where appropriate / Semester 1
Site where delivered / Eastbourne
Date of first approval / May 2007
Date of last revision / October 2009
Date of approval of this version / Nov 2010
Version number / Version 1
Replacement for previous module / PT 101 and PT106
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / BSc ( Hons) Physiotherapy : compulsory
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / BSc ( Hons) Physiotherapy : compulsory
School home / School of Health Professions
External examiner / Helena Johnson October 2008 to October 2012
Ian Beith October 2010 to October 2014