Sub Extract()

Dim theText As String ' the value

Dim dataStart As String ' user input starting data cell

Dim dataEnd As String ' user input ending data cell

Dim dataOut As String ' output starting output cell

Dim thisRow As Integer, thisCol As Integer ' user input row and column

Dim rowEnd As Integer,colEnd As Integer ' user input ending row and column

Dim rowOut As Integer, colOut As Integer ' output row and column

Dim answer As String ' the result

On Error GoToEndProgram:

Do While True

dataStart = InputBox("Type the first cell of the data input range", "First Data Cell")

thisRow = Range(dataStart).Row

thisCol = Range(dataStart).Column

dataEnd = InputBox("Type the last cell of the data input range", "Last Data Cell")

rowEnd = Range(dataEnd).Row

colEnd = Range(dataEnd).Column

dataOut = InputBox("Type the cell where you want the output to start.", "Output Data Cell")

rowOut = Range(dataOut).Row

colOut = Range(dataOut).Column

Do Until thisRow = (rowEnd + 1)

' Assume there is no match

answer = "No Lot ID"

' Get the value and remove leading or trailing spaces

theText = Trim(Cells(thisRow, thisCol))

' Perform the first test

If Test1(theText) Then

' There is a LotID

If MoreThanOne(theText) Then

answer = "Multiple Lot IDs"


answer = theText

End If


' Perform the second test

If Test2(theText) Then

answer = theText

End If

End If

If answer = theText And Not foundALot Then

foundALot = True

End If

' Write the answer

Cells(rowOut, colOut) = answer

' Go to the next row

thisRow = thisRow + 1

rowOut = rowOut + 1




End Sub

' This is the first test to see if there is a Lot ID.

' @param theText {String) - text to check

' @returns True if it passes the Lot ID test or False otherwise

Function Test1(theText As String) As Boolean

Dim char1 As String, char2 As String, char3 As String, lastChar As String, charAfter As String

Test1 = False

' Get the first and third characters

char1 = Left(theText, 1)

char3 = Mid(theText, 3, 1)

charAfter = Mid(theText, 6, 1)

If (char1 = "0" Or char1 = "1" Or char1 = "2") And char3 = "-" And (Len(theText) = 9) Or Not (IsNumeric(charAfter)) Then

' We have 0?- or 1?- or 2?- and no extra digit after a 9-character match so it passes

Test1 = True

End If

End Function

' This is the second test to see if there is a Lot ID.

' The test looks for 20##P

' @paramtheText (String) - text to check

' @returns True if it passes the test or False otherwise

Function Test2(theText As String) As Boolean

Dim char12 As String

Test2 = False

' Get the first two characters

char12 = Left(theText, 2)

If char12 = "20" Then

' Check for number then number then uppercase or lowercase "P"

If IsNumeric(Mid(theText, 3, 1)) And IsNumeric(Mid(theText, 4, 1)) And UCase(Mid(theText, 5, 1)) = "P" Then

Test2 = True

End If

End If

End Function

' This function attempts to identify if more than one LotID is in the field.

' The string that gets passed to it has already been identified as containing a LotID.

' This function checks if the character following the Lot ID is NOT numeric and that

' there is a dash somewhere in the remainder of the string. This avoids identifying

' input with seven digits after the "-" as being multiple Lot IDs.

' @paramtheText (String) - text to search

' @returns True if more than one LotID is in the input and False otherwise.

Function MoreThanOne(theText As String) As Boolean

Dim charAfter As String

MoreThanOne = False

If Len(theText) > 9 Then

' Get last character after LotID

charAfter = Mid(theText, 6, 1)

If (Not IsNumeric(charAfter)) And InStr(1, theText, "-", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then

MoreThanOne = True

End If

End If

End Function