Educational Services Division
2503 Lawrence Street
Ceres, CA95307
Phone: (209) 556-1520 Fax: (209) 541-1428
Individual Supplemental Services Agreement (ISSA)
Consultation Meeting
Student’s name:______
Student ID number:______
Parent Selected
Special Services This Student Receives: English Learner Special Education
Date of Consultation Meeting: ______
Parent AGREES to release the following information (#1-8) regarding their student to the parent selected agency/provider.
_____ (Parent Initials)
The supplemental service provider AGREES NOT TO DISCLOSE to the public the identity of this student without written consent of the parent.
_____ (Supplemental Provider Initials)
Attach California Language Arts and Mathematics standards test results. If this student is in Special Education, attach IEP Goals and Objectives.
- Describe the specific achievement goals that will be established for this student?
- How will progress toward achieving these goals be measured?
- What is the timeline for improving achievement? In the case of a student with disabilities, the timetable will be consistent with the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) pursuant to the individuals with disabilities Education Act.
- How will parents and the student’s teacher be regularly informed of student progress? monthly bimonthly other ______
- Services to be provided:
Number of days of service covered by this agreement: ______
Location of services: ______
Type of service: individual small group (less than 6)
average group (7 – 15) other ______
Hourly rate for this service: ______
- Attendance: students must attend supplemental services on a regular basis. Absences in excess of 3 days will result in termination of services. Supplemental service provider will notify district and parent that services have been terminated.
- Termination of services:
The parent, district representative, and supplemental services provider have a right to terminate services if the provider is unable to meet stated goals and timelines. Parents will notify in writing their request to terminate the services of a supplemental provider.
- Method of Payment:
Each supplemental service provider will submit a monthly calendar indicating service for the student and signed off by the student/parent. This calendar will identify the hourly rate per student. Ceres Unified School District will pay up to $1,096.93 for the 2010-2011 school year for supplemental services per student. Any request for additional funds are outside the responsibility of the district and rests with supplemental service provider and parent.
The agency/provider will submit a request for payment, verified by student attendance record, and fingerprint certification form by the 15th of each month.
Parent Signature Date Supplemental Provider Signature Date
Signature of Teacher/Administrator DateSignature of District Representative Date
attending consultation meeting