OCTD Secretariat


In attendance:

Eddie & GinnyMouawad,BillBaley,PastorRob Warmouth, SheilaCheckley, TerriHolte,Nancy Romero, Diana Johnson,SandyLimacher, George & Teresa Cripps

Absent: BillBaaden, V.P., Ken Johnson, Rector

Opened with Communion &Prayer

President’s Report

SpecificallyEddie welcomed and prayed over our new elected Secretariat Members: BillBaleyas incumbent President and Nancy Romero as incumbent Secretary. Eddie and Terri were thanked by those present for their service of the past two years in those respective positions.

Eddie asked Terri to read the Secretary Position Responsibilities Description as submitted for the S.O.P.Manual. After brief discussion, the Description had a couple of minor clarifications added to it.Diana motioned that the Description be accepted with minor clarifications added, George seconded and the vote was to acceptDescription to be included in the S.O.P. Manual.TheamendedDescriptionfollowsthese meeting notes for the community’s review.

Discussionregarding our password protected page located on the OCTD websiteoccurredregardingclarification about who should have the password. The leadership of the community strives to protect details of the weekendalong withbalancingtransparency about theorganization. Items that are maintained on the password protected page are the weekend schedule,rollooutlines and details, Rector/Rectoratools etc. The Community database of members’ contact information has not and will not be stored there for an extra level of protection of privacy from hackers. After the discussion, a motion was made by Rob and seconded by Sheila to change the password for the protected page annually but also have it available upon request to any elected Secretariat by any active member of OCTD.

Eddie then opened discussion about clarifying Section 4.2 of the OCTD By-Laws which states that to be eligible to vote during an OCTD election, the initial qualification is that thepescadoreswill have served a weekend. Rob motioned that the intent of the term, “Initial Qualification” means that once someone is qualified to vote, they remain qualified. Sandy seconded the motion and a vote was taken to pass the motion defining “Initial Qualification”.

Next on the same topic, it was motioned by Rob that if someone had not served for 3 years, that they would potentially become, “Inactive.” After discussion, it was decided that,additionally,a member would not become inactive unless they were notified by emailor phone and if they did not want to be put on an inactive status they would not be.Sandy seconded the motion,thena vote was taken and passed to approve the amended motion defining “Inactive member”. Secretary will maintain status of the members for the community.

Eddie reminded us that all Candidate applications must be received by our next Secretariat meetingonAugust 1st.

May & JuneMeeting Minutes

Were voted on and approved aftera motion was made to accept by Sandy and seconded byBill.

Rector’s Reports

Women’sRectora–Sandystated thatthe Clergy Team is all set. Head: MichelleErhrenberg, then Paul Wood & Rita Jackson. Therest of the team is solid and ready.

Men’s Rector –Kenwas not present but Eddie provided updates in his absence.There has not been a change in team roster.4Rollosto be practiced in the morning at team meeting (July 12th). Members of the team are personally calling to contact candidates from previous weekend to invite them back to serve.

Financial Report

Sheila submittedcurrentFinancialreport – Proof of Cash for Fiscal Year August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2014. She is working hard to itemize expenses by weekend to show actual weekend related expenses and contributions. It is still critical to collect the $86 teamfees as the weekends are operating at a loss currently. The cash on hand increasing during this past year is attributable to generous donations made to our community but they can not be adequately relied upon for future years. We are trusting God to provide always!

Nancy submitted receipts on behalf of Victoria for printing and paper supplies $102.89.

Terri requested that Black Tablecloths be purchased for the community to be used for all weekends as a base cloth under plastic overlays or for the “dressy” type meals. Victoria had researched and found a vendor to supply various colors and sizes and Terri presented that information on her behalf. After brief discussion, it was determined that we would by 10 new BlackTableclothessize 120 inches at a cost of just over $100.

Facility Report

Eddiereported that the Salvation Army in Santa Ana(1017Edinger,betw: Bristol &Raitt)is still a possible facility for future weekends (perhaps Spring 2015). BillBaadencontinues to scout other churches for potential weekends. Pastor Sergio has offered his facility in Pomona as a venue and Wesley UMC in Riverside has offered to host us again. We are diligently trying to keep OCTD weekends in Orange County but we are blessed to have options in case one can not be found for March 2015.

OCTDcontinues to encourage“Information Events” orSequelasto invite believers who have not attendedaTresDias weekendto relayinformationin support of potential sponsors.

Ended in Prayer

OCTD Secretariat

Elected Secretary Position

Position Description

•Take notes at Monthly Secretariat Meeting anddistribute to theOCTDCommunityDatabase.

•Maintain theOCTDdatabase to currentand confidentialinformation for OCTD Members.

•Serve,attend, andrepresent Leadership for OCTD at as many community events as possible:Sequelas, Weekends, Fiestas, Picnic.

Skill Set

Desired and ideal skills for position include strong listening and organization abilities, good grammar & writing skills, good computer skills including some Excel Spreadsheet knowledge, and the ability to delegate and oversee as a leader. The Christian gift of encouragement goes a long way when shared in this position as does the fruits of living in the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness,Temperance(Galatians 5:22-23).

Time Commitment

•2 to 3 hoursper month – Meeting Attendance

Monthly meetings are generally held the first Friday of the month and last 2 to 2 ½ hours. January & July are generally the 2ndFriday due to National holidays.

•2½to 4hoursper month – Notes Documentation & Distribution

•12hours– Minimal Weekends Attendance (usually twice annually)

Historically, there are 2 sets of weekends per year whereby the ideal minimal attendance of the Secretary for 3 weekends in a row would be as follows:

Wknd#1 –Men’sSaturday6pm Serenade (if female) & 8pm Candlelight


Wknd#2 -Women’sSaturday6pm Serenade (if male) and 8pm Candlelight


Wknd#3 -FiestaSaturdayfollowing Women’s weekend – 6 to 9pm

Ideally, Secretary would either serve a position on the team or Angel – that time is not included in the above estimatenor is the time spent forweekendteam meetings/ preparation.


•Type, organize, and email notesfor 1stApproval by Elected Secretariat & Rectors that were in attendance at monthly Secretariat meeting.Make edits as needed and prep for distribution to OCTD community as a whole.

•Maintain Databaseof contact information,Rollosgiven, positionsserved,active or inactive status,and other relevant data.Keep list of members as current and confidential as possible.Once or twice per year, send out an email to update contact information for members and/or update at community events.Also, other Elected Secretariat / Rectors, in the course of their duties, may receive updates to contact information for OCTD members andthose should be forwarded to Secretary to update theMaster OCTD MemberDatabase.ShareMaster Database or parts of itwith other elected Secretariat members as needed.Ultimately,the Master Database is the responsibility of the Secretary to maintain.

•Coordinate with Community Historian (currently Victoria Owen) to ensure she receives the following information from the men and women’s HeadPalancafrom the weekend: Last Team Roster, Actual FinalPescadorlist, etc.

•Coordinate with Webmaster (currently MikeShellman) to ensure the meeting notes for previous monththat are approved after Secretariat meetingare posted to website.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 8:28