2017/2018 15
Gaddesby Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Gaddesby Village Hall
on Monday, 12th June 2017, commencing at 6.45 pm.
Councillors Present
Mrs Pat Walton - Chair Mr Gary Fox
Mrs Jenny Hurst – Vice-Chair Mr Howard Bakewell
Mr Gordon Bigam
Mrs Trudy Toon – Clerk to the Council
County Councillor Mr J T Orson
Mr Peter Wardman – Chair of Governors, Gaddesby Primary School
Mr Richard Mugglestone – Midlands Rural Housing
Apologies – Apologies were received from Borough Councillor Mrs Janet Simpson.
Parishioner/Public Time
County Councillor Orson reported to Councillors that the Melton Local Plan would be considered at a full council meeting on Tuesday, 4th July 2017. When Councillors and Officers would review the recently compiled and updated evidence alongside the findings from the latest consultation and would decide upon the next steps. County Councillor Orson advised that part of the Plan would probably be consulted upon again and that items may include a Melton Town eastern bypass and affordable housing.
County Councillor Orson went on to inform Councillors of the percentages of allocated affordable homes within Melton Borough. These being 15% Melton Town, 40% eastern area, ie, Somerby, Leesthorpe, etc, 35% Vale of Belvoir, 25% Old Dalby, etc.
Councillors were of the opinion that the percentage of affordable homes allocated to Melton Town should be greater.
County Councillor Orson advised that MBC had appointed a new Chief Executive.
County Councillor Orson reported that LCC have to make more cut backs in order to make additional savings. Councillors commented that noticeable cut backs included the long wait to repair pot holes.
Mr Peter Wardman, Chair of Governors at Gaddesby Primary School attended the meeting to raise his concerns regarding the speed and volume of traffic outside and near to Gaddesby Primary School.
Before he began, Mr Wardman introduced himself to Councillors. Namely, that he has lived in South Croxton for 30 years, has been a Governor at the School for 10 years and has been the Chair of the Governing body for two years.
Mr Wardman informed that currently the School have 135 pupils and that in four years time they would aim to have approximately 210 pupils. About 50% of the pupils live in the catchment area, this percentage would be expected to remain approximately the same as the number of pupils increase.
Mr Wardman explained to Councillors that the School has two main issues:
Firstly, the number of motor vehicles around the School at dropping off times, ie morning and afternoon. Mr Wardman explained that the School currently operate a ‘kiss and drop’ scheme, whereby parents drop their children off in the Village Hall car park, the children are met, supervised and taken into School by members of staff. Mr Wardman, along with Councillor Bakewell commented that this scheme works very well, although they would like to encourage more parents to use it.
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Parishioner/Public Time cont.
Mr Wardman went on to inform Councillors that in order to reduce the volume of traffic around the School, they encourage parents to walk to School, where possible and to use the catchment School bus.
Secondly, Mr Wardman explained that the speed of the motor vehicles travelling through Gaddesby village is a concern. Although most road users are cautious and sensible particularly around the School, some motorists do exceed the speed limit.
Mr Wardman asked if GPC had considered any traffic calming measures, ie, flashing speed limit signage? Councillor Walton advised that a number of years ago, GPC looked into installing flashing speed limit signs, however, these proved to be too expensive and GPC would have to cover the full cost as the road through the village isn’t classified.
Those present at the meeting were of the opinion that speed humps would not be an option as they could potentially make the situation worse due to the quantity of parked vehicles along Ashby Road outside the School.
Councillors advised Mr Wardman that a Community Speed Watch Scheme was carried out in Gaddesby some time ago, although it was suggested that it may be a good idea to carry out another Speed Watch Scheme due to the increase in vehicles travelling through the village, as a result of the temporary closure of the Queniborough Road.
County Councillor Orson suggested that Mr Wardman contact PC John Scott of the Leicestershire Police to raise his concerns regarding the speeding traffic.
County Councillor Orson suggested that ‘Dragons Teeth’ road markings could be a deterrent for speeding vehicles; County Councillor Orson asked the Clerk to forward him an email, in order to ask LCC if they would consider ‘Dragons Teeth’ road markings for Gaddesby.
Following the points raised by Mr Wardman, the Clerk was asked to find out how much flashing speed limit signage would be. Mr Wardman commented that the School may be able to contribute towards the purchase of a sign.
Mr Richard Mugglestone of Midlands Rural Housing attended the meeting to review the outcome of the Housing Needs Survey, which was carried out in the Parish during February 2017.
Mr Mugglestone advised that during the next five years, the Survey identified a need for up to five affordable homes and eight open market (sale) homes for local people, which would enable them to be suitably housed within the community.
Mr Mugglestone explained that the Survey took into account, average house prices, trends, etc and that it did not take into consideration current planning applications or applications which have recently been approved.
Councillors expressed their disappointment in the Survey return rate – only 1/3 of households returned their Survey (116 responses). Mr Mugglestone advised that this would be the expected average response rate for this type of area.
Councillors advised Mr Mugglestone that the data for Ashby Folville was incorrect, as approximately ¾ of the properties are rented from a private landlord and not owned outright as the Survey suggests. Mr Mugglestone would look at the data again.
Mr Mugglestone thanked Councillors for their support in carrying out the Survey and advised Councillors to contact him if they had any further questions or required any assistance.
Minutes – Minutes of the previous meeting no’s 2017/2018 8-14, having been circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed.
Councillor FoxCouncillors Hurst, Fox and Bakewell Clerk
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Matters Arising
1. LCC, Funds held for the Barsby Bus Shelter – The Clerk had written to LCC, Communities and Places Team, to ask if it would be possible to use the grant, currently retained by GPC, of £1,500.00 within the Community. The LCC, Melton West Community Forum had originally granted the funds to GPC for the provision of a bus passenger shelter in Barsby. A response had yet to be received.
2. Crime Updates – PC Scott circulated to all Parish Councils a crime report for the Melton Mowbray beat during May. In view of the recent terrorist attacks in the UK, Councillor Fox had yet to contact PC Scott, but would endeavour to do so before the July meeting. Councillors understood that four men had been given short term jail sentences after they had admitted their involvement in damaging in excess of 80 motor vehicles, some in Gaddesby, shortly after Christmas.
3. Weakened Carriageway from Barsby crossroads to South Croxton crossroads – Nothing to report.
4. Melton Local Plan – See parishioner/public time.
5. Gaddesby War Memorial – Nothing to report.
6. Housing Needs Survey – See Parishioner/Public Time.
7. Neighbourhood Plan – The Clerk had spoken with Mr James Beverley, the Planning Policy Officer at MBC with regard to addressing a Neighbourhood Plan open meeting for the Parish. Following the telephone conversation, possible dates were, Thursday, 29th June 2017 or Thursday, 13th July 2017. After consideration, Councillors decided Thursday, 29th June 2017 would be the preferred date. Councillors Walton and Bigam would be away on holiday; Councillor Hurst agreed to Chair the meeting, with Councillors Bakewell and Fox also attending. The Clerk would be able to attend the meeting on this date.
Mr Beverley would put together an agenda for distribution at the meeting. Mr Beverley suggested that he initially addresses the meeting, followed by a question and answer session. At the end of the meeting it was hoped that the parishioners, who expressed an interest in joining a Neighbourhood Plan working advisory committee, would get together in order to form a group which would be able to take the Neighbourhood Plan forward on behalf of the Parish. As Gaddesby Village Hall would be unavailable on a Thursday evening, the Clerk had contacted Mrs Lucy Stroud with a view to booking Ashby Folville Village Hall; the Clerk would confirm this booking with Mrs Stroud. The Clerk would confirm the date of Thursday, 29th June with Mr Beverley, with a start time of 7pm. The Clerk was asked to put a notice on each of the village notice boards to advertise the meeting and to email all the parishioners who had expressed an interest in joining the working committee to advise them of the forthcoming meeting.
8. Worn Road Marking ‘SLOW’, Barsby – Nothing to report.
All Councillors
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Matters Arising cont.
9. Leicestershire Running Club, Team Anstey Amblers and Runners – Road Race, Sunday, 21st May 2017 – It was understood that the road race held on Sunday, 21st May went ahead without any problems. However, Councillors had concerns regarding the event for the future. Councillors were of the opinion that the narrow village lanes were unsuitable for such an event, which attracted a large number of runners. Councillors had concerns that the race organisers did not consult with GPC prior to arranging the date for the race and did not take into consideration any other events which may be taking place in the area. Additionally, Councillors were conscious of the disruption caused to the parishioners in the villages. The Clerk was asked to write/email LCC to advise that GPC object to any road races that may be intended in the future and to highlight to LCC the concerns of GPC.
The Clerk was asked to copy the email to the race director, Ms Philippa Bennett.
10. Footway from The Lodge, Ashby Folville to Barsby village – After several reminders, LCC had not mown the grass verges on the footway from The Lodge, Ashby Folville to Barsby village. As the grass had become so overgrown, local farmer, Mr Alan Smith, had kindly cut back the grass; the Clerk was asked to thank Mr Smith on behalf of GPC.
11. New Village Notice Boards – Nothing to report.
1. RoSPA Play Area Safety Inspection – The Clerk advised Councillors that RoSPA had carried out the Gaddesby Play Area Safety Inspection on Thursday, 1st June 2017. With the present overall risk rating as ‘Medium’. The Clerk circulated the report to all Councillors prior to the meeting. As the report had only just been received, Councillors agreed to read through the report and to raise any concerns at the July meeting.
2. MBC, Melton Community Forum – Notification had been received that the next Melton Community Forum would be held at the Council Offices, Parkside on Tuesday, 27th June 2017 at 6pm. All parishioners were welcome to attend.
Correspondence was either emailed or made available to Councillors as necessary.
Planning Matters
a. Ivy Cottage, 20 Chapel Lane, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr Gary Fox for the proposal to replace fencing in the garden of the property. Councillors resolved to support the application.
b. Ashby Pastures, Pasture Lane, Ashby Folville – Application submitted by Mr and Mrs Lloyd for the proposed conversion of a barn into two dwellings. Amended scheme with extensions.
Previous application 16/00435/FUL refers.
Councillors resolved to support the application.
‘For Information Only’
c. Glebe Farm, Pasture Lane North, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr P Chantrell for a proposed steel frame agricultural building.
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Planning Matters cont.
d. ‘Ridgemere’, 7 Park Hill, Gaddesby – Application submitted by Mr M Jones for a proposed open plan barn capable of storing farm machinery, feed and straw. MBC had notified GPC that a full planning application would be required for this application, as it did not meet with the criteria for a ‘General Permitted Development Order’ application.
e. New Barn, Ashby Road, Gaddesby – Parishioners again raised their concerns to GPC regarding the construction of a new barn, outside Gaddesby village on the Ashby Road. Concerns had arisen regarding the purpose of the barn. Additionally, it had been noted that the site had been named ‘Oakbrook Farm’. Councillors resolved to monitor the site.
Application within the Borough of Charnwood:
f. Land Off Main Street, South Croxton, Leicestershire – Application submitted by Mr J Connors for the proposed change of use of land as travellers site and siting of three mobile homes (three pitches). Notification had been received that Mr J Connors had submitted an appeal to the Secretary of State against the refusal decision made by Charnwood Borough Council.
Following the circulation of the email to Councillors, the Clerk was asked to write to the Planning Inspectorate with the concerns previously highlighted to Charnwood Borough Council.