Saturday 4 June, 2011 at 3.00pm at the Bricklayers Arms, Chipstead

Minutes from the AGM

1.  Welcome address: by Keith McGinn, the current Ide Hill FC Club Secretary

·  Keith McGinn (KM) welcomed everyone to the 89th Ide Hill FC AGM and thanked all those for being present.

2.  Apologies for non-attendance of committee members

Members present:

·  Keith McGinn, Club Secretary

·  Steve Rowley, Editor

·  Shaun Boyle, First Team Manager

·  Danny Miles, Reserve Team Manager

·  Sebastian Pennells, Clubhouse Committee member

·  Simon Lewis, Committee member

·  Robin Martin, Committee member

·  Jon Sayers, Committee member

·  Chris Newhouse, Committee member

·  Dave Lansley, Committee member

·  Richard Spencer, Committee member

With apologies from:

·  Dennis Couchman, Club President

·  Wally Paxton, Committee member

·  George Heath, Committee member

·  Rees Vosper, Committee member

·  Nick Scott, Committee member

3.  Confirm the minutes of the 2010 AGM

·  KM confirmed the minutes of the 2010 AGM minutes, although we did not have a copy present.

4.  A review of the 2010-2011 Season

·  KM commended both Chris Newhouse and Nick Scott for offering their services as First and Reserve team managers respectively at the start of the season.

·  KM also commended both Shaun Boyle and Danny Miles for stepping up, during a crisis period at the club, to finish the second half of the season in these respective jobs.

·  KM praised the club committee members for their handling of the mid-season crisis, which led to him staying with the club as Club Secretary.

·  Steve Rowley (SR) and Sebastian Pennells (SB) commented on the past structure of the club and professionalism of committee members when voted in, it was decided that unless unforeseen circumstances were to blame, each member would stay in the position until the next AGM is held, or an EGM is called for.

·  It was noted that the club is still much unorganised with regard to paying fines and subs on time, and managing the water bottles, kit and match balls. This will be changed in the forthcoming season.

·  KM touched on his letter to the League Secretary and Ide Hill Parish Council regarding the foul and abusive language at Ide Hill versus Sevenoaks Weald Reserves.

5.  Election of club positions

The below positions were voted on by the committee (a majority rule was enforced).

a)  Life President – Dennis Couchman

b)  Club Chairman – Wally Paxton

c)  Club Secretary – Keith McGinn

d)  Club Treasurer – Keith McGinn

e)  Media Secretary – Steve Rowley

f)  Committee Members

·  Robin Martin

·  Simon Lewis

·  Richard Spencer

·  Chris Newhouse

·  Sebastian Pennells

·  Danny Miles

·  Shaun Boyle

·  Dave Lansley

·  Jon Sayers

·  Nick Scott

·  Rees Vosper

·  George Heath

It was noted that residents of Ide Hill will be invited to join the committee in the future.

6.  Election of managerial positions

a)  First Team Manager

·  Shaun Boyle steps down as First Team Manager after 6-months as caretaker manager.

·  Percy Dalton has shown a great interest, but has yet to commit anything.

·  Online advertising has gone out and the Club wait any responses.

·  Dave Lansley and John Lansley offered to share the position; however their offer was politely declined by the committee.

·  It was also voted against paying any manager for this position.

b)  Reserve Team Manager

·  Danny Miles steps down as First Team Manager after 6-months as caretaker manager.

·  Sebastian Pennells was the sole candidate for this position and was voted in as Reserve Team Manager for 2011-2012.

c)  Club Captain

·  To be confirmed by both managers before the season starts.

7.  Finances for the year 2010-2011

a)  Account balances to date

·  There is currently about £2,000 in the bank account.

·  Club debtors need to pay up ASAP, otherwise their will run the risk of not playing for any team in the Sevenoaks & District League next season.

b)  Clubs outgoings

·  Expenses for the 2011-2012 season explained

·  £450 spent marking out the pitch

·  Referees costs went up

c)  Sponsorship

·  KM to meet with FMS sponsor Trevor Rider and confirm for the 2011-2012 season.

d)  Subscriptions & Signing-on fees

·  Raising of match subs

o  It was agreed that match subs would remain at £6.00 per player per game for the 2011-2012 season.

·  New form for subs collection and rules regarding non-payment

o  If a player does not pay subs one week, then he does not play the next week. However, this is ultimately down to the managers to manage.

·  Option of signing-on fee

o  The committee decided that there will be a signing-on fee for all players for the 2011-2012 season. The amount was not agreed however, and will be determined by the level of sponsorship received.

·  Buying your kit – option to purchase your kit

o  The committee decided against this move; however they noted that it may be an option for future seasons.

e)  Current clubhouse situation

·  KM to address the club regarding the situation surrounding the future of the Clubhouse at Camberwell Lane.

o  KM went through the options available to the club and it was a unanimous decision to proceed with knocking down the clubhouse based on the legal requirements from the Parish Council. If this is satisfactory then this should proceed.

o  KM, SB and Jon Sayers to follow-up with the Parish Council and report back to the committee by end-of-July 2011.

f)  Possible pitch locations

·  KM to address the club regarding the options available for the 2011-2012 season

o  It was confirmed that the football pitch at Greatness was no longer an option as Sevenoaks Town Juniors FC have ultimate control of the pitch.

o  Other pitches proposed were Knockholt, Bradbourne School (no showers) and Dorton House.

o  KM to follow up as Club Secretary and ensure the club has a pitch for the 2011-2012 season.

·  After match venue

o  Knockholt was mentioned

o  KM to follow up as Club Secretary and ensure the club has an after match venue for the 2011-2012 season.

g)  Club aims & expectations

·  League standings and club objectives for 2011-2012

o  KM mentioned that the club strives to have good facilities for the 2011-2012 seasons

o  KM also confirmed that it would be nice to return to Ide Hill for the 2012-2013 season, although this was dependant on ensuring the clubhouse gets built in time.

·  Players behaviour regarding language, bookings, response to emails

o  All players need to respond to SR if the club are to communicate correctly.

o  It was agreed that the language used by Ide Hill FC players was not an issue and that it was their opponents.

·  Football kit, balls, water bottles & First Aid kit

o  It was agreed that the managers will be responsible for all balls, water bottles and First Aid Kits. Not least, knowing their whereabouts.

o  The committee agreed to an option offered by KM to utilise a company who will collect both kits and redeliver fully washed. The cost agreed to was £10 per kit per wash.

h)  Training and pre-season friendlies

·  Training will commence on Saturday 25 June, 2011. Pitch and time are yet to be confirmed

o  Training will commence on Saturday 25 June, 2011, at Ide Hill, Camberwell Lane. The training will be taken by SB and Paul McDonagh until further notice.

·  Friendly matches will commence on Saturday 30 July, 2011. Opposition yet to be confirmed, however these will start at IDe Hill, Camberwell Lane if no other pitch has been found.

i)  Media options

·  Website

o  The Media Secretary, Steve Rowley, confirmed that a new website will be built as soon as possible, and that all charges will be sent to Ide Hill FC. The committee agreed to finance these charges.

·  Advertisements

o  A number of adverts have been posted on the internet for a first team manager; however the posting of adverts in newspapers has been put on hold until further notice.

j)  Any other business

·  Ide Hill FC Presentation Dinner and Reunion at Nizels Golf Club

o  SR, the Media Secretary raised the above function to the committee to raise awareness and follow up with ex-players etc for their confirmation of attendance.

k)  AGM closure

·  KM closed the AGM by thanking all of those present for their attendance and wished the club well for the 2011-2012 season.

The minutes of the Ide Hill FC AGM were taken by Steve Rowley, Media Secretary to Ide Hill FC.


Ide Hill Football Club AGM: Saturday 4 June, 2011