West High Band Boosters Meeting

January 14, 2016, 7:00 pm

West High Orchestra Room

  1. Call to Order
  2. Meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Band Booster President Tammi Mitchell. Secretary Sara Harnack was present.
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Minutes fromDecember 10, 2015, meeting were distributed. Motion was made to approve the minutes by Wayne Theel. Seconded by Diane Laurie. Motion passed. Sara Harnack will email to Danny Kleinheinz to post on the website.
  5. Introductions
  6. Brooke Dietsch, Brenda Durbahn, Sara Harnack, Diane Laurie,Michael Prichard, Tammi Mitchell, Janice Theel, and Wayne Theel were in attendance.
  7. Band Directors report (Prichard)
  8. The Jazz Band will play during the dinner shift at Tyson’s on February 23 for donations.
  9. The fall semester will be ending soon, and the directors know some students will become ineligible due to grades and, therefore, unable to participate in extracurricular activities (i.e., Jazz Band) for 30 days. It is likely this 30-day ineligibility period will likelyinclude the CR Washington Jazz Clinic.
  10. A request was made to bring in college student clinicians and pay them $20 each for their time. Total possible money needed: $200. Motion was made by Brenda Durbahn to approve request in the amount of $200 total. Seconded by Diane Laurie. Motion carried.
  11. Treasurer’s report (W. Theel)
  12. Wayne Theel shared spreadsheet indicating current account status. He answered questions about the financial health of the booster club.
  13. Moniesfrom December concert donations, proceeds from gift wrapping, and money from sale of Kwik Star cards were given to Wayne Theel to deposit.
  14. Fundraising report (Laurie)
  15. The band has been selected as the Stuff, Etc., Charity of the Month for September, 2016. Donation boxes for the band will be placed at the cash registers, andthe check will be presented in October. Displays to go by the registers will be needed; the band is advised that brighter and flashier is better!
  16. Basketball concession stand: Concession sales continue to go well. We are always looking for additional volunteers. If you are interested, please email Janice Theel.
  17. Scratch Cupcakes: Cupcake orders will be taken from February 1 – February 18 with delivery on March 11. Michael Prichard will send email.
  18. Sadie Hawkins Dance: Due to conflicts in scheduling the commons in February, the band is not able to hold the dance this school year.
  19. Butter braids and/or fruit sales are possibilities for March fundraiser(s).
  20. Upcoming fundraisers: February – Jazz Band at Tyson’s and Stuff the Truck at February concert; Marcus theatre, spring, 2016; WFC Candy Bars, April, 2016.
  21. Diane Laurie volunteered to continue to set-up/organize gift wrapping in December, 2016.
  22. Old business
  23. New business
  24. The Wahawk Theatre Booster Club will purchase Pepsi products from the Band Boosters for the upcoming contest on February 6. Brenda Durbahn, Theatre Booster president, will coordinate order with Janice Theel.
  25. Next concert date is February 22, 2016.
  26. Adjournment
  27. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Sara Harnack, Band Booster Club Secretary.