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of the
Amended to: 9/6/2011
At the Annual Meeting of the Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service, Incorporated, formerly The Easton Ambulance Association, Incorporated, held at the Easton Town Hall on May 9th, 1984, pursuant to the power conferred by it’s Articles of Association to make By-Laws for its government and management, the By-Laws of The Easton Ambulance Association, adopted on May 8, 1946 are retained as amended, to wit:
Name and Seal
This corporation shall be known as the “Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service, Incorporated.” The seal of the corporation is keystone in shape with the words, “Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service, since 1946,” and the Star of Life symbol of the Emergency Medical Service within its borders.
The affairs of this corporation, pursuant to the aforementioned Articles of Association, shall be managed by a Board of eighteen Trustees. The first trustees of said corporation were those named in the Articles of Association and the terms of the original trustees were determined by lot; one-third to serve for one year, one-third to serve for two years and one-third to serve for three years. Beginning at the Annual Meeting in May 1947 and annually thereafter; one third of the trustees shall be elected by the members from the membership of said corporation to hold office for a term of three years or until time of election and qualification of their successors in office.
If any trustee shall resign or shall die during his or her term of office, the remaining members of the Board of Trustees shall have the power to elect a trustee to fill such a vacancy until the next annual meeting.
The trustees may create such committees, either from among the trustees or its members or mixed committees of both trustees and members as to them may seem expedient.
The Trustees shall make such rules and regulations governing the management of the affairs of the Corporation with the purpose of raising and appropriating supplemental funding for the betterment of its volunteers and the services provided by the Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service as they may deem appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Corporation. (Amended 9/6/2011)
The trustees shall manage donations made to the Corporation and supervise the distribution thereof for the benefit of the organization and further shall have the power to provide for any other method as is their discretion may seem proper to adopt in order to raise the necessary revenues to continue the services to be furnished by the Corporation.
While the Board of Trustees continues to be vigilant of the overall operation of the EVEMS, the Board of Trustees recognizes that the EMS Commission, appointed by the Town of Easton, and by town ordinance has the full responsibility for assuring that the terms and conditions of the ambulance service to be furnished by the EVEMS shall be rendered or withheld in accordance with State of Connecticut regulations governing the delivery of Emergency Medical Service. (Amended 9/6/2011)
Regular meetings of the trustees shall be held at such time as the majority of them may determine. Upon written request of any four trustees to the President or the Secretary of the Corporations, a special meeting of the trustees shall be called by the President within 10 days from the date of receipt of such written request and notice of any such special meeting of the trustees shall be given in writing by the secretary to the trustees three days before a special meeting.
At any regular or special meeting of the trustees, ten (10) trustees must constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (Amended 9/6/2011)
The officers of the Corporation shall consist of a President, An Executive Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. The first officers of this Corporation were elected by the trustees named in the Articles of Association from among their number. Terms of these officers were for one year and until the next annual meeting and until the election and qualification of their successors.
Beginning in May 1947, between the date of the annual membership meeting and the first day of June, the trustees, from their own number, elect officers for the ensuing year. Each officer of the Corporation shall have the powers and duties usually appertaining to the office.
Unless otherwise ordered, meetings of this Corporation shall be held in the town of Easton at such time and place as may be designated by the Board of Trustees or its secretary until such time as it shall establish a permanent headquarters.
The terms of all officers shall expire at each annual membership meeting.
Notice of the annual meeting shall be given to all members by publication at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting in the newspaper in which are published the official local legal notices.
Each qualified voting member shall be entitled to one vote at each annual or special meeting and fifteen or more members of the Corporation shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at such annual or special meeting.
At the Annual Meeting the membership shall elect, from among the qualified voting members, six persons to the Board of Trustees. They shall hold office for the term of three years from the date of such election. At such annual meeting the members shall have the power to fill, for the unexpired term, any vacancy in the membership of the Board of Trustees, regardless of the cause of such a vacancy.
Special membership meetings may be called by the President at any time and special meetings shall be called by the President not less than two weeks nor more than three weeks from the receipt by the secretary of a written request, signed by at least 25 qualified voting members of the Corporation, specifying the purpose for which said special meeting is called.
At special meetings only such business as is specified in the call of the meeting may be transacted.
Any person who contributed one dollar or more to the fund raised for the purchase of the ambulance and equipment acquired by The Easton Ambulance Association, Incorporated, prior to June 1st, 1947, is a member of this Corporation and shall continue to be until resignation or death.
Any person who contributes monies or services for the benefit of this organization is a member.
Since 1947, members desiring to vote at annual or special meetings of the Corporation must have made a contribution within the twelve months prior to the date of the meeting.
These By-Laws may be amended by at least two thirds of the voting members present at any regular or special membership meeting, provided that members have been notified of the meeting as specified in Article IV, of the intention to amend said By-Laws and shall have been furnished each of the said members either a copy of the proposed By-Law Amendment or a statement that shall fully set forth the change which said proposed amendment is intended to effect. No such amendment shall be submitted to the membership meeting for approval unless the proposed amendment is signed and approved by at least ten of the voting members of the Corporation and is received by the secretary at least two weeks before the membership meeting at which it is proposed that the same shall be acted upon or unless said proposed amendment shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees.
This amendment serves to modify the timing of the Annual Meeting and the Election of Officers and formalize the Financial Year of the Corporation. From this date forward, the Annual Meeting of the Corporation will be held on the third Wednesday of July. At the Annual Meeting, the membership of the Corporation shall continue to elect, from among the qualified voting members, six persons to the Board of Trustees. Immediately following this meeting, a meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held to elect, from their own number, officers for the ensuing year. Each officer of the Corporation shall have the powers and duties usually appertaining to the office.
The Fiscal Year of the Corporation will run from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. This will permit the Treasurer to provide an accurate financial report of the Corporations activities at the Annual Meeting.
Proposed – 8/2/2009
Ratified by the Board of Trustees –9/2/2009
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service, Incorporation in all cases not provided for in these By-Laws.