Board Bylaws
I. The name of the organization shall be First United Methodist Preschool.
II. Sponsorship/Ownership
The FUM Preschool is an entity of the First United Methodist Church of Austin, Texas (FUMC), related to the Church through the Education Chair of the Leadership Council. The Preschool is an extension of the Church’s outreach with children and their families.
III. Mission Statement
The FUM Preschool aims to provide an atmosphere of love and acceptance in which each child can develop socially, emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually.
IV. Purpose/Philosophy
FUM Preschool welcomes children of any race, religious belief or national heritage. Special needs children are accepted based on the Preschool’s ability to meet their unique and individual requirements.
V. FUMP Board of Directors
A. Membership
The FUM Preschool shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of 15 members. This board shall consist of:
1. The Director of Children’s Ministries of the FUMC, or the staff person with responsibility for children’s ministries (a non-voting member).
2. The Preschool Director (a non-voting member).
3. Thirteen members-at-large. Each member must have been a FUM Preschool parent for at least one semester prior to serving on the board. At least one-half of the board members shall also be members of FUMC. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of Children’s Ministries (Thirteen voting members).
B. Terms of Office
C. Terms shall be a minimum of two years with the option to add additional years each May. A member-at-large may serve subsequent terms. Terms shall begin in June. In the event that a Board member resigns in the middle of a term, a person shall be appointed to fill that position for the remainder of the term.
D. Duties
- Each member-at-large shall serve as a member of a committee or serve as its officer.
All members shall :
1. determine and/or support the mission and values of FUM Preschool,
2. recommend the hiring or dismissal of the Director,
3. receive an overview of the Director’s performance evaluation,
4. monitor the financial status of FUM Preschool,
5. review policies of the Director,
6. make recommendations to the Director
7. make recommendations to Board committees and help in implementing those matters approved by the Board,
8. enhance FUM Preschool’s public standing, adhering to legal standards and ethical norms.
F. Meetings
Members are expected to attend all Board meetings and be actively involved in their positions. A meeting must have a quorum of at least one-half of board members present. After missing three Board meetings in one school year and/or failing to complete board responsibilities, the member will be encouraged to resign.
G. Officers of the Board shall be: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.
1. The Chair shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committees, and represent the Board to the Church. She/he shall chair the nominating committee. The Chair shall work with the Director in overseeing registrations, admissions, dismissals, and other issues as needed. The Chair shall work with the Director in selecting a new board chair upon departure of the Board.
2. The secretary will serve as Vice-Chair and shall preside in the absence of the Chair. She/he may serve on any committee.
3. The Treasurer shall:
i. Monitor all financial records, deposits/bills, payroll/tax records of the FUM Preschool.
ii. Review monthly/yearly financial statements of the FUM Preschool and present those findings to the Board
iii. Chair the Finance Committee.
iv. Provide financial statements for Board meetings.
v. Will attend FUMC Finance Committee meetings as requested by FUMC.
4. The Secretary Shall:
i. Take minutes and record attendance at Board meetings.
ii. Send meeting minutes to the Director for copying and distribution.
iii. Bring to each Board meeting the following: previous Board minutes, a copy of the Bylaws for FUM Preschool, a roster of all board members and their contact information.
iv. Shall serve as Vice-Chair and shall preside in the absence of the chair.
v. Assist Publicity committee as requested.
5. Committees of the Board shall include: Equipment, Finance, Hospitality, Nominating, Personnel, Publicity, Special Projects, and Volunteer Coordinator.
a. The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer, Director, two other members-at-large appointed by the Chair. They shall be responsible for planning a budget, including a review of salaries and tuition.
b. The Equipment Committee will have one member. It shall work with the Director in arranging for maintenance as necessary. The representative will coordinate a workday each spring for maintenance and repair of the preschool equipment and facilities. The representative may also coordinate with the Church on the purchase and maintenance of any items that will be used by both the Preschool and the Church, as requested by Board and/or Director
c. The Hospitality Committee will have two members. The committee shall host the fall and spring picnics, teacher birthdays, annual Teacher/Board luncheon, the Board/Staff Christmas party, and other social occasions as deemed necessary. The Personnel Committee shall have 2 members. The Chair of the Personnel Committee may invite the Preschool Director, the Chair of the Board, or other Board members to serve on the committee as necessary or desirable. The committee shall interview applicants for Director of the FUM Preschool and bring their recommendations to the Board for approval, and then to the senior pastor or his/her designated representative for final decision. The Committee shall interview applicants for lead teachers and meet with the Director regarding candidates. The Committee shall compile and review the Director’s evaluation, and present an overview to the Board at the May Board meeting.
d. The Publicity Committee shall facilitate relations between the FUM Preschool and FUMC, keeping all informed about the ongoing program. The committee shall provide articles for publication in FUMC literature.
e. The Fundraising Committee shall have three members. The committee shall organize and direct all fundraising activities for the FUM Preschool.
f. The Volunteer Committee shall work with room parents and shall recruit and organize other parent volunteers for special projects as needed.
g. The Nominating Committee shall submit nominations for Board membership/officers and shall fill vacancies as necessary. This Committee shall be composed of the Director of Children’s Ministries (or designate), Board Chair, at least two current Board members, and the Preschool Director. In the event an officer or member must be replaced during the school year, the Nominating Committee shall bring nominations to the Board for election.
VI. Director Duties
The Director shall be responsible to FUM Preschool Board of Directors, the Director of Children’s Ministries and the Senior Pastor of the Church. The Director is a member of the Church staff.
The Director shall:
1. create and/or administer the policies of FUM Preschool,
2. make recommendations to the Board,
3. carry out all hiring, supervising and dismissal school staff,
4. serve on the Personnel Committee as requested
5. report to the Board at every meeting,
6. see that recommendations of the Board are incorporated into the Preschool program.
7. copy and distribute Board meeting minutes
8. The Chair shall work with the Director in selecting a new board chair upon departure of the Board.
VII. Amendments
Amendments or other changes in the Bylaws may be proposed by either the Preschool Board or the Church. Final approval shall be by affirmative vote of the Church, after consultation with the Preschool Board.
DRAFT FUM Preschool Bylaws 8/9/2012Approved August 2012