Environmental Review Checklist- Coversheet

Grantee Name:

Grant Number:

Responsible Entity:

Project Name:

Property Address:

Project Type: Single Family Multi-Family (Number of Units:)

User Type: Homeownership Rental

Work proposed:

Type of Review

Non-Tiered (See Non-Tiered Checklist & ERR Source Documentation checklist)

Tier 1(See Tier 1 Checklist & ERR Source Documentation checklist)

Tier 2 (See Tier 2 Checklist & ERR Source Documentation checklist)

Need to go to State Clearinghouse? Yes NO

Need a NOI/RROF or FONSI/NOI/RROF Public Notice? Yes NO

Reviewer: Date Reviewed: Signature______

Tier 1 Checklist

*Refer to ERR Source documentation checklist*

1.  Date Tier 1 signed as complete:
2.  Person who signed:
3.  Was the Tier 1 signed by the Environmental Certifying Officer (24 CFR 58.13)? / Yes No
4.  If no, is Delegation of Authority attached (in the file)? / Yes No N/A
5.  Written strategy included? / Yes No
6.  Project geographic area:
7.  Were the project descriptions complete and all items disclosed during review? / Yes No
8.  Did the grantee receive responses from all appropriate agencies? / Yes No
9.  Date Tier 1 submitted to State:
10.  Date State Chief Elected Official Signed ERR (N/A for Local governments/entitlements)
11.  Date of ERR confirmation of release/clearance:
RROF &EC for Tier 1 (NOI/RROF)
1.  Type of Notice: / Posted
2.  Date of Notification
3.  Does the notification include the following:
·  Project description (matches Tier 1 ERR)
·  Project funding and timeline
·  Geographic location / Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
4.  Local comment period:
5.  Did the grantee allow proper time for local comment period? / Yes No
6.  State/HUD comment period:
7.  Did the grantee allow proper time for DCA/HUD objection period? / Yes No
8.  Did the notice include the required phrase for those with limited English proficiency? / Yes No
9.  Is the information contained in the notice(s) as published consistent with information in the RROF and certification? / Yes No
10.  Did the same official sign the RROF as endorsed the notice of publication? / Yes No
11.  Was the notice sent to interested groups/individuals and appropriate local/state/federal agencies? / Yes No
12.  If Posted: Minimum of 3 prominent public places?
Date of certification: / Yes No
13.  If Published: Name of Newspaper:
Affidavit included: / Yes No
14.  Date of RROF&EC signed by Grantee:
15.  Date of RROF&EC signed by State (N/A for Local governments/ entitlements):
16.  Date Authority to Use Grant Funds signed by State:
17.  Date Authority to Use Grant Funds signed by HUD:
18.  Date Authority to Use Grant Funds received by Grantee:

Tier 2 Checklist

*Refer to ERR Source documentation checklist*

1.  Date Tier 2 signed as complete:
2.  Person who signed:
3.  Tier 2 signed by the Environmental Certifying Officer (24 CFR 58.13)? / Yes No
4.  If no, is Delegation of Authority attached (in the file)? / Yes No N/A
5.  Tier 2 project description & work matches that of Tier 1 written strategy? / Yes No
6.  Project geographic area:
7.  Were the project descriptions complete and all items disclosed during review? / Yes No
8.  Did the grantee receive responses from all appropriate agencies? / Yes No
9.  Date Tier 2 submitted to State:
10.  Date State Chief Elected Official Signed ERR (N/A for Local governments/ entitlements):
11.  Date of ERR confirmation of release/clearance:
12.  Date of commitment of funds, including:
·  Conditional contracts/offer to purchase
·  Bid advertising
·  Bid opening
·  Contract award
·  Contract execution
13.  If conditional contracts/offer to purchase are in the file, is there phrasing that the contract is contingent on completion of the Environmental Review process/subject to the ER? / Yes No
14.  Were funds obligated or did work proceed prior to Release of Funds? / Yes No
(NOTE: Complete the following at sale of property or certificate of occupancy)
15.  Were there any substantial changes in the project scope? / Yes No
16.  If yes, what were the changes?
17.  Were there clearances for the scope of work change? / Yes No
18.  If yes, describe clearances obtained:
19.  What were the mitigation measures/or conditions of the initial clearance?
20.  Was each one addressed and how were they resolved? / Yes No
21.  Was a site visit conducted for this property? / Yes No
a.  Did the scope of work addressed in the environmental review accurately address the work that had been performed? / Yes No
b.  If NO, what environmental condition or scope of work was not addressed in the environmental process?

Non-Tiering Questions

*Refer to ERR Source documentation checklist*

1.  Date ERR signed as complete:
2.  Person who signed:
3.  ERR signed by the Environmental Certifying Officer (24 CFR 58.13)?
4.  If no, is Delegation of Authority attached (in the file)? / Yes No
5.  Were the project descriptions complete and all items disclosed during review? / Yes No
6.  Did the grantee receive responses from all appropriate agencies? / Yes No
7.  Date ERR submitted to State:
8.  Date State Chief Elected Official Signed ERR (N/A for Local governments/entitlements): / Yes No
9.  Date of ERR confirmation of release:
10.  Did the ERR require a public notice for RROF?
If yes, continue to RROF&EC for Non-Tiering
If no, continue to next question / Yes No
11.  Date of commitment of funds, including:
·  Conditional contracts/Offer to purchase
·  Bid advertising
·  Bid opening
·  Contract award
·  Contract execution
12.  If conditional contracts/offer to purchase are in the file, is there phrasing that the contract is contingent on completion of the Environmental Review process/subject to the ER? / Yes No
13.  Were funds obligated or did work proceed prior to Release of Funds? / Yes No
(NOTE: Complete the following at sale of property or certificate of occupancy)
14.  Were there any substantial changes in the project scope? / Yes No
15.  If yes, what were the changes?
16.  Were there clearances for the scope of work change? / Yes No
17.  If yes, describe clearances obtained:
18.  What were the mitigation measures/or conditions of the initial clearance?
19.  Was each one addressed and how were they resolved? / Yes No
22.  Was a site visit conducted for this property? / Yes No
a.  Did the scope of work addressed in the environmental review accurately address the work that had been performed? / Yes No
b.  If NO, what environmental condition or scope of work was not addressed in the environmental process?

RROF & EC Checklist for Non-Tiering

1.  Type of Notice:
Posted Published
2.  Date of Notification:
3.  Does the notification include the following:
·  Project description (matches ERR)
·  Project funding and timeline
·  Geographic location / Yes No
4.  Local comment period:
NOI/RROF (7 days published; 10 days posted)
Combined FONSI/NOI/RROF (15 days published; 18 days posted)
5.  Did the grantee allow proper time for local comment period? / Yes No
6.  State/HUD comment period:
7.  Did the grantee allow proper time for DCA/HUD objection period? / Yes No
8.  Did the notice include the required phrase for those with limited English proficiency? / Yes No
9.  Is the information contained in the notice(s) as published consistent with information in the RROF and certification? / Yes No
10.  Did the same official sign the RROF&EC as endorsed the notice of publication? / Yes No
11.  Was the notice sent to interested groups/individuals and appropriate local/state/federal agencies? / Yes No
12.  If Posted: Minimum of 3 prominent public places?
Date of certification: / Yes No
13.  If Published: Name of Newspaper:
Affidavit included: / Yes No
14.  Date of RROF&EC signed by Grantee:
15.  Date of RROF&EC signed by State (N/A for Local governments/entitlements):
16.  Date Authority to Use Grant Funds signed by State:
17.  Date Authority to Use Grant Funds signed by HUD:
18.  Date Authority to Use Grant Funds received by Grantee:
19.  Date of commitment of funds, including:
·  Conditional contracts/Offer to purchase
·  Bid advertising
·  Bid opening
·  Contract award
·  Contract execution
c.  If conditional contracts/offer to purchase are in the file, is there phrasing that the contract is contingent on completion of the Environmental Review process/subject to the ER? / Yes No
d.  Were funds obligated or did work proceed prior to Release of Funds? / Yes No

Environmental Source Documentation Checklist

Post-Project Review

Cover Page

Contact Information / Yes NO Signed:
ERR signed by CEO / Yes NO Signed:
Documentation of Delegated Authority / Yes NO NA
RE signature is last signature / Yes NO
Exempt Checklist / Yes NO Signed:
CENST Checklist / Yes NO NA Signed:
CES Checklist / Yes NO NA Signed: _
Checklist 58.6 / Yes NO Signed:
Floodplain Map / Yes NO NA
Coastal Barrier Map / Yes NO NA
Airport Clear Zone / Yes NO NA
Adequate aggregate Project Description / Yes NO
Project Map(s) / Yes NO NA
Additional Studies / Yes NO NA
Clearance Finding (CES) / Yes NO NA
FONSI Determination (EA) / Yes NO NA
Alternatives (EA) / Yes NO NA
Mitigation Measures (EA) / Yes NO NA


Correct Level of Review / Yes NO
ERR compiled in an organized manner / Yes NO
Certifications from qualified data sources / Yes NO NA
Site visits, phone logs, etc. dated / Yes NO NA
Project site photos in general dated and labeled / Yes NO NA
Maps in general include project area identified, date, title, source, compass, scale, etc. / Yes NO NA
Site visits in general supplemented with any written documentation, maps, photos, etc. / Yes NO NA

Categorically Excluded & Assessment

Planning/Zoning Certification / Yes NO
Air Quality Map(s), Documentation / Yes NO
Coastal Area Management Map / Yes NO
Coastal Barrier Map / Yes NO
SHPO/THPO forms / Yes NO
SHPO confirmation / Yes NO
Catawba / Yes NO NA
Cherokee / Yes NO NA
Tuscarora / Yes NO NA
Floodplain Map(s) Date, Panel number / Yes NO
Project site identified / Yes NO
Title, legend, date, scale, compass, etc. / Yes NO
Eight Step Process / Yes NO NA
Early Notice / Yes NO NA
Second Notice / Yes NO NA
Date (before ERR final date) / Yes NO NA
Correct Comment periods / Yes NO NA
Wetland Map(s), Documentation (More than just DOI Wetland Maps) / Yes NO
Wild and Scenic Rivers Map/documentation / Yes NO
Noise Map(s), Documentation / Yes NO
DNL Calculation / Yes NO NA
Airport Map(s), Documentation / Yes NO
Mitigation Proposal / Yes NO NA
Hazards Map(s), Documentation / Yes NO NA
Toxins Map(s) / Yes NO NA
Phase I / Yes NO NA
Phase II / Yes NO NA
Remediation Plan / Yes NO NA
Confirmation of Cleanup / Yes NO NA
County Species List / Yes NO
Determination of Effect Finding / Yes NO
Farmland Map(s), Documentation / Yes NO
Environmental Justice Map(s), Documentation / Yes NO

Environmental Assessment Only

Source documentation should include detailed site visits supplemented with certification letters/forms, agency contacts, Clearinghouse comments, and/or detailed phone logs.

Comments from Clearinghouse / Yes NO NA
Comments from Clearinghouse Reconciled / Yes NO NA
Utilities / Yes NO
Land Alterations / Yes NO
Compatible Use / Yes NO
Slope/Erosion/Soil / Yes NO
Site Hazards / Yes NO
Energy Consumption / Yes NO
Noise Contribution / Yes NO
Air Quality / Yes NO
Environmental Design / Yes NO
Socioeconomic / Yes NO
Demographic Changes / Yes NO
Displacement / Yes NO
Employment and Income Patterns / Yes NO
Education Facilities / Yes NO
Commercial Facilities / Yes NO
Healthcare / Yes NO
Social Services / Yes NO
Solid Waste / Yes NO
Waste Water / Yes NO
Storm Water / Yes NO
Water Supply/Quality / Yes NO
Public Safety (Police, Fire, Emer. Medical) / Yes NO
Open Space/Recreation/Cultural Facilities / Yes NO
Transportation / Yes NO
Water Resources / Yes NO
Surface Water / Yes NO
Unique Features / Yes NO
Vegetation/Wildlife / Yes NO
Clean Water / Yes NO
Fish/Wildlife / Yes NO
Sedimentation / Yes NO
Riparian Buffers / Yes NO
Ground Water / Yes NO
Other / Yes NO

Other Comments/Notes:

In-Depth Environmental Monitoring (Post-Project) – ALL ERRs

1.  Is all appropriate contact information listed? / Yes NO
2.  Does the project description adequately describe in detail an aggregate project, regardless of funding? / Yes NO
3.  Is the ERR signed by the Chief Elected Official? / Yes NO
4.  If the CEO is not the Certifying Officer, is there documentation attached that of board Delegation of Authority for the Certifying Officer? / Yes NO NA
5.  Is the Certifying Officer’s signature date the last dated signature? / Yes NO
6.  Is the Exempt Checklist included? / Yes NO
7.  Is the CENST checklist included? / Yes NO NA
8.  Is the Categorically Excluded subject to 58.5 (CES) checklist included? / Yes NO NA
9.  Is the 58.6 Checklist included and have all appropriate source documentation attached (floodplain maps, coastal barrier maps, airport documentation)? / Yes NO
10.  Is a Clearance Finding Determination made (CES) indicating whether or not a public notice is needed? / Yes NO NA
11.  Does the ERR contain Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) - Environmental Assessment (EA)? [24 CFR 58.38] / Yes NO NA
12.  Are alternatives adequately considered and described (EA)? / Yes NO NA
13.  Are mitigation measures described (EA)? / Yes NO NA
14.  If mitigating measures were required for projects/activities, were those measures conducted and included in the ERR? [24 CFR 58.38] / Yes NO NA
15.  Is the correct level of review conducted? / Yes NO
16.  Is attached source documentation from qualified data sources? / Yes NO NA
17.  Are site visits, phone logs, site photos, etc. detailed and dated? / Yes NO NA
18.  Do maps include project area identified, title, compass, source, date, scale, etc.? / Yes NO NA
19.  Are site visits documented with any written documentation? / Yes NO NA
20.  Is the ERR compiled in a legible, organized manner? / Yes NO
21.  Does the ERR contain copies of the “Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds” (NOI/RROF) or combined Notices of FONSI and NOI/RROFs? [24 CFR 58.38] / Yes NO NA
22.  Does the ERR contain the “Request for Release of Funds and Environmental Certification” (RROF&EC) Form? [24 CFR 58.38] / Yes NO NA
23.  Were the NOI/RROFs disseminated and/or published before the ERR certification was signed by the RE? [24 CFR 58.43, 24 CFR 58.45, and 24 CFR 58.70] / Yes NO NA
24.  If public comments were received, were they reconciled? / Yes NO NA
25.  Do the RE’s records show that no physical development activities (choice-limiting actions) began and no funds (federal or otherwise) were spent or obligated prior to receipt of the Form HUD-7015.16, “Authority to Use Grant Funds” or equivalent? [24 CFR 58.22] / Yes NO
26.  Were all State Clearinghouse comments reconciled? / Yes NO NA
27.  Is there documentation that the RE obtained all necessary permits? / Yes NO NA
28.  Review comments from Initial Review Form. Are all issues reconciled? / Yes NO NA
29.  Is there evidence that the staff person(s) designated by the RE to compile the ERR lacks knowledge or training on environmental review requirements for CPD programs? / Yes NO

Compliance Mitigation Measures- Summary Review