University of St. Thomas
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Constitution & Bylaws Review Committee | April 20th, 2017
Section 1: Name
A. The name of this organization shall be the Undergraduate Student Government.
Section 2: Mission
A. TheUndergraduate Student Governmentservesthe student bodybyreachingout, listening to, and voicing theconcerns of our peers.Westrivetouniteeach unique individual atthe University of St. Thomaswhile recognizing and celebrating our differences.
Section 1: Members
A. Voting membership on the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) shall include the Executive Board and General Council.
B. Non-voting membership shall include the President and Advisors.
C. Voting privileges can be removed for any amount of time as a sanction if necessary as outlined in Section 2 and 5.
Section 2: Qualifications
A. Each representative shall maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
1. If, at the end of an academic semester, J-term or Summer Session, a representative falls below the 2.0 cumulative grade point average, the council member shall be removed from their position.
i. This position now becomes open for the following semester elections.
2. If, after the next semester, the student’s cumulative GPA is above a 2.0, the council member shall be allowed to apply for an open USG position.
B. All members must be registered with the University and be a candidate for a baccalaureate degree during the entire course of their terms.
C. A resident student refers to any student living on campus. An off campus student refers to anyone not living on campus.
D. Each representative shall be in good disciplinary standing with the University. If a member is no longer in good standing, the member will be removed from the council by notice of the Vice President of Administrative Affairs.
E. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior officers are eligible based on credits earned.
Section 3: Board of Trustee Liaisons
A. There are six appointed and three alternate liaisons chosen by the Elections and Credentials Committee for each year.
B. These members shall follow the rules laid out for them in Article V of the USG Bylaws.
Section 4: Committee Members
A. USG and University committee members are appointed as determined by the Elections and Credentials Committee and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
B. These members shall follow the rules laid out for them in Article X of the USG Bylaws.
Section 5: Ethical Code of Conduct
A. As a member of the only elected, representative body of the undergraduate student body of the University, a council member is called to act in a responsible, honorable and respectful fashion during the course of their term.
1. Violations of the Ethical Code of Conduct:
i. Disciplinary actions or procedures by the University.
ii. Incompetence, negligence and unsatisfactory reportage.
iii. Nonfeasance (failure to perform an official duty of the member’s elected position as outlined by this living document).
iv. Malfeasance or conduct unbecoming of a council member. Examples include, but are not limited to, destruction of property, verbal or physical harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, slander or defamation of character, human rights violations, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty.
v. Use of a member’s position for personal gain not relating to the greater good of the USG, University or constituency which they represent, as determined by the committee.
B. The President and the USG Advisors shall review all ethics violations. In the case of a violation by the President, the Executive Vice President and USG Advisors shall review the violation.
Section 1: Composition
A. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Vice President of Diversity, Vice President of Financial Affairs and the Vice President of Public Relations.
Section 2: Transitioning
A. The Executive Board shall be responsible for implementing a process of transitioning for the General Council that will take place after Spring Elections.
Section 3: Veto Authority
A. The Executive Board shall be able to veto an action of the council by 6/7 vote of the entire Executive Board.
1. The General Council can overturn a vetoed item by 2/3-majority vote. This vote will not include the members of the Executive Board.
2. Any vetoed item is automatically put on the agenda of the next General Council meeting under Old Business.
3. Any veto must be within one week of the meeting at which the motion was passed.
Section 4: USG Retreats
A. The Executive Board shall be in charge of the planning and facilitation of a Fall Retreat and a Spring Retreat.
Section 5: Administrator’s Breakfast
A. The Executive Board shall hold two breakfast meetings per semester in conjunction with the Dean of Students Office.
1. The Executive Board shall plan the topics of discussion and agenda for this meeting.
2. The Executive Board shall invite other members of the council who have an interest in the topic being discussed.
3. All University Administration shall be invited to the breakfast.
B. After the Administrator’s Breakfast, the Executive Board shall make a report to the General Council on what was discussed.
Section 6: Executive Board Stipends
A. All members of the USG Executive Board are to receive a semester stipend.
B. These stipends shall increase by 1% every year unless otherwise amended.
C. To propose a change in the increase of the stipend, the Executive Board shall discuss with the USG advisors.
D. Any revision or amendment to this section to be approved must be pursuant to Article IV, Section 2.
Section 7: Executive Board Summer Employment
A. Members of theUSGExecutive Board may be eligible for an hourly wage for certain tasks if they choose to work over the summer months. The wage will be set at a rate comparable to the summer wage set by the University of St. Thomas. Summer employment and related terms must be approved by the Director of Campus Life.
B. The aforementioned summer months include all days from the end of the Spring Academic Semester to the start of the Fall Academic Semester.
C. A periodic evaluation shall be conducted at least once every two years during the spring semester.
1. Along with the Executive Board Stipends, the Executive Board Summer Employment will be evaluated by a selected committee of Senate members.
2. The evaluation shall remain open to address concerns brought forth by the evaluation taskforce as well as by outside participants.
D. Any revision or amendment to this section to be approved must be pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of this Constitution.
Section 1: Quorum
A. A quorum consists of 2/3 of the total voting membership of the USG.
1. At least three executive members must be present by fact or by proxy.
2. If 2/3 of the council is not a whole number, then the number shall be rounded down.
B. The USG shall only be empowered to act by vote when a quorum is present.
Section 2: Amendments to Constitution
A. Proposal of Amendments
1. Any USG General Council member may propose an amendment. Before the approval of the amendment, a petition bearing ten USG member signatures must be presented to and documented by the Vice President of Administrative Affairs.
2. Any undergraduate student may propose an amendment with the submission of a petition bearing 250 undergraduate student signatures.
B. No amendment shall be voted on at the meeting in which it is proposed.
C. Approval of Amendments
1. Any amendment proposed by a USG member must be approved by a 2/3 majority. The 2/3 majority must come from the entire voting membership and not only the members present at the meeting.
i. In the event of a proxy replacing an absent council member, the proxy will not have voting power on an amendment.
2. Any amendment proposed by undergraduate students must be approved by a simple majority of the USG.
Section 3: Bylaws for USG
A. A document entitled “Official Bylaws of the Undergraduate Student Government” shall exist separate but subject to the Constitution to enumerate certain specific laws and rules that need to be readily adaptable in dynamic environments.
B. Laws outlined in the Bylaws are equally binding as those in the Constitution.
C. The Bylaws in no way supplant all or any part of the Constitution.
D. To amend the Bylaws, a resolution must be submitted to the Vice President of Administrative Affairs outlining the proposed change. The resolution shall then be reviewed and voted on by a majority vote of the General Council.
Section 1: Governance
A. The Elections and Credentials Committee is responsible for the supervision and facilitation of, and all rules regarding elections.
Section 4: Election of the Executive Board
A. During the start of their term in office, candidates seeking an Executive Board position, excluding the President, may run for election during or any time after their second full semester (not including J-Term or Summer Session) at the University.
1. Candidates running for President may run for election during or any time after, their fourth full semester at the University of St. Thomas. By the start of their elected term, the President shall have served two full semesters as a member of USG (one full semester being from the start of the semester or fall elections, until the end of the semester or until spring elections. This does not include Summer Session or J-Term).
B. An elections event shall be held for the candidates running for the Executive Board. Each candidate will be allowed time to read a statement and answer a randomly selected question from a list of predetermined questions from the USG Advisors. Students not running for office will be given the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates following the event. This event will be open to the public.
Section 1: General Council Meetings
A. There shall be at least two meetings per month.
B. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board, by a majority vote, at least two days prior to the date.
C. Meetings may be cancelled by the Executive Board, by a majority vote, if necessary.
D. All meetings are open to observers.
1. Observers may present opinions, only if recognized by the President.
2. Observers will be asked to leave during the voting of Finance and Student Organizations and Clubs business.
Section 2: Senate Meetings
A. Senators shall update their progress at least once a month at the General Council meetings.
B. The meetings shall deal with internal and external student issues that need further attention.
C. The Senate shall meet at the discretion of the Executive Vice President.
D. Membership shall consist of:
1. Class Senators
2. Special Interest Senators
3. The Executive Vice President shall chair all Senate meetings.
i. In the event of the prolonged absence of the Executive Vice President for any reason addressed or not addressed in this working document, the Executive Vice President shall appoint an interim acting Senate Chair (who retains current Senate membership) for a duration decided upon by the Executive Vice President in conjunction with the nominated Chairperson.
Section 3: Summer Commission Meetings
A. Each council shall have a summer commission established from the end of spring semester to the beginning of fall semester.
B. Duties during the Summer Commission include:
1. To act in an advisory capacity for any decisions, actions, and statements made in the administration of the affairs of the council.
2. To convene two meetings during the summer. The President shall convene these meetings and provide agendas for all meetings.
3. To appoint one member to take minutes at the meeting and distribute them to the council.
A. Membership shall consist of the President, Vice President of Financial Affairs, and a third member of the Executive Board, and four members of the General Council.
B. The meeting structure shall follow these guidelines:
1. Any summer expenditure shall be brought before the Commission by the Vice President of Financial Affairs for approval by a majority vote.
2. No form of legislation may be made by the Commission.
3. Any resolutions may be proposed, but not acted upon, by the Summer Commission.
Section 1: Requirements for Ratification
A. This Constitution shall be ratified by a 2/3 majority vote by the USG.
B. Once ratified, the Constitution shall be binding in all matters of USG governance.