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Ibrahim Moh'd Abdulla Al-Ayyoub

Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Irbid, 22110,P. O. Box 3030, JORDAN



-- Year of Birth: 1971.

-- Nationality: Jordanian.

-- Marital Status: Married.

-- Cellular Phone: +962795380615.

-- Living Address:Faculty Housing, Building B2, Apartment B8,

JordanUniversity of Science and Technology.

Irbid, 22110,P. O. Box 3030, JORDAN


1- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Commutative Algebra. New MexicoStateUniversity, Las Cruces, NM, USA, August 2004.Thesis title "The Ratliff-Rush Closure and a Minimal Groebner Basis for Certain Affine Monomial Curves".

2- M.Sc. in Mathematics. Al al-Bayet University, Mafraq, JORDAN, Oct.1997.Thesis title "On the Learning Algorithms of Artificial Neural Networks and the Singular Value Decomposition of Matrices".

3- B.Sc. in MathematicsMu’tah University, Karak, JORDAN, August 1994.


1-Associate Professor: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Jordan University of Science and Technology, JORDAN, October 2011-- present.

2-Assistant Professor: Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Jordan University of Science and Technology, JORDAN, September 2004 – October 2011.

3-Instructor: Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Mexico State University, USA, August 2001 -- August 2004.

4-Teaching Assistant: Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Mexico State University, USA, August 1999 -- August 2001.

5-Teacher of Mathematics: Ministry of Education – JORDAN, 1996-1999.


  • (T1)Courses Taught

-- At Jordan University of Science and Technology (2004-present)

Undergraduate Level Courses
Math 101: Calculus I.
Math 102: Calculus II.
Math 201: Calculus III.
Math 102A: Calculus for Biological Sciences.
Math 240: Linear Algebra.
Math 241: Discrete Mathematics.
Math 245: Logic and Set Theory.
Math 345: Number Theory.
Math 342: Abstract Algebra I.
Math 442: Abstract Algebra II. / Graduate Level Courses
Math 741: Abstract Algebra.
Math 795: Independent Studies.
Math 791: Seminar (teaching graduate students how to write a research paper: mathematical writing, organization of the paper, preparing and giving a talk, learning how to use the Scientific Workplace).

-- At New Mexico State University(2000-2004)

Math 142: Calculus for Business and Biological Sciences.

Math 180: Trigonometry.

Math 182: Intermediate Algebra.

Math 185: College Algebra.

Math 191: Calculus.

  • (T2)Course Coordinator

Coordinated the following courses for several semesters at Jordan University of Science and Technology: Calculus I and II. Calculus for biological sciences. Discrete Mathematics. The coordination duties include:

-preparing detailed syllabus which includes topics, suggested exercises, textbooks, references, and instructions to students and professors.

-Regular meeting with instructors to follow up teaching process and collecting feedbacks.

-Writing exams and supervising the grading process.

-Analyzing the final results and writing a detailed report to the department chairman.

  • (T3) Master Theses


1-Groebner Bases for certain monomial curves. By Hani Khaza’li, Dept. of Math. and Stat. Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, in progress.

2- Infinite Families of Rattliff-Rush Ideals. By Obada Sulaiman, Dept. of Math. and Stat. Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, January 2010.

3- Generalizing Some Results on the Normality of Ideals. By Safa' AlSheiab, Dept. of Math. and Stat. Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, January 2010.


1-On Finite F-Groups. By Eshraq Al-Sharo, Dept. of Math. Al al-bayt University, December 2011. Mafrak, Jordan.

2-Generalization of Primary Ideals and Submodules. By Safa Khaled Kuhail, Dept. of Math. and Stat. Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, August 2010.

3-Almost Graded Prime Submodules. By Ala' Lutfi Khazaaleh, Dept. of Math. and Stat. Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, August 2010.

4-On the degree Reductions of Triangular B'ezier Surfaces. By Nedal Ababneh, Dept. of Math. and Stat. Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, May 2009.

5-Pronormal Subgroups of Finite Groups and Some Generalizations for Frattini's Argument. By Rajai Diabat, Dept. of Math. Al al-bayt University, December 2009. Mafrak, Jordan.


  • (CW1)Committees

At the College of Science and Arts:

1-Students legal issues committee: conducting investigations on the cases of allegations of misconduct or nonacademic behavior.

At the department of mathematics and statistics:

1-Graduate studies committee: Monitoring the progress of the graduate students and developing the curriculum of the master program at the department.

2-Scientific research committee: refereeing and evaluating the research proposal submitted by students and their advisors towards master theses.

3-Syllabus committee: developing curriculums for the master and bachelor programs.

4-Social committee: organizing invitations and occasion gatherings for the faculty and stuff of the department.

5-Final exam grade reassessment committee: reassessment of the students grade in the final exam upon a written request by the student.

  • (CW2)Activities

1-An organizer for the high school competitionin mathematics hosted by Jordan University of Science and Technology for the years of 2009 and 2011.

2-A supervisor for the election process for the student union (mathematics department division) for the years of 2007, 2010, and 2012.


  • (ASD1)Academic Honors and Scholarships

-- A scholarship from Jordan University of Science and Technology to obtain the Ph.D. in Mathematics from New MexicoStateUniversity.

  • (ASD2)Academic Development Workshops

1-Testing and Evaluation "University Examinations", the Academic Development Center, Jordan University of Science and Technology. July, 2005.

2-Modern Methods in University Teaching, the Academic Development Center, JordanUniversity of Science and Technology. Oct, 2009.

  • (ASD3)Members of Committees

-- Jordanian Mathematical Society, 2004-present

-- Lebanese Mathematical Society, 2010- present

-- American Mathematical Society, 1999-2004.


  • (R1) Research Interest

Commutative Algebra: Gröbner bases of ideals; Ratliff-Rush closure of ideals; integral closure of rings, modules, and ideals.

  • (R2) Publications

1-I. Al-Ayyoub and O. Sulaiman, Infinite families of Ratliff-Rush ideals, International Journal of Algebra, 6 (17) (2012); 815-824.

2-I.Al-Ayyoub, Results on the Ratliff-Rush closure and the integral closedness of powers of certain monomial curves, Communications in Algebra, 38 (12)(2010); 4553 – 4568.

3-I.Al-Ayyoub,The Ratliff-Rush closure of initial ideals of certain prime ideals, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 40 (4) (2010); 1085-1093.

4-I.Al-Ayyoub, Reduced Gröbner bases of certain toric varieties; a new short proof, Communications in Algebra, 37 (9) (2009); 2945-2955.

5-I.Al-Ayyoub, An Algorithm for computing the Ratliff-Rush closure, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 8 (4)(2009); 521-532.

6-I.Al-Ayyoub, Normality of monomial ideals, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 39 (1) (2009); 1-9.

  • (R3) Research in Progress

1-Newton polyhedron and applications to the normality ideals.

2-Gröbner bases for certain monomial curves considering a variation of order.

3-Prime factorization of ideals in algebraic statistics.

  • (R4) Conferences and Workshops Attended

1- Fields Institute Summer School & Conference, "Valuation Theory and Integral Closure in Commutative Algebra", University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, July 2006.

2- VIGRE Mini-Course "Classical Problems in Commutative Algebra", University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, June 2004.

3- Computational Commutative Algebra Workshop. Mathematical Research Institute (MSRI), Berkley, California, March 2003.

4- CBMS lecture series "Solving System of Polynomial Equations", TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, Texas, USA, May 2002.

  • (R5) Presentations and Talks

1-An algorithm for computing the Newton Polyhedron. International conference on computational sciences. Omaha, Nebraska, June 2012.

2-Integral closure of certain monomial curves, JordanUniversity Scientific Day, May 2006.

3-Gröbner Bases, Mathematics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, New Mexico State University, March 2003.

4-The Ratliff-Rush Closure,Mathematics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, New Mexico State University, April 2003.


1- Irena Swanson, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Reed College, Protland, Oregon, USA.Email:

2- David Finston, Professor, Department of Mathematics, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA.Email:

3- Qassem Al-Zoubi, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Sharjah, UAE.Email:

4- Mohammad Al-Towaiq, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Jordan University of Science and Technology.Email: