TEACHER: Regina Major
SUBJECT: American Presidents
TITLE OF LESSON: Abraham Lincoln
Kindergarten K6.3
Understand how people lived in earlier times and how their lives would be different today. (e.g., getting water from a well, growing food, making clothing, having fun, forming organizations, living by rules and laws).
Kindergarten K.6.2
Know the triumphs in American legends and historical accounts through stories.
1. Understand how people long ago lived differently than many people today.
2. Things change over time.
3. History is the story of past events.
4. Share facts about Abraham Lincoln’s life and significance.
Material Needed:
Bulletin board display
Pictures-Lincoln Memorial, money, portraits
Abraham Lincoln Mosaic Art worksheet
Video Clip from Weekly Reader
Weekly Reader-February Edition
Scholastic News-February Edition
Content Delivery;
Background information appropriate to grade level will be presented before teaching the lesson. That will include Bulletin Board displays of Abraham Lincoln, books, pictures and videos that describe and explain the subject.
Students will look at a video clip from Weekly Reader about President’s Day.
They will have opportunities to turn and talk with partners in discussion.
Weekly Reader and Scholastic News will be passed out to each child. Then they will read their newsletters with the teacher. Discussions will take place about how he lived long ago in a one room cabin, where his food came from, what he played with, how he learned, etc. Students will play the activity on the worksheet.
Ongoing-A non fiction story will be read over a few days to give students facts about our 16th President.
Student Assessment;
Kindergarten, students will be able to identify, explain, and describe the impact Abraham Lincoln had on our lives. Students will fill out the Weekly Reader assessment worksheet on the back of their newsletter. Each will answer the questions about how Abraham lived. Discussions will take place with their classmates. Each student will share orally with teacher. Students will create a Mosaic Art Poster depicting Abraham Lincoln’s portrait. Portraits will be displayed with the President’s Day bulletin boards. Some art pieces will be submitted to the PUSD Art Festival.