World Regions Powerpoint Project

For this project you will be assigned a world region that corresponds to a chapter in the textbook for the time period 600 to 1450. You must prepare a powerpoint presentation (no prezis) with your group. Each person in your group must take responsibility for certain topics and put their name on each slide they create. One person in your group will start the powerpoint from powerpoint online in your student portal, then select to share it with other group members (you will need their student IDs). The link to the powerpoint will then be sent to their district email ). This will enable your group members to work on the powerpoint at the same time (only one person at a time can edit a slide but multiple slides can be worked on at the same time). Your slides must include related visuals (NO STUPID CLIP ART!) and limited text (NO HUGE PARAGRAPHS CUT AND PASTED FROM THE TEXTBOOK!). You must cover the topics I have posted for your world region. I have divided it up into four subtopics (one for each group member) for you. You are responsible for covering that information in your powerpoint. Write your name on each slide you create. You must also write a question that can be answered from each slide that you create. Your powerpoint should be in order and your questions should match the order of your powerpoint. Your questions and the link to your powerpoint need to be posted on collaboration space on a page that is titled after your region (nothing else). On the actual page you can write group members' names, your questions and post the link to your powerpoint. One member of your group will have to have a gmail account and upload the presentation to their drive and create a shareable link then copy and paste it to your page in collaboration space.

***For extra credit your group can bring food from that region to share with the class on the date listed for your presentation****

Early Europe (Honors textbook Ch.2 p.19, AP textbook Ch. 16 p.327-346) Presentation Date 10/26 & 10/27

Byzantine Empire (AP textbook p.328-332)

·  Compare the Eastern portion of the Roman empire to the western portion of the Roman empire after the collapse of Rome

·  The city of Constantinople. Why did Constantine pick that location?

·  Caesaropapism. How did Constantine rule? How was it different from previous Roman emperors?

·  Emperor Justinian. What did he build? What happened to it later? What was Justinian's Code?

·  Muslim Conquests and the Byzantine Revival. Who were a threat to the Byzantines?

Western Roman Empire (AP textbook p.333-36)

·  Charlemagne and the Franks. Where did he conquer? How did he rule?

·  The Vikings. Reasons for the Norse expansion. Seafaring expertise. Who were the Vikings? Where did they plunder? When and where did they begin their attacks?

·  Economy and Society in Early Medieval Europe (AP textbook p. 337-342)

·  The Byzantine Economy: free peasantry, manufacturing, Silk and the Christian monks, Byzantine trade, heavy plows

·  The Economy of Western Christiandom: trade, Norse-merchant mariners (where did they trade? With whom? Which two worlds did they link?

·  Society in the Byzantine Empire: urban society, city life, role of women

·  Society in Western Europe: a rural society, feudalism, lords and retainers, peasants, population shifts and disease

The Evolution of Christian Societies in Byzantium and Western Europe (AP textbook p.343-346)

·  Similarities and differences between Christianity in the Western Europe and Byzantium.

·  Popes and Patriarchs (the papacy versus patriarchs)

·  Monks and missionaries: asceticism, monasticism and society, missionaries(where did they send missionaries? the cyrillic alphabet, Prince Vladamir of Kiev)

·  Two churches (the Great Schism of 1054)

Late Europe (Honors textbook Ch. 4 p.64, Ch. 6 p.105, AP textbook Ch.19 p. 391-412) Presentation Date 11/19 & 11/20

The Late Byzantine Empire (AP textbook p. 392-398)

·  social and economic problems, challenges from the West (Who invaded? 1204 Crusade in Constantinople), challenges from the East (Who were they? What happened in 1453?)

·  Holy Roman empire: (Where was it?, investure controversy)

·  Regional states in Italy and Iberia: role of the church in Italy, Muslims in Granada, Spain)

Economic Growth and Social Development (AP Textbook p.398-404)

·  Agricultural growth: What led to increase in agricultural production? (expansion of arable land, improved technigques, improved technology, new crops) population growth

·  The Revival of Towns and Trade: urbanization (who lived in the cities? Who moved to the cities? Where?) textile production, Mediterranean trade (where were the trade centers? what goods were exchanged? the Polos (where did they go?), the Hanseatic League (where was it? what was it?, banking

·  Social Change: the three estates, chivalry, troubadours, guilds, urban women

European Christianity During the High Middle Ages (AP textbook p.404-407)

·  What was the religion of the Byzantine Empire in Eastern Europe? What was it in Western Europe?

·  Sholastic Theology: what language was used for education? What did they study? Where did Western Europeans learn about Aristotle? Scholasticism: What was it? St. Thomas Aquinas,

·  popular religion: how did everyday people practice Christianity? sacraments (what are they?), saint's relics (what were they?) pilgrimage (where did they go?)

·  reform movements: who were the Dominicans and Franciscans? Who were mendicants?

The Medieval Expansion of Europe (AP textbook p.409-412)

·  What strengthened European society? What did Church officials encourage? Where did Scandinavian's venture to? What areas of Europe did Christians recapture from Muslims? Where did knights go? Why?

·  Which viking discovered Greenland and Canada? When did Scandinavians convert to Christianity? Who are Scandinavians?

·  Who were the Teutonic Knights? Where did they convert people?

·  The Reconquista of Spain: When did the Christians reconquer Granada?

·  The Crusades: what does the term Crusade mean? Who declared the Crusades? What does the term crusades refer to? When did Pope Urban II launch the first crusade? Why was the fourth crusade demoralizing Where did it attack? Why was that weird? Why were the crusades important?

East Asia (Honors textbook Ch.5 p.82-96, AP Textbook Ch.14 p.282-302) Presentation Date 11/2 & 11/3

The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China (AP textbook p. 282- 287)

·  The Sui Dynasty: the Grand Canal (which areas did it link?, what purpose did it serve?

·  The Tang Dynasty: where was the capital? What three policies led to their success? Where did they expand?

·  The Song Dynasty: what were their weaknesses?

The Economic Development of the Tang and Song (AP textbook p. 288-293

·  Agricultural developments: Fast-ripening rice, population growth, urbanization

·  Cultural developments: patriarchal social structure, ancestor veneration, foot binding, Empress Wu Zhao,

·  Technological and Industrial Development: porcelain, gunpowder, printing, naval technology

·  Economic Development: flying cash, paper money, trade

Cultural Change in Tang and Song China (AP textbook p. 294-298)

·  The establishment of Buddhism, the establishment of Muslim communities, role of Buddhist monks and monasteries in China, pilgrimage to India, Chan or Zen Buddhism, hostility to Buddhism, persecution of Buddhism

·  Neo-Confucianism: Which dynasty revived Confuncianism? How was neo-Confucianism different from traditional Confuncianism? Why was it an important cultural development?

Chinese Influence in East Asia (AP textbook p.298-301)

·  Chinese Influence in Korea: the tributary relationship, spread of Confucianism and Buddhism

·  Chinese Influence in Vietnam: spread of Chinese agricultural methods and irrigation, Confucianism and Buddhism, role of women

·  Early Japan: imperial authority and centralized authority, Chinese style bureaucracy, spread of Confucianism and Buddhism, the Shinto religion

·  Heian Japan: cultural developments, Chinese influence on Japanese writing, The Tale of Genji and femal writers in Japan.

·  Medieval Japan: political decentralization, the rise of the samurai, who were the samurai? Who did the work for?

Mongols (Honors textbook Ch.5 p.87, AP textbook Ch.17 p. 353-369) Presentation Date 11/6 & 11/9

Turkish Migrations and Expansion (AP textbook p. 354-358)

·  Who are Turkish peoples (what was their lifestyle and where did they come from?)?, What limited the development of human societies in Central Asia?, Who did they trade with? What was nomadic society like? What were gender relations like in nomadic pastoral socieites?

·  Describe Turkish religion: shamanism, the conversion to Islam

·  What was their military organization? (define Khan)

·  Who were the Saljug Turks? (religion, areas), Which empire did they conquer in 1453?

·  Sultanate of Dehli (Where was it? Mahmud of Ghazni)

The Mongol Empire (AP Textbook p.358-361)

·  Where were the Mongols from? Who were they loyal to? Who started the Mongol Empire?

·  Mongol political organization: How did Genghis Khan rule? What was the most important institution of the Mongol state? Equestrian skills and military tactics of the Mongols

·  Mongol conquest of China: when was it conquered? Where was the capital city?

·  Mongol conquest of Persia: what did Chinggis Khan do to Persia? How did Chinggis Khan rule his empire?

·  What happened to Chinggis Khan's empire after his death?

Mongol Rule in Foreign Lands (AP Textbook p. 365-364)

·  Mongol rule in China: who ruled the Mongol empire in China? Which religions did he promote? Which famous European traveler did he meet with? What was the name of the Mongol dynasty in China?

·  failed Mongol invasion of Japan, define Kamikaze

·  The Golden Horde: where did they rule? Which Russian city became the political center during their rule?

·  Mongols in Persia: which Islamic empire did they end? When? In which city? What was the Mongols problem with running an empire? Who helped run their empire?

·  Describe Mongol religion.

·  Mongol rule in China: what did they ban? Who did they use in their administration? What did they end?

·  Mongols and Buddhism: what type of Buddhism were the Mongols attracted to? Why?

The Mongols and Eurasian Integration (AP textbook p. 364-368)

·  Benefits of Mongols ruling Eurasian landmass: long distance travel and trade, diplomatic missions, missionary efforts, resettlement

·  Decline of the Mongols: When and why did the Mongol empire (Ilkhanate) in Persia collapse? When and why did the Mongol empire (Yuan dynasty) in China collapse?

·  Bubonic plague: How did the Mongols spread the disease? Where and when did the plague begin? What was the effect in China?

·  Tamerlane's conquests: Where and when did he conquer?

·  Ottoman Conquests: where did they expand? Which Byzantine city did they conquer in 1453? Who conquered it? What did they rename it?

India (Honors textbook Ch.5 p. 97, AP textbook Ch.15 p. 306-325) Presentation Date 11/4 & 11/5

Islamic and Hindu Kingdoms (AP textbook p.307-309)

·  Introduction of Islam in India: When did Arab forces enter India? role of Muslim merchants along the coast, Turkish migrants and Islam, the Sultanate of Delhi (when, where and how did they rule?

Production and Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin (AP textbook p. 310-314)

·  agriculture in the monsoon world: monsoons, irrigation systems, population growth, urbanization

·  trade in southern India: internal trade, role of Hindu temples, cross-cultural trade (what did Roman empire want from India?), dhows and junks (who used each type of boat), which religions interacted? specialized production (what did India produce?)

·  the Kingdom of Axum: where was it? What was its religion?

Caste and Indian Society (Ap textbook p. 315-318)

·  what challenged the Indian caste system after the post-classical era? expansion of the caste system

·  meeting of Hindu and Islamic traditions: which religions lost their following? How do Islam and Hinduism differ, where did Hinduism dominate? Where did Islam dominate in India? What religion benefitted when Buddhism died out? devotional cults, why did some Hindus convert to Islam, Sufi Islam

The Influence of Indian Society in Southeast Asia (p.320-324)

·  Which religions influenced SE ASia?

·  Funan: where did they rule? when? What did they control?

·  Majapahit: what areas did they control? which religion?

·  Angkor: where was it? which religion?

·  arrival of Islam: who brought Islam to SE Asia? the role of Melaka, how did it differ from earlier states?

Africa (Honors textbook Ch.7 p.127, AP textbook Ch.18 p.371-388) Presentation Date 11/10 & 11/12

Early Africa (AP Textbook p. 372-374)

·  Bantu migrations: effects, agriculture and population growth

·  African political organization: kin-shipped based societies, chiefdoms (when did they emerge?), Kingdom of Kongo: where was it?, what was its currency?

Islamic Kingdoms and Empires (AP textbook p.374-378)

·  Trans-Saharan trade and Islamic states in West Africa: how was Islam introduced in West Africa? Which animal quickened the pace of communication and transportation across the Sahara desert? When did they arrive in North Africa?

·  The Kingdom of Ghana: Where was it? What did they trade? What did they receive in exchange? When did the kings convert to Islam?

·  Sundiata: What was his nickname? Which empire did he build? When? What was their religion?

·  Mansa Musa: Where did he make a pilgrimage to? What did he give away on his journey? What was the effect? What did he build?

Islam and Trade in East Africa (AP textbook p. 379-382)

·  The Swahili Coast: What does "swahili" mean? Where did they dominate? What were some major cities?

·  The Swahili Cities: how did they build their wealth? What types of goods did wealthy merchants have? Describe Kilwa.

·  Great Zimbabwe: how did they get their wealth? What did they trade?

·  Islam in East Africa: who primarily converted to Islam?

African Society and Culture (AP textbook p. 382-388)

·  What were the main social classes?

·  What were kinship groups? How were the organized? How did they view land ownership?

·  Sex and gender relations: what types of jobs did men perform? what types of jobs did women do? What was the role of women? How did the arrival of Islam impact the role of women?

·  Age groups, slavery (who were they? what jobs did they perform? what stimulated an increase in the slave trade?)

·  African religion: creator God and lesser deities, diviners

·  Arrival of Christianity: Christianity in North Africa, Axum (where was it? How did it become Christian?