
Mrs. Heather Layman

Room 109

The following is a brief overview of what to expect in this course. These things may be amended or changed as the year progresses.

Teacher Expectations:

  1. Be on time, ready for class: notebook out, pencil sharpened, write objective and work through the warm up every day.
  2. No food or open drinks: water & bottles capable of being closed are ok. THIS IS A LAB CLASSROOM…MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE RISKS OF EATING IN THIS ROOM!
  3. Disruptions WILL NOT be tolerated…but if you are lost or have a question….ASK!
  4. Be respectful of other people – which includes not messing with their stuff.
  5. Do your Chemistry work!!! Do not do work for other classes while in this class.


Grades will be done by total points with multiple types of assessments including but not limited in homework; tests; quizzes; classwork/labs and others. The larger the assignment, the larger the point value…

The tests will be varied depending on the topic. Expect that you will have some open ended questions.

Typically you will be in PAIRS for each lab, depending on supplies available & work load. Some lab reports will be done as a group while others require individual work.

Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. If you turn it in late, you can only receive up to a 70 on this assignment (turned in next day). After that, you get a zero. You should always review your notes and any problems done every night.

At least attempt to do all homework you do not understand. Homework & practice are extremely important to your success in this class. You are more than welcome to email me before 8:00 pm with homework questions.

Tutoring is available most days after school. You will receive a tutoring schedule. It will also be posted on the website and in the room. I’m also available by appointment both before school and after.

Classroom Policies:

It is YOUR responsibility to find out about & turn in any assignments missed due to absences – I will not remind you. In order to not fall behind, you can email me or check my webpage to see what you missed. DO NOT wait too long to find out about what you missed! If you miss a class, you need to check the WEBPAGE for notes/worksheets/etc. Chemistry builds on itself – one missing day can make a huge difference in your understanding.

Progress reports will be computer generated showing grades for all assignments from the beginning of the quarter. You may also check parent portal on a weekly basis for updated grades. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Mrs. Layman at

What you need:

Preferably a TI-30 or better, but any calculator that will perform exponentials will work. Look for the “EE” or “Exp” button.

Loose-leaf notebook paper with a 1.5 to 2 inch 3-ring binder – no spirals! We will set up binders on MONDAY, so please have your binder, dividers and notebook paper by then.

Dividers (at least 10)

Pencils & pens – it is best to do Chemistry problems with a pencil. You will need one for tests.

It would be good to have colored pencils or markers, but it is not required.

Daily Routine:

  • Take your seat. Get out your supplies for the day and get started on beginning class activities.
  • Get any necessary materials for the day (ex: calculator, colored pencils/markers, highlighter)

How Can I be Successful in Chemistry?

Come to class, on time, prepared, every day.

Take notes – including the examples. If it’s important enough for me to write it, it’s important enough for you to copy it.

If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification. Odds are, you’re not the only one who has questions.

If you are absent, find out as soon as possible what you missed so that you don’t fall behind. ALWAYS CHECK THE WEBSITE!!!!

Email me if you have been absent or if you have questions.

Come in for tutoring as soon as you realize you don’t understand a concept.

Use the online resources provided on the website.

Do your own work! Don’t copy homework or other work from other students. If caught; you and the person you are cheating off of, will get a zero! It is NOT worth it!

Remember, it’s your grade. I don’t “give” grades.

YOU have to be proactive in your education & ask for help as you need it! I’ll do whatever I can to help you, but you have to ask!

Keep a positive attitude. Chemistry does not come easy to most students, I am here to make it as easy as possible, but it’s up to you to make the most of it.

Chemistry Tutoring Schedule

Chemistry Wish List

In Chemistry, we do a lot of kitchen chemistry labs that require outside materials. We encourage parents to donate (if they can) any supplies listed below. These are the ‘staple’ resources; so we always need them. There will be an additional list provided at open house.

Paper TowelsDish SoapMagic ErasersColored Paper

VinegarBaking SodaClorox WipesTissues


Name: ______Class Period: ______


  1. With your parents, please review ALL the pages in this packet.
  2. Once you have reviewed all pages, please sign and turn in this page along with the Lab
    Contract Page and the Information sheet.

Student Expectations of Class and teacher email address

I understand the expectations of Chemistry and I will utilize this website for help in class. I also know Mrs. Layman’s email address () and understand I can contact her with any questions in regards to class.

______Student Name

______Student Signature

______Parent Signature


BYOT Release and text updates for class *These pages must be turned in!

Part 1: I understand what BYOD means and will only utilize my electronic device for use in class and whenever the teacher asks. I will NOT text, facebook, tweet, or do anything else during class. (Students already signed a technology acceptable use policy when they registered, please sign again)

Part 2: I will review the text updates from Mrs. Layman for test, quiz and project/lab reminders.

______Student Name

______Student Signature

______Parent Signature




Lab Regulations and Information ***FYI…FIRST LAB IS FRIDAY!!!***

**This page must also be turned in…this is required for students to do lab…if not turned in, students will do a book work assignment during any lab days.

Required questions to fill out…

  1. Does your student have any allergies? ______
  2. Does your student wear glasses or contacts? ______

Progress Reports, Grade Updates and Required Extra Help

I understand that Mrs. Layman will update grades in the grade book within 1 week of items being turned in. Labs could potentially take longer due to reading reports. I also understand that if my grade is not acceptable, I will be expected to come to tutoring to bring it up. Parents, please realize that you can check your students’ grade at any time using the online system.

______Student Name

______Student Signature

______Parent Signature



Chemistry : Information Sheet (Must be turned in)


Name: ______Name you wish to be called:______

Phone number: ______Email Address: ______

Do you have access to the following from home? Computer ______Printer ______Internet ______
Do you have a cell phone? ______Is it a smart phone? ______

Do you have any medical conditions I should be aware of? ______

What are your hobbies? ______

What sports teams/after school activities are you involved in? ______

Do you have a job? If so, where? ______# Hours / week you work: ______

What should I know about you so that I can be a good teacher to you? ______



Have you ever traveled? Tell me where!: ______

For the following courses, write in the grade you earned for the class. If you did not take a particular class, leave it blank. This will help me as I plan for the topics that we will be covering this year.

______Biology I Honors ______Earth/Environmental Honors ______Algebra I

______Biology I Standard ______Earth / Environmental ______Geometry Honors

______Algebra II Honors______Pre-Calculus Honors______Geometry

______Algebra II Standard______Pre-Calculus Standard______Discrete Math

Do you have any concerns or is there anything else about you I should be aware of? Please describe where in the classroom you will best learn (seating wise). If so, please comment below.


Parent/Guardian #1:

Name ______Email Address ______

Daytime Phone number: ______Is the information above true to the best of your knowledge? _____

Where do you work?______Are you willing to come in to help with units?______

Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian #2 (not required):

Name ______Email Address ______

Daytime Phone number: ______Is the information above true to the best of your knowledge? _____

Signature: ______

Where do you work?______Are you willing to come in to help with units?______

Letter to Mrs. Layman:

In the following space, write me a letter describing yourself. Be sure to include the following:

  1. How do you feel you learn best?
  2. Where do you prefer to sit in order to be successful?
  3. Do you prefer to work alone or in a group on projects?
  4. Tell me something interesting about yourself and your family.

Make sure to tell me any and everything about you. DO NOT limit it to the four questions above! When you are done, please place it in the turn in box on the desk.