The Forest and The Tree Lesson

Adequate / Good / Strong / Umm..yeah
Introduction / Intro is basic or under-developed/ Uses only words to introduce topic in place of performance & gestures / Intro is solidly developed and offers relevance to topic/ Blends performance with words to introduce topic / Engaging, creative & captivating/ Involves audience/ Audience is genuinely drawn to topic and speaker / No Intro or Intro is listless/ Goes straight to facts
Information / Conveys basic knowledge of success/ Research may be superficial/ Info may lack structure, be loosely organized / Conveys strong knowledge of subject’s success through research/ Info. is logically organized / Goes beyond bio facts/ Results in a genuine learning experience about success from painstaking research / Info. is unclear/ Does not follow any structure/ Research is questionable
Conclusion / May lack a sense of completion/ May end abruptly to salvage time limit / Rounds out speech in a smooth and seamless manner/ gives a strong sense of completion / Same as “Good,” but more creative & performed w/ a stronger sense of preparation / No Conclusion/ Speaker simply stops talking
Time Limit / 0--5:59 or 10:01+
-1O points / / 6:00- 10:00 / 0--5:59 or 10:01+
-1O points
Speaking Skills / Hard to hear at times/ Nervous delivery may inhibit clarity/ Limited eye contact/ Some distracting um's,& uh's, or movements/ Nervousness may be a distraction / Audible voice/ Poised and clear/ Eye contact through most of speech/ few um's, uh's, or distracting movements/ Focus and preparation trumps nervousness / Strong voice/ Commanding poise and confidence/ Consistent eye contact/ no distractions with language or gestures/ Inviting & engaging presence / Cannot be heard/Nerves overwhelm speaker No eye contact/
Unprofessional and/or laughing
Powerpoint/Prezi/ Visual / Technical difficulties due to poor planning/ Not as organized as “Good”/ details are lacking/ too much text beyond title & captions / Effectively used/ Organized/ 4+slides / Creative visuals/
Displays time & effort/ Visuals outweigh text / Same as “Good,” but visual appeal is stunning/
Tightly entwined w speech / Goes far above expectations / Submitted Late/ Incomplete/ no att’n to detail/ far too much text
Overall Presentation / Preparation is suspect/ Some distracting pauses/ Rough delivery / Expertise is questionable/ Loss of poise in places / Prepared/ Mostly smooth delivery/ Composed/ Evidence of expertise/ Took speech seriously/ All requirements met / Professional attire/ Polished delivery/ Enthusiastic/ Professional/ Command of requirements/ Helpful props used / No enthusiasm; No regard for audience, requirements