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A Fund to Combat Violent Crime Committee meeting was held on Monday, May 5, 2014, in the Department of Safety and Homeland Security Cabinet Secretary’s conference room, Dover, Delaware. The meeting was called to order at 1004 a.m. by Chairman Lewis Schiliro. Those in attendance included:

Committee members:

Lt. Fred Calhoun, IIIFOP, Delaware State Lodge

Colonel Nate McQueenDelaware State Police

Tim Mullaney, Sr.Department of Justice

The Honorable Lewis D. SchiliroSecretary, Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Committee Chair

Chief William ToppingChairman, Delaware Police Chiefs Council


Deborah GoldenProgram Administrator

Randall L. HughesDeputy Principal Assistant for Special Projects

Lisa MorrisDeputy Attorney General, Department of Justice

Interested Parties:

Chief Paul BernatDover Police Department

Lt. Tom BrackinDelaware State Troopers Association

Introduction: Secretary Schiliro introduced and welcomed Lisa Morris, who is the Attorney General replacing Tom Ellis.


  1. Approval of September 10, 2013 and October 29, 2013 Minutes of the Meeting

Chairman Schiliro asked if there were any amendments to the September 10, and October 29, 2013minutes of the meeting and hearing none, asked for a motion for approval. A motion was made by Tim Mullaney and seconded by Colonel Nate McQueen that the September 10 and October 29, 2013minutes be approved as submitted. Hearing no discussion, the minutes were approved by the Committee members

  1. Funding Available

Debby Golden reported that the current funding levels, as of May 2, 2014 are $1,008,928.07 for State Police and $1,012,982.38 for Local Law Enforcement.

III.Other Business

  1. Administration of Fund to Combat Violent Crime Funds

Topics of discussion included:

The FY 2014 grant process ran smoothly.

The Delaware crime ranking (violent crime) is not improving. Agencies need to come up with strategies to reduce violent crime and show changes from one year to the next.

Chief William Topping, DPCC Chair stated there was some concern regarding the intent of the statute by the Delaware Police Chiefs’ and FOP. There have been some legislative changes requested to include the Delaware River and Bay Authority, Capitol Police, ABC Police, the University Police Departments, DNREC and a few other state funded agencies to be included in the grant funding. This will add about 300 police officers to the funding process. A draft bill has been given to Senator Mitchell.

The FY 2015 should have more focus on joint initiatives and technological advances. The Violent Crime fund program was created to put the State of Delaware in a better stance with the violent crime rates. Violent crime statistics have not improved.

The Police Departments have been requesting equipment and now that they have the equipment they need to put more work into lowering violent crime statistics through joint initiatives.

Lt. Brackin stated that this fund was created to put boots on the ground to reduce violent crime.

Perhaps the statute needs to be broadened to include the words “improve the delivery of police services to their jurisdictions”.

Amend the original legislative to give only pro rata share ($15,000 or $7,500) to police departments and award the balance to jurisdictions that use the funds to reduce violent crime through overtime and joint initiatives. The agency(s) must submit a detailed application along with a presentation on violent crime stats and their plans to reduce the stats.

Debby Golden asked that the Committee consider a second funding cycle allocation for all the funds not approved by the Committee. Funds reserved for agencies that are not specifically applied for or that have not been approved by the Fund to Combat Violent Crime Commttee would be subject to reallocation. Funds would be reallocated by the Committee giving preference to applications benefiting the reduction of violent crime.

Chapters 4 and 5 of The Fund to Combat Violent Crime guidelines should be reviewed.

Secretary Schiliro was asked to write a letter to all of the participating police chiefs’ outlining that funds need to be used for violent crime initiatives.

The Committee members were asked to review guidelines and submit suggested changes to Debby Golden. A meeting will be held in the near future to discuss the suggested changes.


Chairman Schiliro called for any other discussion or items for the agenda and hearing none the meeting adjourned at 1110 a.m.