School Advisory Council (SAC)


October 24, 2017


See attached sign in forms for those in attendance.

Approval of Minutes:

The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Cruz at 2:20. The minutes of September 26th, 2017 were reviewed and motioned to be approved by Mrs. Jones and seconded by Mrs. Wagner.

Smart Goal Report:

Ms. Ghaby, Smart Goal project manager for school choice enhancement spoke.

Pembroke Lakes Elementary has $100K under the general bond to be managed in five years. We are now in year three.

School choice items must have a “shelf life” of five years or longer. Must be capital eligible items. She suggested choosing big items that can’t be lost or moved. Items will be audited.

The Community needs to be involved in the choice. Today’s purpose was to develop ballot. The ballot needs to be approved by SAC. Then Facilities needs to approve it.

Mrs. Wagner described how an internal survey was put out for item wishes. Some items mentioned on the wish list were a marquee, ceiling mounted projectors for classrooms ($2k per class), standing work stations, cabinets for storage for classrooms, rubberized flooring.

Two Options were presented to SAC

Option 1: Marquee, Furniture (ie. Sit and stand desks, cabinets), Upgrade cafeteria with ceiling mounted projector.

Option 2: Marquee, Furniture , Ceiling mounted projectors in the classrooms.

Ms. McLaughlin brought up the Recordex t.v.’s as a need/option. Mrs. Wagner explained that the District is committed to providing all of our classrooms with these and do away with the t.v./smartboards.

Motion was made to approve the two ballot choices. Mrs. Benedit motioned and was seconded by Ms. McLaughlin.

The school needs to reach out to the Community for voting. Voting will happen soon on paper ballots. One vote per student and one vote per staff member. Every registered volunteer who isn’t a parent gets a vote also.

We will be reaching out through our marquee, robo calls,etc.. We need to record ways that the community was reached out to as it will be looked at by the Auditor.

The vote is a basic majority, not percentage of eligible voters. Voting should take place for at least a week. The ballot approved must be the ballot used for the vote.

If funds are left over after everything on the ballot is satisfied it can be used for other items. It can be combined with funds from another “bucket”. Once Ms. Ghaby receives the vote the budget will be reviewed again and procurement will begin.

If you have questions regarding the procedures for the school choice enhancement please go to Mrs. Wagner to address them.

New Business

SIT Team Reports

Ms. Monnin reported for Science. There was no new information. The district Science meeting is tomorrow.

Mrs. Benedit reported for Writing. Trainings have been completed for the new teachers. As the year goes on they will see if any more trainings are needed.

Ms. McLaughlin reported for Reading. Teachers are busy collecting BAS data. Checkpoint one on iReady is completed for reading and math. Reading support groups with the Specials teachers began last week for students in Tier 3 interventions. Mrs. Seguin is beginning LLI for Tier 3 students in grades one and two. Teachers are doing balanced literacy in the classrooms integrating science and social studies. The reading resource room is almost ready for teachers to use.

Ms. Cruz reported for math. They are ready to start BCCTM competition with the fourth grade students.

Ms. Cruz also reported that 100% of faculty are enrolled in a PLC.

Principals Report

Mrs. Wagner reported on Guidance for Mrs. Axel who was unable to attend SAC. This week is Red Ribbon week. We are teaming up against drugs. Last week was digital citizenship week discussing and learning about using devices in appropriate ways. There will be a Listener Program beginning in guidance. A provider approved by the district will come out to listen to students who have needs. This is not a counselor or psychologist. Anti-bullying week will be coming up in November.

Many students are in tier 3 in reading under RTI. In addition to the Specials teachers providing intervention for these students, Mrs. Lescano is providing interventions for ESOL students. Kindergarten and third grade are still identifying needs through data collection. We have fewer students in RTI this year than last year.

The Accel program was discussed. This provides various enrichment options. Students have been screened. Ten 1-5th grade students are receiving some type of accel option, many of them for math. The Gifted symposium is this Friday at Pompano Beach High. Flyers are available.

Ed Talk Saturday, November 4th. The Superintendent will be there to get input from parents.

Best Practice

A+ money options will be discussed at the next SAC meeting

Title 1

Mrs. Jones passed out the Parent Compact for the 2017-2018 school year.

Suggestions: Mrs. Wagner suggested to add to #2 second bullet- SAF,SAC, PTA. Mrs. Ramos suggested adding to #3 access also provided through Pinnacle and Canvas. Mrs. Fossella and Ms. McLaughlin suggested under student responsibility adding Students adhere to our daily PLE family pledge.

Mrs. Fossella also suggested for the last page a heading with the student name on it.

Mrs. Jones motioned to conclude the SAC meeting. Mrs. Wagner seconded.

The next SAC meeting will be November 28th, 2017 at 2:15