*Highlighted/Italized Words Are Included on Book Assessment*
Ant and the Three Little Figs
- figs: fruit that is shaped like a small pear and grows on a tree
- quickly: with speed
- finally: coming or happening at the end
- chance: possibility of something happening
- anytime: at any time
Come Back, Jack!
- boring: not interesting
- adventure: an experience that is interesting or dangerous
- exciting: stirring up strong feelings; thrilling
- searched: looked for
- steep: having a very sharp slope or slant
- nimble: moving quickly and lightly
The Library
- nearsighted: able to see things that are close by better than those things that are faraway
- incredible: amazing; astonishing
- manufactured: to have made something
- tutoring: to teach privately
- donations: gifts, contributions
- library: a room or building that has a collection of books, magazines, and newspapers
- vacuum: to pick up dirt from carpets, furniture, etc.
Story Hour ~ Starring Megan!
- librarian: a person who works in a library
- assistant: a person who helps
- calm: to make quiet and still
- patient: willing to wait
- amazement: great surprise
- mistake: something that is not done right
Tomas and the Library Lady
- midnight: twelve o’clock at night
- howling: making a loud, wailing cry
- chattered: clicked together quickly
- thorny: covered with sharp points
- glaring: staring angrily
- eager: wanting very much to do something
Mushroom in the Rain
- clearing: a spot in a forest where no trees are growing
- barely: hardly, not quite able
- drenched: soaked; very wet
- huddled: crowded; close together
- flicked: gave a quick, light snap
The Elves and the Shoemaker
- leather: material made from animal skin
- polished: made smooth and shiny
- handsome: good looking
- cobbler: someone who makes and repairs shoes
The Paper Crane
- serve: help others
- guests: people who are visiting in another house, restaurant, or hotel
- stranger: someone you don’t know
- manner: the way something is done
- unusual: something that is different; not seen every day
- overjoyed: really excited about something
Butterfly House
- larva: the baby or young form of some insects (A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly.)
- nectar: the sweet liquid in flowers
- chrysalis: the protective covering around the caterpillar when it is in a sleeping stage while changing into a butterfly
- transformed: to change how something looks
- drift: to move because of wind or water
- department: section or part of a store that sells one kind of merchandise
- escalator: moving stairs
- toppled: fell over
- enormous: gigantic; very big
- fastened: closed; buttoned
The Story of Three Whales
- lurk: to hide in or about a place
- surface: to rise to the top of any liquid
- trudged: walked or marched steadily with great effort
- plight: a bad condition or situation
- invincible: impossible to defeat
- ordeal: something that is difficult to do
- beautiful: pleasant to look at
- cellar: basement
- diamonds: highly valued precious stones
- kingdom: a country that is ruled by a king or a queen
- shimmering: shining with a soft light
I See Animals Hiding
- natural: not learned or taught, but something one is born with
- unaware: not watchful or mindful
- camouflage: animal coloration; disguise
- wariest: most cautious and alert
- slithering: sliding, gliding, or creeping
- invisible: not able to be seen
They Thought They Saw Him
- glistened: sparkled
- wakeful: restless, not able to sleep
- gripped: held onto tightly
- swooped: rushed down suddenly
- ridge: the edge of something
Hungry Little Hare
- disguise: something that changes or hides the way one looks
- scent: a smell
- disappear: not able to be seen
- sneaky: moving or acting secretly or slyly
- avoid: to keep away from
How to Hide an Octopus and Other Sea Creatures
- creatures: live people or animals
- fade: to lose or cause to lose color or brightness
- designed: planned or made, as in an arrangement of shapes, parts, or colors and patterns
- enemies: things or creatures that are dangerous or harmful to another
- drab: not cheerful or bright; dull
How the Guinea Fowl Got Her Spots
- glossy: bright and shiny
- delicious: pleasing to the taste or smell
- slinking: moving slowly or secretively
- scrambled: moved or climbed quickly
- cautiously: carefully
Animal Camouflage
- costume: clothes you wear in order to look like someone or something else
- surroundings: area or things that are around a person or thing
- blends: fades into something else
- mimicry: to imitate or pretend to be something
- pretenders: those who make believe they are something else
- marsh: swamp
Fossils Tell of Long Ago
- amber: a yellowish sap from plants that hardens and becomes a fossil
- fossil: a plant, animal, or imprint that has turned to stone
- extinct: not alive today; all members of the group or species have died out
- peat: swampy forest soil
- mammoth: a kind of elephant that lived millions of years ago
- preserved: has not rotted
- seeps: leaks slowly
The Dinosaur Who Lived in My Backyard
- hatched: broke out of an egg
- neighborhood: the area around your home
- swamp: an area of wet land
- rescue: to save someone who is in danger of harm
- sprinkler: something used for watering the lawn
Dinosaur Fossils
- fossils: hardened remains of an animal or plant that lived long ago
- hardened: became solid
- scientists: people who study things in nature
- difficult: not easy
- extinct: no longer living
- chance: luck
Why Did The Dinosaurs Disappear?
- climate: the average, or normal weather conditions of a place
- protection: the keeping of someone or something from harm
- moisture: water or other liquid in the air or on a surface
- erupt: to break out suddenly with force
- discovery: something that is seen or found out for the first time
- starve: to not have enough food
Monster Tracks
- clues: hints that help solve a mystery or a problem
- prehistoric: belonging to a time before people started writing history
- imprint: to mark by applying pressure
- mold: a hollow form that material is poured into to make a shape
- instructions: directions
Let’s Go Dinosaur Tracking!
- analyze: to look at very carefully
- clue: hint
- paleontologist: a scientist who studies fossils and the past
- limestone: a rock that often contains fossil prints
- tracks: footprints
- canteen: like a bottle
Molly the Brave and Me
- guts: courage
- homesick: wanting to be home with family
- wimp: a weak, helpless person
- swatted: hit or slapped at something
- creepy: makes you feel like something is crawling over your skin
Dragons and Giants
- puffing: breathing in short breaths
- avalanche: stones or snow falling down a mountain
- trembling: shaking
- cried: yelled out (“I am not afraid,” Toad cried.)
- leaping: jumping
- fell: to cover something (“The shadow of a hawk fell over Frog and Toad.”
A Hole in the Dike
- gurgling: making a sound like a bubbling liquid
- trickling: like a liquid that is falling or flowing drop by drop
- gushing: pouring out suddenly and in large amounts
- numb: having no feeling, as if asleep
- rumbling: making a heavy, deep, rolling sound
- hero: a person who is honored because of brave or courageous acts
A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- protests: acts of complaint or objections against something
- demanding: to ask for urgently or forcefully
- fair: not favoring one more than another
- riots: a noisy and violent disorder caused by a group of people
- prejudice: unfair treatment of a particular group of people
- violence: doing something that hurts people or property
- powerful: strong
The Empty Pot
- successor: a person who comes next
- swarmed: to move in a large group
- ashamed: to feel upset of guilty because one has done something wrong or has failed
- worthy: deserving
- admire: to approve or respect
- courage: the strength to overcome fear
- proclamation: an announcement
Brave as a Mountain Lion
- reservation: land set aside by the government for Native Americans to live on
- drifted: piled up because of the wind
- dreaded: looked forward to with fear
- qualified: fit or able to do a job or task
- gymnasium: a room or building that has equipment for physical exercise of indoor sports
- swirling: moving around in a twisting motion
The First Americans
- wampum: small, polished beads made from shells and strung together or woven into belts, collars, and necklaces; Used by some Native Americans as money
- tundra: a huge plain with no trees that lies in arctic regions
- tepees: a tent shaped like a cone; A tepee is made from animal skins stretched over poles
- warriors: people who fight or are experienced in fighting battles
- herd: group
- cleared: cut down
New Hope
- recycling: using throw-away items for another purpose
- ferried: carried across a body of water
- brisk: quick and lively
- bustling: busy
- invitation: a written request to do something
- citizens: people who live in a town or city
A Place Called Freedom
- plantation: a large farm worked by people who live there
- fretted: to become worried
- settlement: a small village or group of houses
- celebrate: to give a party
- weary: tired
- sturdy: strong
The Story of the Statue of Liberty
- harbor: a protected area of water along a coast
- ferry: a boat used to carry people and things across a narrow body of water
- monuments: a structure made to honor a person or an event
- symbol: something that represents something else
- voyage: a long trip, usually by ship
- independence: freedom
The Butterfly Seeds
- tossed: moved up and down on a ship because of the waves
- passengers: people who travel in a vehicle
- inspectors: people who look at things closely
- alley: a narrow street between buildings
- vendor: a person who sells things
- harmonica: a musical instrument
A Piece of Home
- journey: a long trip
- treasure: money, jewels, or other things that are valuable
- strange: not familiar
- passport: a document given to a person to show what country the person is a citizen of
- Russian: relating to Russia, its people, or their language
- settled: decided (Gregor finally chooses his blanket as his treasure. Then Papa says, “At least it is
Jalapeno Bagels
- jalapeno: a small hot pepper
- ingredients: parts that go into a mixture
- dough: a mixture of flour, liquid, and other things that is usually baked
- knead: to mix and press dough together with the hands
- recipe: a list of ingredients and directions for making something to eat or drink
- mixture: something made up of different things that are put together