1. Orson Welles – Citizen Kane (1941)
2. Federico Fellini – La Strada (1954), La Dolce Vita (1960), 8.1/2 (1963), Satyricon (1969), Roma (1972)
3. Franco Zeffirelli – The Taming of the Shrew (1967), Romeo and Juliet (1968), Jane Eyre (1996), Tea with Mussolini (1999), Callas Forever (2002)
4. Bernardo Bertolucci – Last Tango in Paris (1972), The Last Emperor (1987), Little Buddha (1993), Stealing Beauty (1996), The Dreamers (2003)
5. Giuseppe Tornatore – Cinema Paradiso (1988), The Legend of 1900 (1998), Malena (2000)
6. Vittorio de Sica – Ladri di bicicletti (1948), Miracolo a Milano (1951), Umberto D (1952)
7. Emir Kusturica – Do You Remember Dolly Bell? (1981), When Father Was Away on Business (1985), Time of the Gypsies (1988), Arizona Dream (1993), Underground (1995), Black Cat, White Cat (1998), Life is a Miracle (2004), Maradona by Kusturica (2008)
8. Jiri Menzel – Closely Watched Trains (1966), Larks on a String (1969), I Served the King of England (2006)
9. Andrei Tarkovski – Andrei Rubliov (1966), Solaris (1972), Stalker (1979)
10. Nikita Mikhalkov – An Unfinished Piece for a Player Piano (1977), Oblomov (1980), Dark Eyes (1987), Anna: 6-18 (1993), The Barber of Siberia (1998), 12 (2007)
11. Milos Forman – Loves of a Blonde (1965), The Firemen’s Ball (1967), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975), Amadeus (1984)
12. Roman Polanski – Bitter Moon (1992), The Pianist (2002)
13. Andrej Wajda – Ashes and Diamonds (1958), Siberian Lady Macbeth (1961)
14. Krzysztof Kieslowski – Dekalog (1988), La Double Vie de Veronique (1991), Trois Couleurs – Bleu (1993), Blanc (1994), Rouge (1994)
15. Jean Pierre Jeunet – Delicatessen (1991), Amelie (2001)
16. Pedro Almodovar – Carne tremula (1997), Todo sobre mi madre (1999), Hable con ella (2001), La mala education (2004), Volver (2006)
17. Julio Medem – Tierra (1996), Los Amantes del Circulo Polar (1998), Lucia y el sexo (2001)
18. Michelangelo Antonioni – L’Aventura (1960), La Notte (1961), Il Deserto Rosso (1964), Blow Up (1966), Zabriskie Point (1969)
19. Roberto Benigni – La vita e bela (1997)
20. Luc Besson – Le grand bleu (1988), Nikita (1990), Leon (1994), The Fifth Element (1997)
21. Wim Wenders – Paris, Texas (1984), Buena Vista Social Club (1998), The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
22. Kim Ki-duk – Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring (2003)
23. Lars von Trier – trilogia Europa: The Element of Crime (1984), Epidemic (1987), Europa (1991), trilogia Golden Heart: Breaking the Waves (1996), Idioterne (1998), Dancer in the Dark (2000), trilogia USA, Land of Opportunity : Dogville (2003), Manderlay (2005), Washington (?), The Boss of It All (2006), Antikrist (2009)
24. Charles Chaplin – The Tramp (1915), The Immigrant (1917), A Dog’s Life (1918), The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), The Dictator (1940), A King in New York (1957)
25. Alfred Hitchock – Easy Virtue (1928), Murder (1930), The Man Who Knew too Much (1956), The Lady Vanishes (1938), Rebecca (1940), Psycho (1960), The Birds (1963)
26. Fritz Lang – Metropolis (1927), M from Murder (1931),
27. Bob Fosse – Cabaret (1972), All That Jazz (1979)
28. Stanley Kubrick – Lolita (1962), 2001 – a space odyssey (1968), A Clockwork Orange (1971), Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
29. Danny Boyle – Trainspotting (1996), The Beach (2000), Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
30. Woody Allen – Take the Money and Run (1969), Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (1972), Love and Death (1975), Annie Hall (1977), Anything Else (2003), Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
31. Jim Jarmush – Night on Earth (1991), Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999), Coffe and Cigarettes (2003), Broken Flowers (2005)
32. Philip Kaufman – Henry & June (1990), Rising Sun (1993), Quills (2000)
33. David Linch – Eraserhead (1978), Blue Velvet (1986), Wild at Heart (1990), Twin Peaks (1990-1991), Lost Highway (1997), Mulholland Drive (2001)
34. Ethan & Joel Coen – Fargo (1996), O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000), Burn After Reading (2008)
35. Sam Mendes – American Beauty (1999), Road to Perdition (2002), Revolutionary Road (2008)
36. Oliver Stone – Born on the Fourth of July (1989), The Doors (1991), JFK (1991), Natural Born Killers (1994), Nixon (1995), Comandante (2003)
37. Quentin Tarantino – Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Kill Bill (2003, 2004, 2014), Inglorious Bastards (2009)
38. Nae Caranfil – E pericoloso sporgersi (1993), Asfalt Tango (1995), Dolce far niente (1999), Filantropica (2001), Restul e tacere (2008)
39. Radu Gabrea – Prea mic pentru un razboi atat de mare (1996), Dincolo de nisipuri (1973), Cocosul decapitat (2008), Calatoria lui Grueber (2008), Manusi rosi (2009)
40. Stere Gulea – Apa ca un bivol negru (1970), Morometii (1987), Vulpe-vanator (1993), Stare de fapt (1995)
41. Victor Iliu – La moara cu noroc (1955)
42. Cristian Mungiu – Occident (2002), 4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile (2007), Amintiri din Epoca de Aur (2009)
43. Radu Muntean – Furia (2002), Hartia va fi albastra (2006), Boogie (2008), Marti, dupa Craciun (2010)
44. Lucian Pintilie – Reconstituirea (1968), De ce trag clopotele, Mitica? (1982), Balanta (1992), O vara de neuitat (1994), Terminus Paradis (1998), Niki Ardelean, colonel in rezerva (2003)
45. Dan Pita – Nunta de piatra (1972), Concurs (1982), Faleze de nisip (1983), Pas in doi (1985), Hotel de lux (1992), Eu sunt Adam (1996)
46. Geo Saizescu – Un suras in plina vara (1963), Balul de sambata seara (1967), Asta seara dansam in familie (1972)