New Women’s Hospital and Cancer Centre
1. Actions Recommended
NHS Grampian will take forward the development of a new Women’s Hospital and Cancer Centre at the Foresterhill Campus following the approval to include the project in the next phase of the Scottish Government’s non-profit distributing investment (NPD) programme. Initial work has been undertaken to formulate a governance and project management structure and to commence developing a detailed project plan.
The NHS Grampian Board is asked to:
· Approve delegated authority to the Director of Finance and Director of Modernisation to take forward the key initial actions i.e. to appoint key project personnel and commission work to develop the clinical brief
· Endorse the development of the governance and project management arrangements and detailed project plan.
A further more detailed report on the project will be submitted to the Board in December 2014 which will seek formal approval for the allocation of resources to the project.
2. Strategic Context
The Scottish Government recently announced the provision of £120m in NPD investment for a new Women’s Hospital and Cancer Centre on the Foresterhill campus. The announcement of the new Women’s Hospital and Cancer Centre at Foresterhill is the result of the efforts of many staff in recent years, the development of good working relationships with the Scottish Government, and a clear strategic context as set out in NHS Grampian’s Healthfit 2020 vision and the Property and Asset Management Plan.
The developments will be part of the implementation of the Foresterhill Masterplan which was approved by the NHS Grampian Board and the Scottish Government in 2008. The agreement of the masterplan has already resulted in significant investment in the campus i.e.
· in new buildings such as the Matthew Hay Building (ECC), Aberdeen Dental School and Hospital, Suttie Centre and the new Radiotherapy Centre, and
· in existing buildings including the outpatient facilities in the Rotunda, new operating theatres, and the £30m+ investment in backlog reduction in inpatient areas in the Phase 2 and East End buildings
The requirement to replace the existing Maternity Hospital was included in the Maternity Services Review approved by the NHS Grampian Board in 2012. The Cancer Centre has been planned for some time and has been developing on a staged basis – the new Radiotherapy Centre at Foresterhill completed in 2013 being the first stage of the Cancer Centre development.
A key aim of NHS Grampian is to maintain people in their own homes and communities as far as possible. If treatment and care in hospital is required it should be for the minimum time necessary in facilities that support clinical efficiency. The new Women’s Hospital and Cancer Centre will be planned on this basis i.e. within the context of the whole pathway of care for patients.
3. Scope and Location
Work has been done at a high level on the scope and location for both developments. More detailed work and options appraisal will be done to ensure that the service requirements and linkages with existing buildings are thoroughly examined and agreed.
· Cancer Centre: As indicated above the first stage of the Cancer Centre has already been completed i.e. the new Radiotherapy Centre which is located at the south of the east end of ARI. The Scottish Government announcement is for the development of the Cancer Centre which will include outpatient, daycase and academic/research facilities, together with a range of support facilities. The new building is likely to be to the south of the Radiotherapy Centre and physically linked to it.
· Women’s Hospital: This development will replace the existing Maternity Hospital, Neonatal Unit, gynaecology services and other facilities for women. The Women’s Hospital will be linked to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and the Children’s Hospital.
4. Planning and Procurement
The broad actions that will be taken to develop the project to completion are summarised below:
· An initial project board and management structure involving clinical staff from cancer and women’s services has been formulated. This will be refined during October and November with the input of the Scottish Government and the Scottish Futures Trust.
· There will be a comprehensive redesign and improvement process applied to cancer and women’s services to ensure that the new facilities are designed around the future needs of the services and patients, and the most clinically efficient way of working. This work will commence in October 2014 and will involve a high level of staff and public engagement, together with the involvement of relevant partner agencies including the University of Aberdeen and the voluntary sector.
· This redesign work will inform the preparation of a design brief and specification of the required accommodation i.e. a clinical output specification. The nature of the procurement process for these projects will require the service brief and building design to be agreed and confirmed prior to construction commencing.
· An option appraisal will be undertaken to determine how best to deliver the service brief/specification taking account of the required links to other buildings at Foresterhill
· Business cases will be prepared and submitted to the Scottish Government – the business cases will be subject to a high level of scrutiny in relation to strategic fit, quality, safety and value for money
· There will be a tendering process to appoint a contractor to build the new facilities and this will include “competitive dialogue” with a number of potential bidders before an appointment is made
Meetings have been held with clinical groups to discuss the process and confirm the need for a high level of clinical engagement to ensure that there is a clear strategic brief to guide the design of the facilities.
The method of procurement is through the Non Profit Distributing (NPD) model which is applied to new major projects in Scotland. This involves a specific procurement process which will require specialist planning, legal and financial advisers. The NPD process is overseen nationally by the Scottish Futures Trust.
The cost of programme management including developing the design, and other external advisor and legal costs related to the procurement of the Women’s Hospital and Cancer Centre under the NPD model, will require to be met by the NHS Board from its core revenue allocation. Based on feedback from other similar projects these costs are likely to be significant.
5. Next Steps
The key initial actions are to:
· Further develop the project structure and refine estimates of likely project costs to ensure that the resource requirements are clear and understood and that an appropriate source of funding can be identified. An outline of the structure is included at appendix 1
· Refine the project programme – see outline programme at appendix 2
· Appoint to the Project Director, Project Manager and key clinical leadership posts
· Procure external support for the development of the clinical output specification
· Procure external support for physical option appraisal and master planning of the part of the Foresterhill campus likely to accommodate the new facilities
Delegated authority is sought from the Board to implement the actions and incur the necessary expenditure in advance of approval for the full plan by the Board in December 2014.
6. Risk Mitigation
The development of the Women’s Hospital and Cancer Centre links to corporate risks 851 (Delivery strategies to meet the future health needs of the population) and 855 (Infrastructure to support the future provision of patient care).
The implementation of the initial actions outlined above will ensure that progress is made consistent with the outline project programme.
7. Responsible Executive Directors and contact for further information
If you require any further information in advance of the meeting please contact:
Responsible Executive DirectorsGraeme Smith
Director of Modernisation
Alan Gray
Director of Finance
24 September 2014
Appendix 2
Outline Strategic Programme
KEY ACTIVITY / KEY DATESFinalise Project Board/team structure / Nov 2014
Commence detailed clinical output specification / Oct 2014
Commence reference design development / Oct 2014
Initial Agreement Approval / Feb 2015
Planning in principle / May –Aug 2015
Complete reference design / Sept 2015
OBC Approval / Nov 2015
Issue OJEU notice to prospective bidders / Dec 2015
Select 3 bidders to participate in Competitive Dialogue / March 2016
Commence Competitive Dialogue / April 2016
Close Competitive Dialogue with bidders / Dec 2016
Prepare final tenders / Jan 2017
Evaluate and identify the preferred bidder / March 2017
FBC Approval / July 2017
Financial Close of contract negotiations / Aug 2017
FBC Addendum submitted / Sept 2017
Start construction enabling works/set up compound / Sept – Nov 2017
Start Construction Woman’s Hospital & Cancer Centre / Dec 2017
Construction complete Cancer Centre / Sept 2019
Commission Cancer Centre / Oct – Nov 2019
Open Cancer Centre / Nov 2019
Construction complete Woman’s Hospital / July 2020
Commission Woman’s Hospital / Aug – Nov 2020
Open Woman’s Hospital / Nov 2020
Note: outline draft programme only – option appraisal and site development issues may affect timescales