Punxsutawney Area SD

District Level Plan

07/01/2015 - 06/30/2018


District Profile


475 Beyer Ave

Punxsutawney, PA 15767


Superintendent: Keith Wolfe

Director of Special Education: Kate Shaffer

Planning Process

The Punxsutawney Area School District worked diligently to develop a comprehensive plan that will guide the district for the next six years. The district determined its areas of concern by gathering input from data reports, students, teachers, parents and community members. Committees were organized and an action plan was formed using volunteers from a variety of groups. Each committee met throughout the school year and into the summer to establish and agree on a mission, a vision, and academic beliefs that would define our community’s public school system. These groups also determined two basic goals that could be used to improve the students’ and teachers’ academic achievement/knowledge. The subcommittee then created a specific action plan that addressed each of these goals.

The comprehensive planning committees established the mission statement to encompass the school’s ultimate purpose and to address the “whole child”. A visionary statement reflecting the anticipated educational outcome of our successful mission was also created and included in the plan. This statement briefly describes the history of the Punxsutawney Area School District and concludes with a description of the schools' and the community’s efforts to educate the children. In addition, the committees discussed “shared values”. These are best described as a list of fundamental core beliefs and operating principles that are shared across the organization. These statements communicate what is believed to be optimum conditions that promote learning while supporting the role the families play in contributing to the education of our children. These three items are published in this document for closer review.Finally, the committees agreed to include two goals in the district’s action plan. These goals focus on professional development and the skills our students need to acquire as identified by the state standards. The plan includes strategies and activities that the school district intends to implement over the next six years.

The members of all the committees, including the technology committee and the special education committee, invested much time and effort in the development of the Punxsutawney Area School District’s Comprehensive Plan. It took many, long hours over a period of several months to integrate ideas and organize them in such a way as to produce a working document that will assist the local school district in accomplishing its objectives. Without the input and help of all the stakeholders, this strategic proposal could not have been successfully completed.

Mission Statement

Punxsutawney Area School District

Mission Statement

The mission of the Punxsutawney Area School District is to prepare students for the future by enabling them to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become productive and responsible citizens

Vision Statement

Punxsutawney Area School District

Vision Statement

Since 1823 when the first Punxsutawney school was built, the education of students has been of prime importance. The future success of students in the Punxsutawney Area School District will require committed teachers, involved parents, a supportive community, and strong academic programs and activities that will enrich our students’ lives. Our students will continue to be lifelong learners who will be able to adapt to an ever-changing and increasingly diverse world.

Shared Values

Punxsutawney Area School District

Shared Values

We believe:

A nurturing, stimulating, and safe environment promotes learning.

Learning is an interactive process.

Technology enhances learning.

Respectful, positive, and collaborative relationships are essential for learning.

Student growth is dependent upon the quality of instruction provided by the teacher.

Student effort, parent support, and high expectations promote student achievement.

Cooperation and communication between school, student, parent, and community are vital for a successful school district.

All students can learn.

Educational Community

The Punxsutawney Area School District currently operates eight individual schools consisting of six elementary schools, a middle school, and a high school. The district covers a 274 square mile area and serves 2,195 children.
The organizational structure of the district is Elementary (K-3); Middle School (4-7); and High School (8-12). Within that structure, the educational program is organized as:

Kindergarten - Grade 2 Primary
Grade 3 - Grade 5 Intermediate
Grade 6 - Grade 8 Middle School
Grade 9 - Grade 12 High School

Elementary education in the Punxsutawney Area School District is provided through it’s seven facilities. There are, on the average, 632 children in grades K through 3 and 535 students in grades 4 through 6. The district offers all day/every day Kindergarten in each of its primary elementary schools. The following list contains the name, breakdown of enrollment (As of June 2014), and location for each building:

Bell Twp. 76 Bell Twp., Jefferson County
Jenks Hill 75 Punxsutawney Borough, Jefferson County
Longview 93 North Mahoning Twp., Indiana County
Mapleview 141 Perry Twp., Jefferson County
Parkview 66 McCalmont Twp., Jefferson County
West End 164 Punxsutawney Borough, Jefferson County

Middle School 520 Punxsutawney Borough, Jefferson County
Secondary education in the district is provided in two separate facilities, the Punxsutawney Area Middle School and the Punxsutawney Area High School, located on Beyer Avenue and North Findley Street within the Punxsutawney Borough. As of September 2014, there were 393 students enrolled in grades 7-8 and 669 students enrolled in grades 9-12.
The district has established an organizational structure, which outlines the levels of responsibility within the district. See the chart that follows.

I. Board of School Directors

A. Board Secretary

II. Superintendent

A. Supervisor of Curriculum & Instruction

1. Federal Programs

B. Director of Special Education

1. Supervisor of Special Education

C. Director of Instructional Technology

1. Library Services

2. IT & Media Services

D. School Psychologist

E. High School Principal

1. Assistant High School Principal

2. Athletic Director

3. High School Guidance

F. Middle School Principal

1. Assistant Middle School Principal

2. Middle School Guidance

G. Elementary Principal

1. Bell Township

2. Jenks Hill

3. Mapleview

4. Nurses

5. Elementary Guidance

H. Elementary Principal

1. Longview

2. Parkview

3. West End

4. ESL & AmeriCorp

5. Elementary Guidance

I. Business Manager

1. Assistant Business Manager

2. Supervisor of Maintenance

3. Food Service

4. Transportation

Planning Committee

Name / Role
Jodi Bartlebaugh / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Frank Bizousky / Business Representative
Richard Britten / Administrator
Danielle Carapucci / High School Teacher - Regular Education
Shannon Clouse / High School Teacher - Special Education
Matt Curry / Parent
Mark Curtis / Ed Specialist - School Counselor
Kacee Dale / High School Teacher - Special Education
Sue Deeley / Parent
Mike Dickey / High School Teacher - Regular Education
Vanessa Dorsey / Instructional Technology Director/Specialist
Natalie Enslen / Supervisor of Special Education
Melissa Fedigan / High School Teacher - Regular Education
Kelly Fisher / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Richard Galluzzi / Administrator
Barb Giavedoni / Parent
Gerald Gigliotti / Instructional Technology Director/Specialist
Donald Gill / High School Teacher - Regular Education
Michael Guidice / Administrator
Michelle Hutton / High School Teacher - Regular Education
Katie Irwin / High School Teacher - Regular Education
John Knopick / Middle School Teacher - Regular Education
Dave London / Administrator
Jeff Long / Administrator
Kelly Martin / Parent
Edward McGinnis / Board Member
Belinda Medsger / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Shellee Miller / High School Teacher - Regular Education
Diann Monosky / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Travis Monroe / Administrator
Erika Olson / Ed Specialist - School Psychologist
Robert Pascuzzo / Board Member
Nancy Pearce / Middle School Teacher - Regular Education
Amy Pepple / Ed Specialist - School Counselor
Nicole Rake / Community Representative
Kathy Ruth / Community Representative
Kate Shaffer / Director of Special Education
Ranee Sikora / Middle School Teacher - Regular Education
Melissa Snyder / Board Member
Lauri Stello / Business Representative
Jessica Stewart / Elementary School Teacher - Regular Education
Alicia Weaver / Parent
Noelle Weaver / Parent
Shari Weber / Parent
Jennifer White / Parent
Keith Wolfe / Administrator
Jessie Zameroski / Ed Specialist - School Psychologist


Core Foundations


Mapping and Alignment

Elementary Education-Primary Level

Standards / Mapping / Alignment
Arts and Humanities / Accomplished / Developing
Career Education and Work / Non Existent / Non Existent
Civics and Government / Accomplished / Accomplished
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Accomplished / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Needs Improvement / Non Existent
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Accomplished / Developing
Economics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Environment and Ecology / Accomplished / Accomplished
Family and Consumer Sciences / Non Existent / Non Existent
Geography / Accomplished / Accomplished
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Accomplished / Accomplished
History / Accomplished / Accomplished
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Accomplished / Accomplished
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Developing / Developing
American School Counselor Association for Students / Non Existent / Non Existent
Early Childhood Education: Infant-Toddler→Second Grade / Non Existent / Non Existent
English Language Proficiency / Developing / Developing
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing

Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":

The focus in the primary grades is on developing the students reading and math skills to the level as required by the PACC standards. The PACC in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects will be addressed as part of this plan.

Elementary Education-Intermediate Level

Standards / Mapping / Alignment
Arts and Humanities / Accomplished / Accomplished
Career Education and Work / Non Existent / Non Existent
Civics and Government / Accomplished / Developing
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Needs Improvement / Non Existent
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Economics / Accomplished / Developing
Environment and Ecology / Accomplished / Developing
Family and Consumer Sciences / Accomplished / Accomplished
Geography / Accomplished / Developing
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Accomplished / Accomplished
History / Accomplished / Developing
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Accomplished / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Non Existent / Non Existent
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Non Existent / Non Existent
American School Counselor Association for Students / Non Existent / Non Existent
English Language Proficiency / Developing / Developing
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing

Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":

The curriculum development efforts by the district will continue to move forward by mapping and aligning the indicated areas listed in the chart above as part of this comprehensive plan.

Middle Level

Standards / Mapping / Alignment
Arts and Humanities / Accomplished / Accomplished
Career Education and Work / Non Existent / Non Existent
Civics and Government / Accomplished / Accomplished
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Needs Improvement / Non Existent
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Economics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Environment and Ecology / Developing / Developing
Family and Consumer Sciences / Accomplished / Accomplished
Geography / Accomplished / Accomplished
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Accomplished / Accomplished
History / Accomplished / Accomplished
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Developing / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Non Existent / Non Existent
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Accomplished / Developing
American School Counselor Association for Students / Non Existent / Non Existent
English Language Proficiency / Developing / Developing
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing
World Language / Developing / Developing

Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":

The curriculum development efforts by the district will continue to move forward by mapping and aligning the indicated areas listed in the chart above as part of this comprehensive plan.

High School Level

Standards / Mapping / Alignment
Arts and Humanities / Accomplished / Accomplished
Career Education and Work / Accomplished / Accomplished
Civics and Government / Accomplished / Accomplished
PA Core Standards: English Language Arts / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects / Developing / Developing
PA Core Standards: Mathematics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Economics / Accomplished / Accomplished
Environment and Ecology / Accomplished / Accomplished
Family and Consumer Sciences / Accomplished / Accomplished
Geography / Non Existent / Non Existent
Health, Safety and Physical Education / Accomplished / Accomplished
History / Developing / Developing
Science and Technology and Engineering Education / Accomplished / Accomplished
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Math / Accomplished / Developing
Alternate Academic Content Standards for Reading / Non Existent / Non Existent
American School Counselor Association for Students / Non Existent / Non Existent
English Language Proficiency / Developing / Developing
Interpersonal Skills / Developing / Developing
School Climate / Developing / Developing
World Language / Developing / Developing

Explanation for standard areas checked "Needs Improvement" or "Non Existent":

The curriculum development efforts by the district will continue to move forward by mapping and aligning the indicated areas listed in the chart above as part of this comprehensive plan.


Elementary Education-Primary Level

·  PA Core Standards: English Language Arts

·  PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects

Elementary Education-Intermediate Level

·  PA Core Standards: English Language Arts

·  PA Core Standards: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects