Resolis Community Council

Results of
‘YOUR VIEWS’ Questionnaire
This questionnaire was sent to the 266 households on the electoral register, 112 questionnaires were returned. This represents 42% of the households in the parish. The number of respondents to each question is listed first. The % results are the % of those that responded to that particular question
Household details

How many in your household fall in each age group?


20-3940-59 60+

Community activities/facilities

Did you attend an event in Resolis Memorial Hall in 2002?


What activities have you attended at the hall?

Resolis Under 5sBowling Club


Craft SaleSummer community day


School activity party
CC meeting, WofRT meetings, NewSchool meetings, School events
Newhall P.S. Christmas party
Community council meetings, bulb planting
Woodland purchase meeting
School concerts at Christmas
Meetings, church led summer activities
School party, CC meeting, public meeting about new school
Senior citizens dinner
Carol orchestra morning, Kirkmichael trust, wood of brae public discussions
Senior citizens Christmas party
WofRT and CC
Senior citizens party
Senior citizens party
Keep fit
Senior citizens party
WofRT meetings, CC, Christmas party
Various meetings
Meetings -cc etc
WofRT meetings, school plays and parties, Christmas dance
School events/shows, school football tournament, community meetings - CC, hall, WofRT
Aerobics, private dances
Bingo Whist
Computing course
Senior citizens club
Bridge match
Carol service, School Christmas party, school party
Pensioners party
School parties
OAP Xmas dinner & evening
Community council meetings, bulb planting
School concerts at Christmas
Xmas senior citizens dinner party & entertainment
Holiday club for children - Free church
Youth club
School xmas concert/party
School events

What type of hall activities would you like to see taking place?

Keep fit, Ceildhs to bring people together, Afternoon meetings for OAPs building on Xmas parties
Ceilidhs/trad music
Youth Club, sports activities
After school club
Regular activities for the 60+ people of the community.’ Drop-in café for teens.
trad music concerts. Drawing/painting classes
Badminton, youth club, dances
Theatre/opera/musical. Scottish Opera on the Round
Evening classes
Line dancing, drama
Evening classes - IT, weaving, DIY, Gaelic, fitness
Evening classes/lectures
Whist drive
Activities for young folk, musical evenings, book fair
Wide ranging/inclusive
More social events - dances/discos/bands
Regular ceilidhs with dancing tuition. Children and adult drama groups. Musical evenings - for amateurs to get together. Regular childrens' sports/fun days
Table tennis, keep fit, aerobics - in late evenings/weekends
Keep fit, indoor football
Regular community meetings
Youth club. More events for the whole community - e.g. Resolis community heritage
Keep fit/dancing, community activities
Badminton, concerts, drama, highland festival productions
Talks in winter, ceilidhs/trad dances, evening classes
Youth groups, senior citizens club, Saturday café, family ceilidhs, badminton, yoga
Trad ceilidh dances, car boot sales, evening classes - e.g. - belly dancing, crafts, keep fit, tai chi
Public transport would allow more people to attend. Adult education classes
Table tennis club, line dancing, Scottish dancing club, badminton, youth club
Keep fit, yoga, badminton
All above
More activities for teenagers
Youth actives under adult supervision. Events which have ceased to be held because of vandals, supervision required
Youth activities/club
Under 5's gymnastic sessions
Night school, quiz nights
Friendship group, young people, Badminton club, Talks suited to older people, Burn's supper,
More sporting activities
Could there be an interest in a Horticultural Society in Resolis area
Yoga & keep fit, Regular advertised dances
Keep fit, line dancing
Similar to what you have
Sport events, Football, Badminton
Keep fit, Yoga
Possibly badminton, soft ball sports, volley ball, netball, Youth club
Community class

Would you be happy to see social events taking place in the hall after midnight on Saturday?


Would you like to see an all weather court suitable for tennis/netball/five-aside football at the hall?


Youth activities and facilities

Do you feel that there is adequate social provision in Resolis for young people of: -

0-4yrs YESNO

5-9yrs YESNO

10-14yrs YESNO

15-20yrs YESNO

Do you think that the establishment of a youth club is a good idea?


How many children in your household would want to attend a Youth Club?

8 – 11 12 -16

What other youth activities and facilities would you suggest?

Involvement of professional youth leaders to inaugurate activities and parental involvement in running the youth clubs
Sports activities, upgrade football pitches, all-weather outdoor sports court
Doing up swing park. Smaller steps on play equipment
After school club - homework and play
After school club - homework and play
Somewhere to play guitars and drums without annoying neighbours or parents
Upgrade football pitch - to make it usable for more of the year. Boating, kayaking, windsurfing, rowing, cycling
Sports - investigate funding available
Anything thought by the community to be in the interests of the community
Site for public toilets
Some projects could be beneficial, but only after consultation
Any areas or buildings with a limited market value - but with a justifiable community value.
A community co-op shop would be a good idea - opportunity missed when Jemimaville shop was on the market
Newhall house steadings, Newhall and Cullicudden schools if suitable for affordable housing, wood of brae, land purchase for lowland crofts - to give new/young families a route into agriculture
Extremely well organized or hall damaged
Considering our age this is not an area in which we could make fair comment
Sailing, canoeing hill walking groups
Brownies, Girl Guides, Scouts, Boys brigade, Anchor boys, Saturday club, Film nights, Relaxation, Light heat therapy room, crèche facilities, over 50 club, Yoga, Keep fit, lunch clubs
Go-Karting, Rock climbing wall
Sailing, canoeing
Youth activities can only survive with committed youth leaders There are fewer people willing to commit themselves to this partly because of the form filling & police checks required. Scout Guides, boys and girls brigade are all suffering through lack of adults not lack of facilities


What features do you consider would be useful for the school to offer?

Breakfast Club and after school facilities

A Community Library

An Arts and Crafts room

A Music room

Public Internet access


Other facilities

Mobile library
All weather outside sports court
No access to school while pupils present. Cycle path to school
Renewable energy e.g. windmill solar heating
I’m concerned that a charge would be a barrier for some people
Afternoon activities for the old folk
With showers changing facilities, disabled access, garden, herbal, wild life Artist, IT room
Do not agree with new school will encourage building and spoil area
Would the not the inclusion of these be to the detriment of the local hall
There should be no public access while school in
Swimming pool! Some of us oldies would love to be able to pop down the road instead of having to track elsewhere and having swim restriction
After school club
Courses on art and crafts, internet, aerobics, relaxation and yoga
Not necessary as hall not in full use
Re breakfast club providing it doesn't take place in classrooms or nursery
Swimming pool
Multi use room
Multigym for young and old
After school activities, playing field
Where is the school going to be, this seems to be a fundamental question to the hall. If it is adjacent or nearby there is no need for a school hall the Parish could not support two such [places. The hall is more less the hub, focus of the community at present. How green is this new school going to be building materials.
Conservation area
A bit concerned with balance of the hall. Café on a Saturday
A network of safe paths and cycle tracks for main housing areas, Bike tracks trials and jumps from existing Forestry commission land
Access to the mobile library if not community. Properly designed nursery suitable for the under fives and out door facilities to meet the needs of the under five
Adult education classes
Already a good community library
Was completed and sent to meeting Dec 02
After school activities only
Additional classroom for future expansion of the class roll. Language
But have a decided reservations about use and misuse of Internet
Full account taken of the probable developments /expansions of the community school i.e. generous land area and quality construction
Tooth brushing facilities/sugar free school

Affordable/sheltered housing

Do you feel that there is a need for affordable housing in the Parish? (e.g. through a housing association)


Do you feel that there is a need for sheltered housing for older members of the community?


Do you feel that there is a need for affordable rentable housing?


Other comments

Its wrong that elderly people are uprooted at their age to gain sheltered housing elsewhere
Close to school and hall
Unfortunately present council rules mean sheltered housing be use for members of this particular community
Nowhere for young people to live due to high cost and lack of houses, We require young people in parish. Older members should be able to stay in the parish
If affordable housing is provided it will be bought. Young people should be able to rent so save to buy. Enough small houses in the are already
Having lived in areas where there has been an increase in housing associations/ rented property I have first hand experience of the deterioration of community spirit and of this type of transient population brings. Sadly an increase in vandalism and petty crime goes in hand in hand and the resultant fall in property prices. Unfortunately the elderly normally suffer, as they would gain most from affordable housing. However families moving and staying in nice safe communities is the best way to build and develop a stronger community
Is there a demand,
If you start to build council housing in the borough you will get an influx of undesirables from Alness and Invergordon who would need a shop or pub this will probably necessitate a police station and definitely a sewage treatment plant. Have you checked the water table
I truly don't know
There would be a possibility for Culbokie for sheltered housing for the area, so don't need to move from area.
Possible need for need for local rented housing provided by council or association not privately owned
To keep the dynamic of a local community a greater range of housing is vital
Planning for this type of housing should be easier to get.
Older people generally wish to integrate
Don't know what the existing housing is so can't comment While all of the above would be useful to many new houses would spoil the character of the parish. Affordable housing needs to be near jobs so the next question should be encouraging employment, fish factories and McCann chips for the residents of the new housing
Affordable should not mean poor or bad design. Conversation of old buildings and steadings and old cottages.
Unsure new to area
I don't know if there is a need for housing in the parish or the need to offer people to move into the parish.
We feel that new affordable housing should be rentable. There is a shortage of rentable property in the area and this route also ensures also ensures a stock of rentable houses. The building of a new school enables this to go forward.
Affordable housing idealistic given lack of work and transport. Sheltered housing better in a community with facilities such as shops doctors and library. Easy working distance to public transport
Would like to see the planning restrictions relaxed
No idea
Unaware of rentable requirements
Transport links, local shops etc are needed to make sheltered accommodation viable
The Parish should be kept as a rural area and not built up
Don't know so no opinion
As long as they couldn't be bought by residents
There is a need to encourage more younger families into the area
This is a rural community Perhaps it might be good to target road improvements, drainage, grass cutting in summer, What we do not need considering the state of the roads is more housing. If people need sheltered housing they also need to be able access shops easily, have easy transport to doctor/nurse etc


Does your household have access to a car/s?.


Number of cars/household

One two

Three four

Is a car essential to your needs?


How often is the car available for your use?



How often do you travel to each of the following activities? Please state how many members of your household your answers refer to.

Activity / Never / 1-2 per year / 3-4 per year / 1 per month / 1 per week / 2-3 per week / Nearly every day / Every day / More than once a day
Work / 18 / 0 / 2 / 3 / 7 / 26 / 27 / 56 / 5
School / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 7 / 2 / 26 / 26 / 0
Shopping / 4 / 0 / 3 / 18 / 98 / 14 / 0 / 0 / 0
Major shop / 4 / 53 / 82 / 31 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
Medical appointments / 27 / 54 / 27 / 9 / 2 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0
Hospital visiting / 2 / 7 / 14 / 29 / 62 / 62 / 2 / 0 / 0
Visiting friends & relatives / 3 / 1 / 11 / 19 / 54 / 49 / 7 / 4 / 0
Sports. Social / 0 / 2 / 1 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 4 / 1 / 0

This table needs more analysis as some of the figures include more than one person going shopping or doing other activities together. I also think that nearly every day and every day needs to be joined, as it is obvious that people interpreted this differently.

Please list the locations you usually visit for each activity.

The following are just totals of places listed – any one household may have listed more than one destination in each category.


Inverness – 32

Dingwall – 12

Within Resolis – 14

Cromarty – 4

Culbokie – 3

Fortrose/ Rosemarkie/Avoch/Munlochy – 5

Muir of Ord –2

Invergordon/Alness/Nigg – 7

Aberdeen - 6


Fortrose – 20

Newhall – 6

Cullicudden – 6

Inverness – 6

Culbokie –3

Cromarty – 2

Dingwall – 1

Shopping (few items)

Fortrose – 28

Culbokie – 27

Cromarty – 9

Rosemarkie - 9

Munlochy – 2

Dingwall – 45

Inverness – 12

Alness - 2

Major shopping

Inverness – 74

Dingwall – 46

Perth – 2

Fortrose – 2

Alness - 4

Medical appointments

Cromarty – 44

Fortrose – 38

Raigmore/Inverness – 9

Dingwall – 13

Munlochy - 1

Hospital visiting

Inverness – 65

Dingwall – 4

Invergordon - 1

Visit friends/relatives

Black Isle – 56

Inverness – 27

Dingwall – 3

Plus widespread journeys over the Highlands and Islands, Scotland and England.


Black Isle – 35

Dingwall – 22

Inverness – 26

Evanton/ Alness/ Invergordon - 9

Personal business

Inverness – 34

Dingwall - 20

Black isle - 4


West Coast, Hills, Holidays
Local for meetings & deliveries
Manse Culbokie
Central belt
RosemarkieBeach, Eathie beach, Contin
Culbokie child minder
Vet, Inverness
South & Borders

Does your household ever rely on public transport?


If yes, to what destinations do you travel?

Inverness – 24

Dingwall – 3

Black isle – 3

Plus various locations further afield

Do you find public transport





Good value


Please give destinations that you would find it useful to have public transport to.

Dingwall, Inverness, Avoch, Fortrose
Dingwall, Inverness
At present have to travel to Culbokie to catch bus to Inverness on Saturdays
Inverness, Dingwall
Dingwall, Alness
Inverness, Dingwall
Better service from Jemimaville to Inverness at work times
Too expensive
Dingwall, Inverness
Airport, Inverness station
Dingwall from Cromarty daily A later bus than 5.10pm from Dingwall to Cromarty
Inverness, Dingwall
Affordable bus service to Inverness
Dingwall, Invergordon
Bus to Inverness
Inverness, Dingwall
As above
Smaller more frequent buses traveling small roads with more pick up points Essentially servicing rural areas to Cromarty, Avoch etc possibly to Dingwall would be very helpful
Dingwall, Inv
Dingwall, Inverness, Cromarty, Fortrose
Dingwall, Inverness, Cromarty, Fortrose
More buses to and from Inverness. We only have 6 a day and none match with trains
Inverness, Fortrose, Dingwall
Rosemarkie, Cromarty, Dingwall, Inverness
Alness, Invergordon, & North
Dingwall, Inverness
Inverness, Fortrose, Dingwall
Cromarty, Dingwall, Inverness
Dingwall, more regular to Inverness
Dingwall, Alness
Daily towards Inverness at work times
Dingwall, Inverness

Other comments

Inverness bus is only available from Resolis in school days. From Culbokie in holidays. Why not Resolis in July & August
Would like Cromarty to Inverness bus service to go via Balblair village
Local buses too expensive, which is why we use the car more than e would like
Times of buses to Inverness do not suit majority of people working there can't get there for 9.0am etc
My one trip by bus (Inverness - Smithy was terrifying - smelly, dirty bus, driver was so fast I was afraid someone would be hurt flying out of seat or bus would crash. The fare to Inverness is £9 about double the cost by car. Suggest family tickets
Bus fares are very expensive with comparison to our car. It does not pay us or encourage us to use public transport
Very expensive
Public transport too expensive and too infrequent
All applies to train. Still need car for station and airport
If we didn't have a car we would have to move
More regular buses and cheaper
Using own transport at present but could well find public transport very useful in the future
More rural routes required
Public transport is very expensive compared to cities like Dundee, Glasgow
Far too expensive to consider bus use for families. Need to have the equivalent of a railcard system
Very little time available to make arrangements to reach public transport. However after retirement I would hope to use it more frequently
A bit expensive but understand why
The price for a return ticket to Inverness is far too expensive. Could do with bus for Cromarty in afternoon
Use own transport but could need public transport in future
The bus service on the Back Isle is virtually unusable if you don't live in a main village
Sunday buses needed to Inverness for people who work, shop on Sundays
Visiting too numerous and various to log
Relates to trains bus links less so
Connections between Black Isle communities would be useful, A community transport programme would be valuable to local clubs etc
The cost of the buses together with convenience of using a car makes he bus service less attractive. The infrequency of the existing service make using it inconvenient
Never use public transport
Evening buses a big help, the more the better
Unable to use public transport
Living 2 miles from transport route makes the difference to not using bus
Evening us service does not allow those beyond Rosemarkie to us the bus to attend the cinema or theatre in Inverness
Do not use local public transport
To be able to make suitable connections with major cities whether by road bus rail plane
Due to irregular services only used occasionally


How important are well-maintained roads to you?