Wild Ones Natural Landscapers, Ltd
Governance Principles
(Adopted November 12, 2011)
These Governance Principleswere developed to provide clarity in four areas:
- Legal Compliance and Public Disclosure
- The National Board of Directors of the Wild Ones Natural Landscapers, Ltd governson behalf of its constituents.Record of the organization’sactions will be accessible to its constituent members.
- Governance procedures established to govern the organization are in accordance with its bylaws.
- The Board seeks to follow good governance for nonprofit organizations, includingestablishing clear and public governance procedures, a conflict of interest policy,financial restraints, and fund-raising guidelines. The Board will comply with applicable IRS rules.
- Wild Ones will providedocumentation of policies and practices for the reference of not only Board members, but also of Wild Ones members, chapters, and the public.
- Strong Financial Oversight and Fund Raising
- All Board members need to fully understand the financial statements and budgeting process. Members should see the completed annual IRS 990 form and call for a periodic audit or review of the books.
- It is important that the Board of Directors, as a body and as individuals, take a strong role in raising funds for the organization.
- Structure for Effective Governance and Leadership
- The Board of Directors provides leadership by adopting the mission, vision,long-termplans, andprogram goals for the Wild Ones organization.
- The Board of Directors’ duty is to provide oversight of the administration of goals, policies and programs by setting up a process of periodic review and evaluation.
- The Board requires the Executive Director and staff to carry out the organization’s goals and policies; at year-end,the Board will conduct a review to ensure that the goals were met.
- The Board will provide an orientation to new Board members. The Board will also adopt methods to assess its own performance.
- Definition of Roles and ResponsibilitiesWithin the Wild Ones Organization
- The Board will establish committees toserve Board functions. These committees doresearch, compose documents,and recommend Board action.
- The Board of Directors contracts for the services of the Executive Director who acts as Administrator. In the eventuality that the Board may directly hire an Executive Director, a job description and evaluation process will be established.
- The Board of Directorsis in a partnerrelationship with the Executive Director andpromotes effective communication between the Executive Director and Board.
- The National Wild Ones Board will review its relationship to the chapters, clarifying dues structure, legal protections, activity guidelines, restrictions, and organizational support.
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Adopted by the Wild Ones National Board at Q0411 Board Meeting November 12, 2011.