Simulation in Bizagi for BPMS Assignment 2015

Performing Simulation

1.  To open the simulation perspective, click on the “Simulation view” under “Home” in the ribbon.

2.  In the bar below the ribbon, click on ‘Resource Analysis’. See the faq on the website if this bar is empty.

3.  If you select an activity, then you can click on the clock symbol to open the time perspective of an activity.

4.  A pop-up window appears where you can set timing information about the duration of this activity. Note that the simulation engine cannot handle negative values for the duration so make sure the distribution you are selecting can (almost) never become negative.

5.  After having set the time information, we can set the probabilities for choosing a particular branch of a choice. Select a choice and click on the small gear appearing.

6.  The different probabilities can be set using sliders.

7.  Next, the resource information has to be set, i.e., who may do what. In the bar below the ribbon, click on ‘Resource Analysis’. Next, select an activity and click on the icon depicting two persons.

8.  Select who may execute that activity. Note that using the OR construct you can model a kind of role hierarchy.

9.  Finally, select the start event and click on the small gear to specify the arrival process of cases. The arrival interval specifies the interarrival time of cases. The max arrival count specifies the amount of cases.

10.  Next click on the properties to set the simulation properties.

11.  Set the duration of the simulation and the amount of replications (subruns). Make sure the base time unit is set to ‘minutes’. Doing otherwise will give erroneous results when you export to Excel.

12.  Now click on the “what-if analysis” button to start the simulation. Note that by clicking the “Run” button, you can get an animated simulation execution of the process model similar to Arena.

13.  Select the scenario(s) you want to simulate (scenario 1 in this case).

14.  Press “Start” and the following screens appear.

15.  After clicking on “OK”, you get an overview of the results per replication.

16.  Use export to Excel, to be able to compute confidence intervals over the different replications.

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